M-Files Online Mise à jour du 23 août (23.8.12892.x)
Version dans le Cloud le 20 août 2023. Version pour les téléchargements et les mises à jour automatiques le 23 août 2023
Amélioration : Commande « Basculer vers Classic Web » supprimée de M-Files Web
ID : 73854
Description : La commande « Basculer vers Classic Web » n’est plus disponible dans le menu utilisateur de M-Files Web.
Amélioration : bouton Copier dans le Presse-papiers ajouté aux piles d’erreurs
ID : V-80490, 144710
Description : Un bouton Copier dans le Presse-papiers a été ajouté à de nombreuses piles d’erreurs. Le bouton permet de copier plus facilement les informations d’erreur dans le presse-papiers et de les envoyer pour une analyse plus approfondie, par exemple, au support client de M-Files.
Amélioration : Affichage plus facile des info-bulles pour les éléments épinglés
ID : 167485
Description : Dans M-Files Desktop, il est désormais plus facile d’afficher l’info-bulle d’un élément épinglé. La zone de survol de l’info-bulle à afficher est désormais plus large qu’auparavant.
Amélioration : amélioration des performances de la validation locale des configurations dans M-Files Admin
ID : 161076
Description : les problèmes de validation locale dans les configurations sont désormais signalés beaucoup plus rapidement qu’auparavant dans M-Files Admin.
Amélioration : restriction de longueur pour le nom des éléments épinglés
ID : V-80488, 162962
Description : vous ne pouvez plus donner aux éléments épinglés un nom de plus de 100 caractères. Les éléments épinglés dont le nom dépasse actuellement 100 caractères ne seront pas modifiés.
Amélioration : lien pour afficher les informations sur le panneau de recherche des utilisateurs M-Files affiché dans M-Files Desktop
ID : V-77250
Description : les utilisateurs sont désormais informés du panneau de recherche des utilisateurs M-Files lorsqu’ils ouvrent M-Files Desktop. Vous pouvez démarrer avec le panneau de recherche d’utilisateurs M-Files également avec le menu utilisateur dans M-Files Desktop et avec l’icône M-Files dans la zone de notification Windows.
Amélioration : Les zones de métadonnées et d’aperçu peuvent être redimensionnées
ID : 73830
Description : Vous pouvez désormais modifier la taille des zones de métadonnées et d’aperçu séparément dans M-Files Desktop.
Amélioration : Nouvelle valeur pour le paramètre « Onglet par défaut pour l’objet » dans M-Files Desktop
ID : 80568
Description : Une nouvelle valeur « Métadonnées et aperçu » est ajoutée au paramètre utilisateur existant « Onglet par défaut pour l’objet » dans M-Files Desktop. Lorsque cette option est sélectionnée, les métadonnées et l’aperçu sont affichés par défaut pour l’objet sélectionné.
Amélioration : Activité d’objet affichée dans M-Files Web
ID : 49056
Description : Vous pouvez désormais afficher les activités liées aux objets dans un flux d’activité dans M-Files Web. Les commentaires, les modifications de métadonnées et les modifications de fichiers sont répertoriées dans la section Activité, que vous pouvez ouvrir à partir de la fiche de métadonnées de l’objet.
Amélioration : Ouvrir le menu contextuel pour les éléments épinglés avec un clic droit dans M-Files Desktop
ID : V-62482
Description : Dans M-Files Desktop, vous pouvez désormais ouvrir le menu contextuel pour un élément épinglé avec un clic droit. Le menu n’était auparavant accessible qu’avec le menu à trois points.
Amélioration : L’état côte à côte reste utilisé après une recherche dans M-Files Desktop
ID : 75181
Description : Les métadonnées côte à côte et les onglets d’aperçu restent désormais visibles dans M-Files Desktop après qu’un utilisateur a effectué une recherche et sélectionne un objet dans les résultats. Le paramètre « Onglet par défaut pour l’objet » doit être défini sur Sélection automatique.
Amélioration : les paramètres d’optimisation du coffre sont passés du niveau du serveur au niveau du coffre dans M-Files Admin
ID : 65693
Description : les paramètres d’optimisation du coffre ont été déplacés du niveau du serveur au niveau du coffre dans M-Files Admin. Les administrateurs de coffre-fort peuvent désormais configurer les paramètres d’optimisation de coffre-fort dans le cloud.
Amélioration : Avertissement affiché lorsqu’un objet est créé avec le modèle « Autre extension de fichier »
ID : V-80495, 163546
Description : Un avertissement s’affiche désormais lorsqu’un utilisateur crée un document dans M-Files Desktop avec le modèle « Autre extension de fichier ». L’avertissement permet à l’utilisateur de savoir que les fichiers avec certaines extensions ne fonctionnent pas correctement.
Défaut : La boîte de dialogue d’authentification ne répond pas aux clics dans Windows 11
ID : 166160, 165570
Symptôme : Lorsqu’un utilisateur se connecte à M-Files Desktop avec l’authentification fédérée dans Windows 11, la boîte de dialogue d’authentification ne répond pas aux clics de souris ou de clavier. Comme autre symptôme, si la boîte de dialogue d’authentification fédérée est ouverte pendant plusieurs minutes lors de la connexion, M-Files Desktop ne se charge pas correctement. Ainsi, l’utilisateur doit le redémarrer.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : plantage d’Autodesk Civil 3D
ID : 167761
Symptôme : Autodesk Civil 3D se bloque lorsqu’un utilisateur crée un nouveau jeu de feuilles.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : calendrier pour la propriété de date coupé sur la fiche de métadonnées
ID : 167365
Symptôme : une fiche de métadonnées a une longue liste de propriétés et une propriété de date comme l’une des dernières propriétés proches du bord de la fiche de métadonnées. Lorsqu’un utilisateur ouvre le calendrier pour sélectionner la date, la partie inférieure du calendrier est coupée.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Impossible d’ouvrir le lien dans le Web classique
ID : 167415
Symptôme : Dans le Web M-Files classique, lorsqu’un utilisateur clique sur un lien vers un document dont le nom de fichier contient des caractères spéciaux, l’opération échoue avec le message d’erreur : « La ressource que vous êtes recherche a été supprimé, a changé de nom ou est temporairement indisponible ». En effet, le client Web classique encode deux fois les caractères d’échappement.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : impossible d’ouvrir le dossier virtuel épinglé renommé
ID : 167179
Symptôme : dans M-Files Desktop, après qu’un utilisateur a renommé un dossier virtuel épinglé, il n’est plus possible d’ouvrir le dossier à partir de l’onglet Épinglé. Il est nécessaire d’épingler à nouveau le dossier.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Impossible d’enregistrer l’e-mail dans M-Files
ID : 165995
Symptôme : Lorsqu’un utilisateur glisse et dépose un e-mail dans M-Files, l’opération échoue avec ce message d’erreur : « La création d’un nouvel objet échoue. Votre requête de recherche donne trop de résultats. Utilisez des mots plus précis dans votre requête de recherche.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : classe non affichée dans les notifications
ID : 167114
Symptôme : dans l’éditeur d’espace réservé de la configuration des modèles de notification, un administrateur a ajouté une valeur de propriété à un espace réservé. Si la propriété (par exemple, la classe) n’a pas d’alias, M-Files utilise le GUID comme référence dans la chaîne JSON. Toutefois, lorsqu’une notification est générée, le GUID ne peut pas être utilisé pour obtenir la valeur de la propriété. Ainsi, cette information est absente de la notification.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : le curseur se transforme parfois en icône de « chargement »
ID : 166950
Symptôme : le curseur se transforme parfois en icône de chargement (sablier) lorsqu’il survole la partie supérieure ou inférieure de la fenêtre M-Files Desktop.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Explorer.exe se bloque après le message d’erreur M-Files
ID : 167217
Symptôme : Une modification ou un problème avec l’unité de traitement graphique peut amener M-Files Desktop à afficher le message d’erreur « L’instance du périphérique GPU a été suspendue ». Une fois qu’un utilisateur a fermé le message, l’Explorateur Windows se bloque.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Synchronisation de la source de messagerie externe arrêtée
ID : 167041
Symptôme : La synchronisation de la source de messagerie externe n’ignore pas un e-mail défectueux dans la boîte de réception de l’utilisateur. Par conséquent, la synchronisation s’arrête.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : le niveau de regroupement affiche plus de dossiers virtuels que prévu
ID : 167339
Symptôme : si un utilisateur a ajouté un filtre de propriété pour une vue avec des niveaux de regroupement, la vue affiche plus de dossiers que prévu au niveau où le propriétaire de la propriété au niveau parent est X.
Solution : Fixe.
Défaut : l’onglet Accueil n’est pas correctement fermé dans le coffre du Kit de conformité
ID : 166893
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur sélectionne l’onglet Attribué, Récent ou Extrait dans un coffre du Kit de conformité, l’onglet Accueil reste visible.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : diagnostics incomplets fournis dans la gestion des exceptions
ID : 164043
Symptôme : dans de rares cas, il manque aux exceptions les informations de diagnostic nécessaires pour enquêter sur les problèmes.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Licence de fichiers jar inexistants dans les fichiers statiques
ID : 167269
Symptôme : Dans le Web M-Files classique, l’utilisateur peut voir des informations de licence obsolètes.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la page d’accueil du lien affiche « Ouvrir dans Mobile » pour les ordinateurs portables à écran tactile
ID : 166852
Symptôme : Lorsqu’un lien M-Files est ouvert avec un ordinateur portable à écran tactile, la page d’accueil du lien affiche l’option « Ouvrir dans Mobile » au lieu de « Ouvrir dans Bureau ».
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la mise à l’échelle de la zone de liste n’est pas correcte même après le redémarrage de M-Files
ID : 167212
Symptôme : lorsque M-Files Desktop est ouvert sur un moniteur secondaire dans une configuration à plusieurs moniteurs, les éléments de l’interface utilisateur de la zone de liste peuvent être dessinés à la mauvaise taille. Si les paramètres de mise à l’échelle du moniteur diffèrent beaucoup, l’interface utilisateur de M-Files peut sembler déformée.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Délai d’ouverture de M-Files dans les sessions VDI
ID : 167811
Symptôme : Dans certains environnements, la connexion à M-Files Desktop peut parfois prendre un temps considérable (minutes). Cela se produit uniquement lorsque plusieurs utilisateurs se connectent en même temps.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la carte de métadonnées ne fonctionne pas en raison de certaines configurations de carte de métadonnées
ID : 167982
Symptôme : dans le nouveau M-Files Web, lorsqu’une règle de configuration de carte de métadonnées est utilisée pour définir un champ masqué comme première propriété, la carte de métadonnées ne fonctionne pas.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : La notification n’est pas entièrement affichée dans Excel
ID : 167131
Symptôme : Lorsqu’un utilisateur ouvre un fichier Excel en mode lecture seule et modifie le fichier, la notification « Le document n’est pas extrait dans M-Files » ne s’affiche pas entièrement sur certains écrans résolutions.
Solution : Corrigé.
Incident : erreur de référence nulle dans le gestionnaire d’événements
ID : 167148
Symptôme : dans certains cas, le script de gestion d’événements peut afficher une erreur de référence nulle lors de l’enregistrement des modifications de métadonnées.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Les objets sont laissés dans un état non modifiable
ID : 167579
Symptôme : Erreurs « Introuvable » lors de la tentative de modification ou de suppression de certains objets M-Files. Cela se produit uniquement lorsque des conditions très spécifiques sont remplies.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la valeur de la propriété n’est pas effacée si le filtrage de la liste de valeurs est utilisé
ID : 166859
Symptôme : dans M-Files Web classique, un utilisateur sélectionne une valeur dans une propriété basée sur une liste de valeurs à sélection multiple, puis une autre valeur pour une propriété qui utilise déjà valeur ajoutée en tant que filtre. Si l’utilisateur efface la valeur de la première propriété, la deuxième valeur de propriété n’est pas effacée.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la réplication ne fonctionne pas
ID : 167664
Symptôme : la réplication de cloud à cloud échoue avec l’erreur SQL de clé primaire.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Reporting exporte le texte multiligne vers un type de données obsolète
ID : 163109
Symptôme : Lorsque des ensembles de données sont exportés avec M-Files Admin vers une base de données externe, le texte multiligne est exporté vers une colonne du type de données ntext qui est obsolète.
Solution : Corrigé. Le type de données nvarchar est utilisé à la place.
Défaut : La résolution d’un grand nombre de noms d’utilisateurs ou de groupes est lente
ID : 167173
Symptôme : Dans certaines opérations de masse, la résolution des noms d’utilisateurs ou de groupes est sous-optimale et utilise une quantité déraisonnable de ressources dans M-Files Server.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : requête de recherche trop volumineuse en raison de nombreuses conditions ACL
ID : V-73756
Symptôme : une recherche avec de nombreuses conditions ACL entraîne des problèmes de performances.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : problème de sécurité dans M-Files Server
ID : 166444, ID CVE en attente
Symptôme : problème de sécurité découvert en interne dans M-Files Server pouvant entraîner un déni de service.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la règle de configuration de propriété à sélection unique ne fonctionne pas correctement dans le Web classique
ID : 167458
Symptôme : la règle de configuration de carte de métadonnées est utilisée pour afficher une propriété basée sur une liste de valeurs à sélection multiple en tant que propriété à sélection unique. Dans le M-Files Web classique, après qu’un utilisateur a sélectionné une valeur pour la propriété, il peut encore ajouter une valeur de propriété vide.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Fichiers temporaires de l’aperçu du document non effacés du disque
ID : 166251
Symptôme : Si l’extraction de texte échoue pendant la tâche d’arrière-plan « Créer des fichiers pour l’aperçu du document », les fichiers temporaires créés pendant la tâche ne sont pas toujours supprimés du disque. Cela peut entraîner l’épuisement de l’espace disque sur les serveurs Classic Cloud.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Fichiers temporaires d’extraction de texte dtSearch non effacés du disque
ID : 167368
Symptôme : Parfois, lorsque l’extraction de texte brut est annulée en raison d’un délai d’expiration, les fichiers temporaires d’extraction de texte dtSearch ne sont pas supprimés du dossier VaultTemp.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : les vues avec de nombreux niveaux de regroupement n’affichent pas correctement les colonnes dans le nouveau Web
ID : 167424
Symptôme : dans le nouveau M-Files Web, les vues avec de nombreux niveaux de regroupement affichent les colonnes ajoutées dans M-Files Desktop uniquement au dernier niveau de regroupement.
Solution : Corrigé.
M-Files Online Mise à jour du 23 juin Service Release 1 (23.6.12695.4)
Défaut : erreur de validation dans M-Files Administrator à partir d’une règle de configuration de fiche de métadonnées valide.
ID : 167781
Symptôme : une erreur de validation s’affiche dans l’éditeur de configurations de l’administrateur M-Files. Si un certain type de règle est présent, il n’est pas possible d’enregistrer la configuration modifiée.
Solution : Corrigé.
M-Files Online Mise à jour du 23 juin (23.6.12695.3)
Amélioration : Autoriser le déplacement d’un référentiel existant du coffre-fort vers un proxy Ground Link.
ID : 161867
Description : les connexions de référentiel peuvent être déplacées entre le coffre-fort et les proxys Ground Link de connexion, en préservant les index existants et les données gérées.
Amélioration : CK : modification du message d’erreur de prévention d’impression et de téléchargement
ID : 156899
Description : mise à jour du message d’erreur dans le client de bureau en message convivial lors de l’ouverture de fichiers lorsque la prévention d’impression et de téléchargement est activée.
Amélioration : bouton Effacer les filtres de recherche ajouté à l’onglet Filtres
ID : 62945
Description : Ajouter un bouton « Effacer les filtres de recherche » pour effacer tous les filtres sélectionnés dans l’onglet Filtres. Effacer les filtres fera une nouvelle recherche.
Amélioration : Détecter et ignorer les objets/fichiers qui échouent lors de l’indexation
ID : 57453
Description : Détecter et ignorer les objets/fichiers qui échouent lors de l’indexation
Amélioration : capacités étendues pour les administrateurs de coffre pour configurer les propriétés du coffre
ID : 64187
Description : les administrateurs de coffre disposent de nouvelles autorisations et capacités pour configurer les coffres avec M-Files Admin. Avec de nouvelles autorisations, l’utilisateur disposant du contrôle total des droits d’administration du coffre-fort peut désormais voir l’ID unique du coffre-fort et d’autres propriétés, modifier l’icône du coffre-fort ainsi qu’activer les annotations et les annotations.
Amélioration : Centre d’aide M-Files
ID : 76272
Description : Présentation du Centre d’aide M-Files dans M-Files Desktop et Web. Il est disponible à partir de l’icône de point d’interrogation dans le volet supérieur et en tant qu’élément de menu.
Amélioration : afficher uniquement les éléments marqués comme disponibles dans la liste des éléments épinglés en mode hors ligne
ID : 58648
Description : dans M-Files Desktop, les éléments épinglés grisent les éléments en mode hors ligne qui ne sont pas marqués comme disponibles en mode hors ligne.
Amélioration : Capacité de mesure de la satisfaction des utilisateurs pour les clients de bureau et Web
ID : 75166
Description : La capacité de recueillir les commentaires des utilisateurs et de mesurer la satisfaction des utilisateurs dans les clients de bureau et les nouveaux clients Web. Le questionnaire durera environ 4 semaines.
Amélioration : avertissement/erreur dans le journal des événements Windows du serveur si le traitement de la règle de notification prend beaucoup de temps
ID : 167435
Description : un avertissement est consigné dans le journal des événements Windows si le traitement d’une règle de notification prend plus de 10 minutes.
Défaut : l’opération Copy Vault écrase la base de données SQL
ID : 165836, 166925
Symptôme : l’opération Copy Document Vault écrase la base de données SQL. Après l’opération de copie, le nouveau coffre-fort de destination est copié avec succès, mais le coffre-fort source d’origine ne fonctionne pas correctement. Se produit uniquement si le coffre-fort de destination réside sur le même serveur que le coffre-fort d’origine et que le nom de la base de données de destination est défini exactement comme le nom de la base de données source.
Solution : corrigé dans le serveur M-Files. Vérification du nom du serveur/base de données mise en œuvre pour la copie du coffre-fort.
Défaut : Propriétés intégrées non mises à jour lors de la création du document
ID : 166951
Symptôme : Propriétés intégrées non mises à jour lors de la création du document lorsque le document est amené dans M-Files par glisser-déposer. Les métadonnées intégrées sont mises à jour dans CheckIn mais avec Drag & Drop, le CheckIn se produit automatiquement sans mise à jour des métadonnées.
Solution : Corrigé. La mise à jour des métadonnées est désormais incluse lorsque le document est amené dans M-Files par glisser-déposer
Défaut : problème M-Files avec la nouvelle mise à jour de sécurité Microsoft (KB5025221)
ID : 167351
Symptôme : l’explorateur de fichiers ne répond plus lorsqu’un fichier est copié de M-Files vers un dossier réseau.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : les autorisations basées sur les métadonnées ne peuvent pas être activées
ID : 167281
Symptôme : l’activation des autorisations basées sur les métadonnées pour un coffre basé sur MSSQL échoue avec une « erreur non spécifiée ».
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : les fichiers hors ligne peuvent bloquer l’indexation des connexions du connecteur de dossier réseau.
ID : 167138
Symptôme : l’indexation de certains fichiers de référentiel externes entraîne des erreurs avec le message : « Ce fichier n’est actuellement pas disponible pour une utilisation sur cet ordinateur. »
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Complément Salesforce : Crée une duplication dans la vue lors de la modification du champ Objet Salesforce dans
l’ID Salesforce : 165771
Symptôme : La vue est dupliquée lors de la modification du champ Objet Salesforce dans l’interface utilisateur intégrée de Salesforce.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : une erreur non spécifiée se produit lors de l’obtention du contenu du dossier via
l’ID API : 166370
Symptôme : lorsque le journal des actions de l’utilisateur est activé et que la tentative d’obtention du contenu du dossier via l’API affiche une erreur
Solution : corrigé.
Défaut : vNext Home : Les coffres hors ligne sont toujours suggérés, contrairement à MFWA
ID : 167221
Symptôme : Les coffres hors ligne sont affichés dans la liste des coffres de M-Files Web Login.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Web – Transition d’état non conservée lors du basculement entre les classes avec le même flux de travail forcé
ID : 167331
Symptôme : lors du changement de classe d’objet vers une autre avec les deux classes ayant le même flux de travail forcé, au lieu de conserver l’état du flux de travail, il est réinitialisé au premier état de le flux de travail.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : MFLoginService. La configuration d’authentification par défaut ne peut pas être supprimée du nouveau coffre-fort Cloud
ID : 166651
Symptôme : la configuration du service de connexion ne peut pas être supprimée définitivement des coffres-forts New Cloud créés à partir de Gérer. S’il est supprimé, il est rajouté au redémarrage du conteneur. La situation ne se produit que si la configuration a été remplacée par une autre configuration, probablement à dessein.
Solution : Corrigé. La configuration n’est pas rajoutée au redémarrage du conteneur si elle est remplacée par une autre configuration.
Défaut : Condition de déni de service possible dans M-Files Server
ID : 167238, ID CVE en attente
Symptôme : Un déni de service à M-Files Server peut être causé par un utilisateur anonyme.
Solution : Corrigé
Mise à jour du 23 mai de M-Files Online (23.5.12628.4)
Sortie sur le cloud le 21 mai 2023. Sortie pour téléchargements et mises à jour automatiques 24th mai 2023
Taille du téléchargement : 870 Mo (package complet), 460 Mo (ordinateur de bureau uniquement), 480 Mo (outils Desktop & Server)
Amélioration: Amélioration du chemin de navigation dans M-Files Desktop ID : 58740
Description : certaines parties du chemin de navigation dans M-Files Desktop
sont désormais tronquées s’il n’y a pas assez d’espace pour elles.
Amélioration: M-Files Web Companion ne peut être utilisé qu’avec la dernière version ID : 77876
Description : lorsque l’utilisateur clique sur Ouvrir dans l’application de bureau dans M-Files Web et qu’une nouvelle version
de M-Files Web Companion est disponible, l’utilisateur doit mettre à jour l’application. L’utilisateur ne peut pas utiliser l’application avant de l’avoir mise à jour vers la dernière version.
Amélioration: M-Files Web Companion se ferme correctement sur macOS ID : 163532
Description : sous macOS
, M-Files Web Companion se ferme désormais correctement lors du redémarrage de l’appareil, de l’arrêt de l’appareil et de la désinstallation de l’application. Vous pouvez également quitter l’application dans le menu de l’icône d’état.
Amélioration: Opérations de masse pour les utilisateurs du coffre-fort dans M-Files ID d’administrateur
: 93635
Description : vous pouvez désormais modifier ou supprimer de nombreux utilisateurs du coffre-fort à la fois dans M-Files Admin.
Amélioration: La liste des modèles est mise à jour dynamiquement dans M-Files Web ID : 161106
Description : lorsque l’utilisateur crée un nouveau document dans M-Files Web
, la liste des modèles est mise à jour lorsque l’utilisateur modifie les filtres de classe et de touche de recherche.
Défaut: « Filtrer la liste à l’aide de la valeur de la propriété suivante » ne fonctionne pas comme ID attendu
: 164084
Symptôme : le paramètre de définition de propriété « Filtrer la liste à l’aide de la valeur de la propriété suivante » ne fonctionne pas comme prévu. Lorsque le paramètre est activé, la sélection de valeur de propriété dans le client peut contenir des valeurs liées à d’autres propriétés.
Solution : Corrigé. Pour afficher uniquement les valeurs liées à la propriété spécifiée dans le paramètre, activez le paramètre supplémentaire « Afficher uniquement les valeurs filtrées sur la carte de métadonnées ».
Défaut: Une référence circulaire dans la structure de métadonnées peut entraîner la création
de types d’objets ID : 167268
Symptôme : si une modification de la structure des métadonnées peut créer une boucle dans les références ou les relations de métadonnées, M-Files ne permet pas d’effectuer la modification. Actuellement, s’il existe une boucle dans la structure de métadonnées existante, le système de détection peut provoquer à tort que des modifications non liées ne peuvent pas non plus être apportées.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Les vues communes sont affichées différemment dans M-Files Desktop et M-Files Web ID : 167068
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur ajoute des vues communes dans M-Files Desktop, elles ne s’affichent pas correctement dans M-Files Web
. Cela se produit uniquement lorsqu’il y a plus de 100 vues communes dans le coffre-fort.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: L’identification du type de contenu est sensible à la casse dans M-Files REST API ID : 166634 Symptôme :
l’identification du type de contenu est sensible à la casse dans l’API REST de M-Files
. Les fichiers avec un suffixe de fichier en majuscules ne s’ouvrent pas dans le navigateur.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: ID du problème
de sécurité d’élévation de privilèges : 161636, ID CVE en attente
Symptôme : problème de sécurité d’élévation de privilèges dans M-Files Desktop
Solution : résolu.
Défaut: M-Files Web Companion ne peut pas recevoir d’ID d’accès au serveur : 167115
Symptôme : lors de la configuration de M-Files Web Companion, l’utilisateur ne peut parfois pas donner à l’application l’accès
au serveur M-Files. Ils sont plutôt bloqués dans une fenêtre de navigateur vide.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: M-Files Web Companion n’est pas opérationnel si le client Web par défaut n’est pas défini avec M-Files Admin ID : 167318
Symptôme : M-Files Web Companion ne fonctionne pas correctement si le client Web M-Files par défaut n’est pas défini avec l’assistant de configuration de M-Files Admin
. Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: L’optimisation approfondie du coffre-fort démarrée manuellement ne fonctionne pas correctement avec le mode multiserveur (MSM)
ID : 166870
Symptôme : une optimisation approfondie du coffre-fort démarrée manuellement sur un serveur dans MSM n’entraîne parfois pas la mise hors ligne des autres serveurs du système MSM.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Les paramètres d’affichage communs enregistrés ne fonctionnent pas après la mise à jour de M-Files Desktop : 164539
Symptôme : les paramètres d’affichage communs enregistrés ne peuvent parfois pas être utilisés après la mise à jour
de M-Files Desktop. La mise à jour peut entraîner que l’opération « Réinitialiser les paramètres d’affichage aux paramètres par défaut » utilise toujours les valeurs par défaut du programme au lieu des paramètres communs enregistrés.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Prétraitement de chaîne de recherche utilisé par défaut ID : 166694
Symptôme : La section Advanced Vault Settings dans M-Files Admin affiche Non comme valeur par défaut
pour le paramètre « Search > Enable Search String Preprocessing », mais la valeur effective est Yes.
Solution : Corrigé.
Defect: Show Hidden Properties set to No can cause no properties to be shown in M-Files Web
ID: 167161
Symptom: If the M-Files Web setting Show Hidden Properties is set to No, it can be that M-Files Web does not show property values at all.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Sometimes API stops operating
ID: 165475
Symptom: When an invalid block size is used with the API method DownloadFileInBlocks, the API stops operating.
Solution: Fixed. The API documentation now tells that the maximum block size is 4 MB.
Defect: Sometimes mmc.exe stops operating when a new external mail source is created
ID: 164232
Symptom: Sometimes when the user sets up an external mail source connection to Microsoft Exchange Online from Windows Server 2016, the mmc.exe application stops operating. This happens also if the user edits a remotely created connection.
Solution: You can no longer set up Exchange Online connections with Windows Server 2016. You can do the setup remotely with a supported Windows operating system.
Defect: Sometimes users are automatically moved to a restored or attached vault
ID: 165125
Symptom: When a vault is taken offline and then a vault backup is restored with a new identity, the vault users are automatically moved to the new vault.
Solution: Fixed. The users must now log in before they can use the new vault.
Defect: VSDX files cannot be previewed in Classic M-Files Web
ID: 166259
Symptom: When the user tries to open a preview for a VSDX file in Classic M-Files, the preview is not shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server requires CLR functionality in SQL Server
ID: 167096
Symptom: Functionality requiring CLR in SQL Server was removed in M-Files release 23.3, but M-Files Server still required CLR to be enabled in SQL server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The Match Case checkbox in the Excel turns on automatically.
ID: 167404
Symptom: The “Match case” checkbox in the Excel’s Find dialogs becomes checked after opening a file from M-Files. Normally the checkbox is not initially checked.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Web – Performance problem with lookup property dropdowns
ID: 166749
Symptom: Under certain conditions, the lookup property dropdowns can take a long to open and the values to populate.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Apr ’23 Update (23.4.12528.8)
Release to Cloud 16th Apr 2023. Release for downloads and to auto-updates 19th Apr 2023
Download size: 885 Mb (Full Package), 475 Mb (Desktop Only), 490 Mb (Desktop & Server tools)
Improvement: Drag and drop items to Pinned in M-Files Desktop
ID: 60501
Description: In M-Files Desktop, you can now drag and drop items to the Pinned tab to add new items.
Improvement: dtSearch text extraction unified with IDOL and Smart Search searches
ID: 54451
Description: The text extraction process of dtSearch has been unified with IDOL and Smart Search searches. Intelligent Metadata Layer uses the same pipeline for text extraction.
Improvement: Favorites replaced with Pinned in task area of M-Files Desktop
ID: 165810
Description: In the task area of M-Files Desktop, the Favorites shortcut was replaced with a link to the Pinned tab.
Improvement: History icon in the metadata card ribbon in M-Files Desktop
ID: 62690
Description: In M-Files Desktop, you can now open the History dialog with the Show History icon in the metadata card ribbon.
Improvement: Import content summary shows information about metadata card configuration rules
ID: 143922
Description: With manual replication imports, the content summary now shows whether the package contains metadata card configuration rules, and how they will be imported.
Improvement: M-Files server processes can be set to use WinHTTP proxy settings
ID: 166797
Description: Some environments can require that the M-Files server related HTTP or HTTPS communications use a proxy to communicate outside the intranet. Server processes, for example, M-Files Server and M-Files Indexer can now be set to use a proxy with a Windows registry setting. The DWORD setting (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Motive/M-Files//Server/Common/EnableAutomaticProxySettings) can be set to force the HTTP and HTTPS connections to use the system-wide WinHTTP proxy settings. The proxy configuration is done on the Windows system level, and it is used automatically if the EnableAutomaticProxySetting setting has been enabled.
Improvement: Metadata and Preview tabs open simultaneously in M-Files Desktop
ID: V-71828, 164954,165610
Description: You can now open the Metadata and Preview tabs side by side M-Files Desktop. Simply click the tabs to open or close them.
Improvement: New content indicator in M-Files Desktop
ID: 52501
Description: A red dot is now shown on the Assigned and Checked Out tabs in M-Files Desktop when there are new items in the tab.
Improvement: REST API: Filter federated search with SearchIn parameter and use score for sorting by default
ID: 166555
Description: The REST API now filters searches with the search scope based on the Vault Application Framework (VAF) configuration. Additionally, the API sorts by score as default unless explicit property sorting is used.
Improvement: New location for the Additional Conditions button
ID: 72023
Description: In Search options, the Additional Conditions button was sometimes on top of the search mode selection, and you could not then select a search mode. Now you can find the Additional Conditions button below the property search options where it does not hide the search mode selection.
Defect: “Append ID to Exported Files” setting does not operate correctly
ID: 166590
Symptom: The M-Files Desktop setting “Append ID to Exported Files” in Advanced Vault Settings does not operate correctly. IDs are always added to the exported files.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Application configuration in M-Files Admin can be loaded before metadata structure has loaded
ID: 166807
Symptom: An application configuration in M-Files Admin can be loaded before metadata structure has loaded. When the user opens an application’s configuration very quickly, local validation errors and exceptions can be shown for IDs that are not referenced in the configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Built-in views can get incorrectly replaced during content import
ID: 164987
Symptom: Content import can cause a built-in view (for example, Assigned to Me) to be replaced with a user-created view if the views have the same name.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error sometimes now shown when metadata card configuration cannot be saved
ID: 166886
Symptom: Errors about incomplete changes to metadata card configuration are not always shown to the end user. This can cause confusion when recently saved changes are not used and not visible when the configuration in M-Files Admin is refreshed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Event type selection in event log shows error when M-Files Admin is opened on a second monitor
ID: 166217
Symptom: Event type selection in the filtered view of the M-Files Admin event log does not operate correctly when M-Files Admin is opened on a second monitor.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External object type updates not always completed when Multi-Server Mode is used
ID: V-66557, 164738
Symptom: The update of external object types can get stuck when Multi-Server Mode is used. A message about the error situation is recorded to Windows Event Viewer.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Files with duplicate content not added to a multi-file document with copy-paste
ID: 166449
Symptom: In a view with a very long path name, files with duplicate content cannot be copy-pasted to a multi-file document.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Google Workspace applications for M-Files do not use default authentication settings
ID: 165979
Symptom: The Google Workspace applications for M-Files ignore the default authentication settings in the Federated Authentication section of M-Files Admin. Instead, the first authentication configuration in the list is used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing for external repository content does not operate reliably
ID: 164127
Symptom: External repository indexing for search can have delays and slowness and cause unexpected errors and skipping.
Solution: Fixed. Many reliability improvements and fixes were implemented.
Defect: M-Files Admin incorrectly shows a validation warning in LDAP configuration
ID: 166226
Symptom: The configuration editor in M-Files Admin can incorrectly show a validation warning for the Audience setting during LDAP configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata-driven permission calculations take a long time
ID: 166548
Symptom: With certain configuration, the metadata-driven permission calculations in the background operations take a long time, sometimes even hours.
Solution: Fixed. The same calculations now only take a few minutes.
Defect: Refreshing UI in M-Files Desktop causes incorrect results with comma-separated values in search URL
ID: 165318
Symptom: Searches with an M-Files Desktop URL that contains comma-separated property values show correct results, but when the UI is refreshed, incorrect results are shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Restart of M-Files Server causes M-Files Web proxy settings to be lost
ID: 166723
Symptom: Proxy settings for M-Files Web can be lost when the M-Files Server service is restarted.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Searches cannot be completed because of an “object name already existed” error
ID: 153997
Symptom: Searches can sometimes not be completed, but instead an “object name already existed” error is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Security issue in local client
ID: 166132, CVE ID Pending
Symptom: Locally exploitable security issue.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Set value configuration does not always operate correctly with a filename placeholder
ID: 166819
Symptom: An error related to metadata card configuration (MDCC) occurs in this situation: Set value configuration with a %FILENAME% placeholder for a multi-line text field is used, many files are dragged to M-Files, and the user clicks Create All.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Users created in M-Files Manage mixed with deleted users
ID: 166847
Symptom: In certain scenarios, users created in M-Files Manage are mixed with deleted users that have been restored to a vault with content replication.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Verify and repair error after object from an external repository is destroyed
ID: 166586
Symptom: The verify and repair operation can cause this error after objects that are originally from an external repository are destroyed: “Some of the object information in the database is inconsistent.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server could have caused a Denial of Service.
ID: 166225, 166241, 166245, 166249, 166257. 3 CVE IDs Pending
Symptom: Certain user-controlled operations could have allowed Denial of Service on M-Files Server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows Media Player cannot be opened again if closed during video playback
ID: 163639
Symptom: A user opens a media file to Windows Media Player in M-Files Desktop. If they close the player during playback and try to open the same file again, a “server execution failed” error is shown. This also causes the Windows Media Player process to be in the “not responding” state.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Word and Excel files can lose embedded metadata references
ID: 166824, 166829, 165658, 165802, 165634
Symptom: If metadata is temporarily inaccessible, metadata references embedded to Microsoft Word and Excel documents can be lost. This stops metadata synchronization of the file content and embedded metadata references can be shown as errors in the documents.
Solution: Fixed. The errors in the documents are fixed when M-Files Desktop is used to open them in Microsoft Excel or Word, and they are then saved.
Defect: “Refresh the list of object versions visible for users” background task is slow
ID: 167194
Symptom: The “Refresh the list of object versions visible for users” background task, which is triggered when user group members change, takes a long time to complete in some cases.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: A possible buffer overrun when a file is read
ID: 167167
Symptom: A buffer overrun causing heap corruption is possible when reading an encrypted file for download.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: ACL pseudo user propagation is too slow
ID: 167193
Symptom: Calculating and updating the permissions of objects after an indirect metadata change on another object was too slow if the permissions contained a lot of multi-level indirect metadata references. Resolving the actual users and user groups to be used in the permissions of objects was slow in such a case, and if it also resulted in a lot of dependent objects, tracking the dependencies in the vault database was slow as well.
Solution: Fixed. Resolving users and user groups from metadata references is now carried out faster with a single query for multiple objects. Tracking large number of dependencies in the vault database is also faster than before.
Defect: Only part of the search results can be exported
ID: 166237
Symptom: When there is more than one page of search results in M-Files Desktop, only the results on the first page can be exported.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Mar ’23 Update Service Release 2 (23.3.12441.10)
Release for downloads and to auto-updates 31st Mar 2023 – Download size: 868 Mb (Full Package), 456 Mb (Desktop Only), 471 Mb (Desktop & Server tools)
Defect: Must declare the scalar variable “@iRIghts” error when upgrading/creating SQL Server vault
ID: 167136
Symptom: SQL Server vault creation fails with “Must declare the scalar variable @iRIghts. ” -error if SQL Server has been installed to be case sensitive on the server level
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Mar ’23 Update Service Release 1 (23.3.12441.9)
Release for downloads and to auto-updates 29th Mar 2023 – Download size: 868 Mb (Full Package), 456 Mb (Desktop Only), 471 Mb (Desktop & Server tools)
Defect: Empty date values can cause metadata card to not be opened in M-Files Web
ID: 166897
Symptom: During object creation in M-Files Web, metadata card cannot be opened when a placeholder in a metadata card configuration rule refers to a date property without a value.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Invalid Search Condition in object filters due to ACL conditions
ID: 166997
Symptom: Certain views and workflows with ACL filters in MSSQL vaults may result in inability to edit vault objects.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Upgrade of offline vaults can cause database connection to be lost
ID: 166931
Symptom: An incomplete upgrade process of an offline vault can cause the database connection to be lost.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Mar ’23 Update (23.3.12441.6)
Release to Cloud 19th Mar 2023. Release for downloads and to auto-updates with SR1
Improvement: Apply grouping level filter to the list of folders in folder selection
ID: 152466
Description: In a view that that has a grouping level with “Show only subfolders that were recently selected by the user” selected, the user selects the folders to be shown in the Select Folder dialog. The grouping level filter is now applied to the list of available folders.
Improvement: Automatic logout settings available for Vault level configuration
ID: 161561, 83393, 155864
Description: Automatic logout settings can be changed from M-Files Admin configuration. These settings are now in Advanced Vault Settings – Client – Desktop – Automatic logout.
Improvement: Default landing page setting should apply to M-Files logo
ID: 165482, 165819
Description: In M-Files Desktop clicking the M-Files logo in Top Panel opens now the default landing page. If the default landing page is not defined, or it is not available (e.g., in Offline mode), ‘All’ page is opened.
Improvement: Enablement for Advanced Outlook Integration
ID: 55129
Description: These improvements add a new Menu under the Email Client Integration Settings and enable Advanced Outlook Integration to work with M-Files core solution by adding new built-in object types Email and Email Conversation.
Improvement: Ignore vault options by default in attached multi-server mode vault
ID: 153633
Description: In multi-server mode environment, when admins attach a vault that has already been attached to at least one server, the ignore vault options check box is now selected by default.
Improvement: Links to views in web and desktop
ID: 71171, 69478
Description: The new links now support views in M-Files Web and M-Files Desktop.
Improvement: M-Files Web Companion
ID: 39520
Description: M-Files Web Companion enables using the locally installed Windows/Mac applications to edit files together with M-Files Web.
Improvement: Mass operation for “Email already exists in M-Files” in Outlook
ID: 162848
Description: When a user drags and drops emails to an M-Files folder in Microsoft Outlook and the folder already contains imported emails, the user can confirm or ignore as a mass operation.
Improvement: New web to use browser’s preferred language to format numeric values
ID: 71824
Description: The new M-Files Web now uses the browser’s preferred language to format numeric property values.
Improvement: Open M-Files Desktop smoothly
ID: 68216
Description: When M-Files Desktop is opened, occasional flickering is now prevented. Also the performance of loading the user interface was improved.
Improvement: Sharing M-Files document permissions to users or user groups
ID: 45133
Description: Effortless sharing of M-Files documents to collaboration use cases with a new built-in Share object type and additive automatic permissions. This is used for instance by the enhanced Microsoft Teams integration.
Improvement: Support for links without object GUIDs in new web
ID: 66528, 68851
Description: The new M-Files Web now supports links that do not include the object GUID.
Improvement: Vault Admins able to Import unchanged or signed scripts
ID: 62894
Description: As part of replication in multitenant cloud environment, it is now possible for Vault Admins to import scripts which are either unchanged or signed.
Improvement: M-Files Mobile settings for maximum number of items in views and search results
ID: V-38642
Description: Two new mobile-specific settings have been added to the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin (Configuration > Client > Mobile > Listing). The first setting specifies the maximum number of objects that are shown in groups of search results. The second setting specifies the maximum number of items that are shown in views (HTTPS) or objects that are shown in groups under views (gRPC). With gRPC connections, there is also a Show More command in views and search results if the listing contains more items than specified with the settings.
Improvement: Tabs in M-Files Desktop easier to select
ID: 62944
Description: The clickable area of the tabs in M-Files Desktop has been increased. It is now easier to select the tabs (for example, Recent or Pinned).
Defect: Creating parallel IDOL index with same JSON as the original index prevents AVS modifications
ID: 165513
Symptom: In Advanced Vault Settings, copy & paste to index configuration results with duplicate “arrayElementGuid” JSON value will prevent all modifications to AVS from there on.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Slash in property value causes error with M-Files URL
ID: 165974
Symptom: When a user does a search with an M-Files URL that has a property value with the slash character (/), the operation fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Search within this view” checkbox behavior in nested folders
ID: 165721
Symptom: When going into a view and selecting the checkbox “search within this view” checkbox, the checkmark will sometimes stay when navigating down one grouping level and other times it will be unchecked.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “The directory name is invalid” error shown
ID: 166081
Symptom: If a temporary Windows directory has been removed, some M-Files Desktop operations can fail with the error message “The directory name is invalid”.
Solution: Fixed. The temporary directory is created again if it cannot be found.
Defect: “Unable to access index” occurs randomly with dtSearch
ID: 160282
Symptom: Random “Unable to access index” messages with dtSearch
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot edit metadata card configuration rules with custom placeholders
ID: 165831
Symptom: When an admin edits metadata card configuration rules with custom placeholders that do not start with an uppercase letter, an error is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document preview not working correctly with high screen resolution and scaling
ID: 165067, 165951
Symptom: In M-Files Desktop, when a user previews a PDF or image file, the shown content does not always fit in the preview window. This occurs if Windows scaling is set to over 100%.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: End of support for MSSQL 2008
ID: 164872
Symptom: Upgrading vaults with MSSQL 2008 fails partially.
Solution: Fixed. MSSQL 2012 enforced as a minimum requirement.
Defect: Error message with view navigation if the user has many user group memberships
ID: 166501
Symptom: Error message if the view has permission-related content filtering criteria and the user has many user group memberships.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Facet with empty value was not visible in Search filters panel
ID: 166507
Symptom: One facet is not shown with Smart Search but is seen with IDOL. This happened in the count of object for that facet was “empty”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: It is not possible to configure AD user synchronization timings by using Advanced Vault Settings
ID: 164088
Symptom: It is not possible to configure some of the AD user synchronization settings in Advanced Vault Settings. Also, it is not possible to define the time of the first synchronization for a user group after a MFServer start. Some configuration possibilities exist in registry such as UGRefreshSleepingIntervalInMinutes.
Solution: Fixed. The settings such as UGRefreshSleepingIntervalInMinutes that were configurable in registry only, are transferred into Advanced Vault Settings. UGRefreshSleepingIntervalInMinutes is configured by using Sleep Interval setting. Additionally new setting item called Start Time of First Import, is added into AD related Advanced Vault Settings. That allows the defined time for the first synchronization after MFServer start. Refer to the M-Files User guide https://userguide.m-files.com/user-guide/latest/eng/users_in_synchronized_active_directory_groups.html
Defect: Metadata card state transitions sometimes do not display
ID: 165976
Symptom: Sometimes when scrolling to the end of the Metadata card in M-Files Desktop, and trying to open the workflow state property, it does not open.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Office editing in Mobile via MS Office does not work with server-level accounts with multiple vaults
ID: 166258
Symptom: Mobile WOPI usage requires user to authenticate from Office application to M-Files and to be able connect to the one respective Vault. With Vault level login accounts in multi-vault Cloud environments, 1:1 vault connection can be established by using VaultDNSConfig. With server-level login accounts, it was possible to have even more vaults returned which causes unique 1:1 vault connection not to establish and Office login to fail.
Solution: Fixed. In case user has access to multiple vaults, WOPIService reads VaultDNSConfig registry setting and selects correct vault based on the DNS name.
Defect: PDF conversion not working
ID: 166224
Symptom: In M-Files Desktop, when a user opens the History dialog and uses the “Convert to PDF (replaces original file)” function for the latest document version, the operation fails with an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview for HTML tags not working as expected in new web
ID: 157571
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, the document preview sometimes reads text files that contain HTML tags as HTML instead of showing the content as plain text.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Recalculation of automatic property fails for promoted object
ID: 159217
Symptom: A property with concatenated value is used for an external repository object. When an admin recalculates the property in M-Files Admin, the operation fails with the error message “M-Files Server required user interaction, but the operation was performed independently without the user”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Classifier training gets stuck
ID: 166085
Symptom: In some vaults, after Smart Classifier configuration, the model training never completes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Search configuration in external repository settings prevented search and indexing
ID: 165871
Symptom: In M-Files Admin, user can select Smart Search as external repository search engine. These search settings are for legacy indexers and Smart Search isn’t supported in legacy index. If user sets Smart Search in this configuration, then indexing will not work correctly.
Solution: Fixed. Smart Search option removed from external repository configurations in M-Admin. Requires also update to latest NFC.
Defect: Smart Search not indexing if registry setting has double backslashes in path definition
ID: 165656
Symptom: If registry setting TempPath is defined, and it has double \ in path defined (e.g. D:\\M-Files\\InstallationFolder) it causes Smart Search not to start indexing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart search with “too big” Indexing error message
ID: 165895
Symptom: Multifile documents with thousands of files makes large record to be sent to Smart Search. That large record prevented indexing the object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Validation fails when changing document name
ID: 165547
Symptom: When a user creates a new document with the M-Files ribbon in Word, a script is run to validate the properties. If the user changes the name of the document before clicking the Create button, the validation fails. The error message “The parameter is incorrect” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Verify&Repair reports errors on “LatestCheckedInVersion” -field
ID: 162170
Symptom: Verify&Repair reports errors on “LatestCheckedInVersion” field having an incorrect version number. Issue occurring if there is already an unresolved conflict in the target vault and new replication conflict occurs upon this conflict.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files REST API
ID: 164201, 163483
Symptom: Vulnerability in M-Files REST API can compromise data security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Warnings produced in Windows event log when using SCIM
ID: 166498
Symptom: SCIM usage produces warnings to Windows event log about the use of XML metadata.
Solution: Fixed. The built-in SCIM configuration uses XML metadata, but obsolete warnings are no longer produced.
Defect: “Use as Default Web Client” does not operate correctly
ID: 166906
Symptom: The M-Files Web setup in M-Files Admin can cause the new M-Files Web to incorrectly become the default client instead of the classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Tabs in the bottom pane of M-Files Desktop do not operate correctly
ID: 166813
Symptom: Some applications shown in the bottom pane of M-Files Desktop can have tabs. When the tabs are clicked, nothing happens.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Feb ’23 Update (23.2.12340.6)
Release to Cloud 19th Feb 2023. Release for downloads and to auto-updates 22th Feb 2023
Improvement: Default view setting for M-Files event log
ID: 58035
Description: You can now set one of your saved view filters as the default view of the M-Files event log.
Improvement: Group title of pinned items truncated
ID: 62112
Description: On the Pinned tab of M-Files Desktop, long group names are now shortened to make sure that the number of pinned items is always shown.
Improvement: Simultaneous refresh operations of external object types on different servers prevented
ID: 56195
Description: Improvement for Multi-Server Mode: Simultaneous refresh operations of external object types on different servers are now prevented. The refresh operation is started when the user selects the Refresh Now command for an external object type in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Terminology clarified for the M-Files event log
ID: 165167
Description: Many clarifications have been made to the terminology used in the Event Log section of M-Files Admin.
Defect: BeforeCreateNewValueListItem and AfterCreateNewValueListItem events not triggered
ID: 165525
Symptom: The BeforeCreateNewValueListItem and AfterCreateNewValueListItem events do not operate correctly with value lists that use a legacy connection to a SQL database. Any related event handlers are not used either.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Case sensitivity of REST API URL causes data fetch problems in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 165784, 166096
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, the case sensitivity of the REST API URL causes that data cannot be fetched.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Compliance Kit Log Exporter does not export object titles correctly
ID: 165523, 165929
Symptom: The Log Exporter module of M-Files Compliance Kit does not export object titles correctly with certain M-Files Server versions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Content import can cause the “Ready file deletion from BLOB storage failed” error
ID: 161477
Symptom: In some situations, content import cannot be completed, and the process causes the “Ready file deletion from BLOB storage failed” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Display mode changes do not operate correctly between tabs in M-Files Desktop
ID: 165850
Symptom: In M-Files Desktop, if the user changes the display mode in one tab, the Name column can become very narrow in another tab.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Large multi-file documents can cause Smart Search indexing to stop
ID: 165971
Symptom: A large number of files in a multi-file document can sometimes cause Smart Search to stop indexing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Large number of group memberships can cause search requests to not be completed
ID: 166200
Symptom: Group membership data can cause the construction of search requests to slow down and eventually time out.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files can unnecessarily change pagination of Word documents
ID: 165538
Symptom: When a user opens a Word document in M-Files, the pagination of the document is sometimes changed. Parts of the content can be moved to next page, which unnecessarily creates a new page.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files OLE DB External Object Type Connector can add extra spaces to non-Unicode column data
ID: 165603
Symptom: M-Files OLE DB External Object Type Connector can cause extra spaces to be added to the end of text-based property values that are mapped to non-Unicode database columns. This can happen especially with concatenation in automatic property values.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card can be noticeably slow with very large databases
ID: 165560
Symptom: Opening the metadata card in M-Files Desktop can operate very slowly when the database contains tens of thousands of records.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: More than one INSERT statements in OLEDB EOT connector’s configuration cause problems
ID: 165557
Symptom: More than one INSERT statements used in the INSERT INTO setting of M-Files OLE DB External Object Type Connector cause the database operation to fail.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PDF conversion does not convert TIFs correctly
ID: 164534
Symptom: The PDF conversion in M-Files does not correctly process TIF images with multiple pages.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Pinned tab can show specific object version instead of the latest one
ID: 165964
Symptom: Objects that were pinned in M-Files Desktop before M-Files November ’22 Update can, in newer M-Files versions, refer to a specific version instead of the latest object version.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Recurring Office for the web errors recorded to event log in classic M-Files Cloud environments
ID: 165901
Symptom: In classic M-Files Cloud environments, recurring errors related to Microsoft Office for the web can be repeatedly and unnecessarily recorded to the server’s event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The new M-Files Web does not correctly verify check-out state of annotations
ID: 165539
Symptom: Users can edit annotations in the new M-Files Web even when the annotations have been checked out with M-Files Desktop. Because the edited annotations are checked out in M-Files Desktop, they cannot be checked in with M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Very large number of user groups cannot be viewed in M-Files Admin
ID: 165661
Symptom: M-Files Admin cannot show the list of user groups if there are hundreds of thousands of groups.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: View data exported with M-Files Desktop not always up to date
ID: 165698
Symptom: The view data exported with M-Files Desktop sometimes does not contain the latest changes.
Solution: Fixed. M-Files Desktop now checks for updates from the server right before the data export.
Defect: ACLPseudoUserPropagation task is slow
ID: 166533
Symptom: With certain vault structure, the ACLPseudoUserPropagation task can take several hours.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Background task queue stuck because of deadlock in M-Files Server
ID: 166064, 166436
Symptom: Sometimes normal error handling causes M-Files Server to go to a state that has unwanted effects, such as the background task queue getting stuck. A server reboot is necessary to get M-Files Server out of that state.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document preview not working in new web
ID: 166400
Symptom: When the new M-Files web is hosted as a sub-website under another website, the document preview does not work.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Verify and Repair gets stuck
ID: 166222
Symptom: The Verify and Repair operation sometimes gets stuck in step 11 in a Firebird vault.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Jan ’23 Update (23.1.12196.5)
Release to Cloud 15th Jan 2023. Release for downloads and to auto-updates 18th Jan 2023
Improvement: Smart Search language analysis enhancement
ID: 56984
Description: The Smart Search analysis now supports ignoring plurals and removing stop words and decompounded words also in other languages than English.
Improvement: End of Life for M-Files 2018
ID: 57427
Description: Consistent with M-Files Lifecycle Policy available at www.m-files.com/lifecycle-policy, the M-Files 2018 version has reached its End of Life (see https://www.m-files.com/customers/m-files-2018-release-notes/). Starting from January ’23 Update, only M-Files Online updates are available, and M-Files 2018 installations are updated to M-Files Online. This is done through the automatic updates from the default automatic update server or downloading the M-Files Online installer package from our website. When updating an M-Files 2018 installation to M-Files Online, the automatic installation of the received updates will be kept disabled unless it was already enabled.
Improvement: Database optimization enhancement with Smart Search
ID: 66996
Description: The Smart Search custom relevance ranking criterion was changed so that it does not use static score. This makes the database optimization operation to run faster.
Improvement: Disable three dot menu operations in Pinned tab when offline
ID: 58649
Description: On the Pinned tab, some options in the three dot menu of items cannot be used in the offline mode. These are now grayed out or hidden when M-Files Desktop is in the offline mode.
Improvement: Listing arrows update
ID: 66409
Description: The arrow icons in the M-Files Desktop listing area were updated. These include the arrows to expand and collapse groups and objects. Also the arrows next to the property group headers on the metadata card were updated accordingly.
Improvement: OAuth-based external mail sources can create duplicate objects if processing is canceled
ID: 162501
Description: Message handling was improved in OAuth-based external mail sources to avoid object duplicates in processing cancelations.
Defect: Check-in dialog in logout out does not save changes in classic web
ID: 164115
Symptom: In the classic web, when a user logs out and the user has a document checked out, the check-in dialog is shown. If the user selects to check in the document, the changes are not saved. This occurs with the M-Files for Chrome extension.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Date format mismatch with federated search in classic web
ID: 165587
Symptom: When Salesforce federated search is used in the classic M-Files Web, the date returned in search results is not compatible with the RFC-822 format that the Salesforce field “pubDate” requires. For example, “Sat, 07 Sep 2002 0:00:01 GMT”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error during vault optimization
ID: 164895
Symptom: The vault optimization operation tries to compress a Smart Search index. This leads to error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Expired token for authentication with M-Files Add-in for Teams
ID: 164562
Symptom: When M-Files Add-in for Teams is used, the Teams desktop application passes expired token information to M-Files Server. If the token is expired, it is not renewed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Filename placeholder works incorrectly when adding many files to M-Files
ID: 154048
Symptom: The vault uses a metadata card configuration rule that sets the dynamic value %FILENAME% for a property. When a user drags many files to M-Files and the rule is triggered, clicking Create All makes M-Files to set the original file name of the last file for all the objects.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Forgot Your Password link not visible in classic web
ID: 165657
Symptom: The Forgot Your Password link is not visible in the classic M-Files Web login page.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: From property does not auto-fill when forwarded email is dragged to M-Files
ID: 164931
Symptom: If forwarded email message is dragged and dropped to M-Files, the Email from property configured in the email client integration settings remains empty. If the save feature from the Outlook ribbon is used, auto-fill works as expected.
Solution: Fixed. Requires that M-Files has connection to Microsoft Exchange server.
Defect: Installing or updating M-Files fails if http_proxy environment variable is set
ID: 161712
Symptom: When a user tries to install or update M-Files, the installation fails during server activation. This occurs because local gRPC connections do not work if M-Files is installed and http_proxy or grpc_proxy environment variable is set to point to an external proxy.
Solution: Fixed. The http_proxy and grpc_proxy environment variables are ignored for all local gRPC connections.
Defect: Issue with loading UI extensibility applications in classic web
ID: 165297
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, all the UI extensibility applications are loaded asynchronously. This means that the internal and external applications are started in parallel. When many UI extensibility applications are loaded in a vault, metadata card can be loaded at the end. This can cause unwanted effects in the behavior of metadata card and other core M-Files Web functionalities.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Issues with M-Files Web based add-ins in proxy setup
ID: 165943
Symptom: In a proxy-application server environment, M-Files Web based add-ins do not work because of CORS issues.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Client crashes when view refreshed
ID: 164361
Symptom: If a view is grouped by first letter and there is an empty grouping, refreshing the view crashes M-Files Client. An empty grouping can be shown if the view has objects with a leading space in their name.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Desktop not correctly opened
ID: 165462
Symptom: When a user opens the renewed M-Files Desktop user interface for the first time, the “Not Found” error message is in some rare cases shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Notification can contain too long lines
ID: 165309
Symptom: If a notification email contains links for more than one object, a link line can have more than 998 characters which is the line length limit specified in RFC 5322.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Notification emails for import and export jobs not sent
ID: 164599
Symptom: Notification emails for import and export jobs are not sent unless recipient address is defined in the “Name <Email>” format in settings.
Solution: Fixed. A plain email address without further formatting is now accepted as well.
Defect: Pinned related object not shown in Pinned tab
ID: 164322
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, when a user expands an object and pins a related object, the pinned object is not immediately shown in the Pinned tab. The user must refresh the page to make the object visible.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: String identified as integer because of whitespace removal
ID: 165807
Symptom: A string that starts with a whitespace is identified as an integer. For example, ” 12″. This happens because M-Files removes the leading whitespace.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Workflow state action prevents replication
ID: 165315
Symptom: When an admin tries to export a structure where some workflow state has the “Read the time value from the state transition” option selected in the Set properties action, the operation fails. Content Replication and Archiving shows the “Not implemented” error message.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Dec ’22 Update (22.12.12140.4)
Release to Cloud 18th Dec 2022. Release for downloads and to auto-updates 20th Dec 2022
Improvement: Links
ID: 59383
Description: With this improvement, M-Files users have an easy way to copy a link to an object. This link can be pasted to different applications and the same link can be clicked on every device.
Now, there is only one link instead of different links for Desktop, Web, or Mobile. This link will open the object in the preferred M-Files client.
Improvement: New Discovery version
ID: 52888
Description: Discovery has now the ability to set properties on objects even if it results in required properties being empty. This behavior is opt-in only and the admin must allow it as part of the Advanced Vault Settings as well as for the Discovery scenario. Furthermore, Discovery has been updated to use the new VAF task manager with improved performance and reliability. Discovery has also been improved for scenario with multiple simultaneous repositories. The Discovery dashboard has been improved with similar look as to Smart Migration. Finally, Discovery is now able to notify the admin if vault apps are out-of-date.
Improvement: Added configuration to change data export samples from UTC to local time
ID: 164357
Description: MFAdmin / AVS / Reporting and Data Export entry provides now configuration option to select either UTC or server local time for history data samples.
Improvement: Configure list of blank templates in new document dialog
ID: 161418
Description: List of extensions for blank templates on new document dialog is configurable in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Extended language support in Word to PDF conversions
ID: 164393
Description: Extended language support in Word to PDF conversions in order to correctly render the glyphs of text. A new AVS setting is introduced in PDF Conversion > Word Files > Extended Language Support.
Improvement: Redesigned Date selection
ID: 66905
Description: Datepicker component used in Date properties in M-Files Desktop is now using more distinguishable colors.
Defect: “Aliases” field looked disabled in M-Files Admin even when not disabled
ID: 164997
Symptom: In M-Files Admin application’s “Data Set Properties” dialog, the “Aliases” field looked disabled on the Advanced tab, even when it was not disabled.
Solution: Fixed. Now the dialog has black text in the aliases field, instead of grayed, when not disabled.
Defect: “Show More” needed to click twice from Object type (Filters tab)
ID: 164230
Symptom: Object type category’s “Show more” button must be clicked twice when focus is moved out of the search text field by clicking the “Show more” button.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: An object having a multi-select lookup property may cause serious locking in the database
ID: 165086
Symptom: A multi-select lookup property with thousands of selected values may cause table locking in the database when updated. This causes performance issues.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Classic web: Possible to select value outside of property
ID: 163295
Symptom: In classic web, it was possible to save the value outside of the property by copy-pasting a value into a multi selection look up.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Classic web: Select multiple value list values with Ctrl -key not working
ID: 164983
Symptom: In web, user unable to select multiple values from a multi selection list using Ctrl / Shift keys.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Classic: fonts not rendered in PDF Preview
ID: 164742
Symptom: PDF Viewer type setting for classic web could not be updated via Advance Vault Settings. The Viewer type is always read from windows registry.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Comment field is shrunk when editing is started
ID: 164463
Symptom: When entering a multi-line comment text, the text input field remains very small. It should be expanding while new lines are added into the comment text field.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Download does not operate correctly with M-Files for Chrome in the new M-Files Cloud
ID: 165258
Symptom: In the Azure Service Fabric based M-Files Cloud, downloads with the M-Files for Chrome extension do not operate correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Facing CORS issue with vNext based on Add-ins in Classic Cloud with massive Vaults
ID: 165675
Symptom: Facing CORS issue with vNext based on Add-ins in Classic Cloud with massive Vaults. REST API based integrations are failing to connect to vaults.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: If replication export fails, it is hard to understand what is wrong
ID: 161582
Symptom: If replication export failed, it was hard to understand what is wrong
Solution: Fixed. More detailed error messages now available for replication
Defect: Incorrect translations in the Dutch version of M-Files Admin
ID: 164944
Symptom: Two buttons in the Dutch version of M-Files Admin are incorrectly in Spanish.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Insecure way of passing a download key fixed in M-Files Web.
ID: 164237, CVE ID Number Pending
Symptom: Download key for a file in a vault was passed in an insecure way that could easily be logged.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Installation fails when ADDLOCAL is used and value does not include ‘Support’
ID: 165073
Symptom: Installation fails, when ADDLOCAL command line argument is used with cvpro or client-only installer.
Solution: Fixed. Installation ensures, that the required Support feature is installed even if it is missing from the ADDLOCAL feature list.
Defect: It is possible to create a new personal view with an existing view name
ID: 165178
Symptom: It is possible to create personal views having the same name than existing views or folders. In some cases, this could break the desktop navigation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: MFServer crash in vault restore
ID: 164837
Symptom: MFServer crashes in vault restore if vault apps and external indices are enabled AND if vault apps trigger searches immediately upon startup (e.g. CK).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Opening a template in Pinned tab didn’t create an object based on the template
ID: 165298
Symptom: When user tried to open a template object in Pinned tab, the system opened the template object itself even though the desired functionality was to create a new object based on that template.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Outlook Add-In – With two accounts, upon send email, there is only one save dialog
ID: 164792
Symptom: If a user has two or more email accounts in Outlook, copying the sent emails works only for the first account.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Outlook Add-In shows double ambersand
ID: 16914
Symptom: When document vault has ‘&’ in it it shows double in Office Add-In ‘Save to…’ menu. This was done to support Alt+<mnemonic> keyboard shortcuts in older versions of Office applications.
Solution: Fixed. Now the replace for vault names is done only if Office version is older than 2010.
Defect: REST API: Unsuccessful login attempt to M-Files Server in environment with Client Certificate at IIS
ID: 165648
Symptom: Login failed to classic cloud based environment where client certificate configured between IIS and MFServer for M-Files Authentication.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Metadata causes MFAdmin to stop responding in some vaults
ID: 165066
Symptom: In some vaults, visiting the Smart Metadata dashboard in MFAdmin causes MFAdmin to stop responding.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The event log export fails because the object title contains invalid characters.
ID: 165343
Symptom: Exporting event log entries with the Compliance Kit Log Exporter or viewing event log event details fails with the following error: “Unspecified error. (An invalid character was found in text content)”
Solution: Fixed. Filter out the invalid “non-characters” 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF which are illegal in XML.
Defect: The Gantt Application tab is always opening up in the view
ID: 165436
Symptom: Gantt application is always opening up with the renewed desktop, even when it should be minimized.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows11: Alt -menu File -> Close is not doing anything
ID: 164421
Symptom: ‘Close’ menu item in M-Files Desktop In Windows 11 does nothing.
Solution: Fixed by removing the Close menu item. There are other options for closing M-Files desktop.
Defect: Windows11: Alt-menu displacement with 200% scaling
ID: 164420
Symptom: Alt-menu is created a bit wrong place vertically when using 200% scaling settings in Windows 11.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Web
ID: 163512, CVE ID Pending
Symptom: Security vulnerability in M-Files Web. Requires existing authorized access from the attacker and user interaction from the victim.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerable third-party component
ID: 165372. CVE ID CVE-2022-3602, CVE-2022-3786
Symptom: Vulnerable third-party component is included in a rarely used M-Files component. Exploitability of the vulnerable component is unlikely.
Solution: Fixed. Component updated.
M-Files Online Nov ’22 Update Service Release 1 (22.11.12033.9)
Release to Cloud 23th Nov 2022. Release for downloads 23rd Nov 2022 and to auto-updates 28th Nov 2022
Defect: MFServer crashes when forming SQL query for expressing property condition
ID: 165191
Symptom: MFServer crashes in random cases when forming SQL query for expressing property condition
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: REST API: Loading in classic web has error after 22.11 upgrade.
ID: 165633
Symptom: Classic web is loaded with error message and document metadata card is not loaded after 22.11 upgrade
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Nov ’22 Update (22.11.12033.6)
Release to Cloud 20th Nov 2022.
Improvement: New M-Files Desktop
ID: 48733
Description: The updated M-Files Desktop gives users better information layering, less distraction, and enhanced readability. The modern user interface looks cleaner and more approachable, simplifies navigation, and makes it easier for users to find the main controls, and thus to focus on content.
Improvement: Improvements to the user interface of M-Files event log
ID: 58029
Description: The new version of the M-Files event log in M-Files Admin contains many usability improvements. Brings you preview of the saved search values in Event Log filtered views, Event Shown option to cover new filters, Event Log export to indicate disabled event types, Vault Properties/Advanced tab re-arranged, and indication in Event Log viewer if any event type log is disabled.
Improvement: The relevancy ranking of Smart Search can be edited
ID: 54194
Description: Administrators can now make changes to the relevancy ranking of Smart Search.
Improvement: Many improvements to M-Files Smart Migration
ID: 46393
Description: The new version of M-Files Smart Migration contains many improvements. The error handling with reports has been enhanced. The service also lets the administrator know if supporting vault applications are out of date. Finally, the service can change the object’s class even when this causes the metadata to have empty values for required properties.
Improvement: AfterCheckInChangesFinalize uses the latest object version with automatic state transitions
ID: 162823
Description: The AfterCheckInChangesFinalize event handler now uses the latest checked-in object version with automatic workflow state transitions.
Improvement: Azure AD logins can be used for electronic signatures in the new M-Files Web
ID: 163566
Description: Users can make use of their Azure AD credentials with electronic signing in the new M-Files Web. The domain mapping in the Azure AD authentication settings of the vault must be correctly set.
Improvement: Better error messages for M-Files Smart Migration
ID: 47014
Description: The API calls used with M-Files Smart Migration have been improved to show more informative error messages.
Improvement: Better localization support for numbers in the user interface
ID: 57951
Description: Many parts of the M-Files user interface now use the Windows and browser language settings to show numbers correctly.
Improvement: Better performance for the optimization step Recalculate Indexed Words
ID: 164816
Description: The Recalculate Indexed Words step of the Verify and Repair vault operation has been optimized.
Improvement: Control the notifications feature on the vault level
ID: 127306
Description: The new Advanced Vault Settings option “Notifications > Enable Vault Notifications” can be used to control the notifications feature on the vault level. The server-level notification setting must still be enabled for notifications to operate.
Improvement: End users can disable “Not optimal user experience”-notification
ID: 35683
Description: “Not optimal user experience”-notification is shown when a vault has Fast Browsing incompatible application installed. End users can now disable this notification for that vault by selecting “Do not show again” from the notification.
Improvement: Export CSV file includes full path with filenames of the files of the multi-file document
ID: 151958, V-61147
Description: Export CSV file now includes full path with filenames of the files of the multi-file document.
Improvement: Links to existing duplicates
ID: 159909
Description: Duplicate detection now shows a list of clickable links that can be used to open the objects with the duplicate file.
Improvement: New setting under MailSources node in M-Files Admin
ID: 162403, V-58505
Description: In M-Files Admin, the Preserve Temporary Files and Preserve Temporary Files After Failures configuration settings were moved from FileMonitor to MailSources node.
Improvement: Set up M-Files Web and select the default web client in M-Files Admin for the classic M-Files Cloud
ID: 165112
Description: The new and classic M-Files Web can now be set up in M-Files Admin for the classic M-Files Cloud. When both clients are in use, administrators can specify the default client on the server or vault level.
Defect: “Cumulative Number of Indexed Items” information inconsistent when parallel indexers used
ID: 163932
Symptom: The “Cumulative Number of Indexed Items” information can be inconsistent when parallel indexers are used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: A “does not contain (substring)” filter gives an incorrect evaluation
ID: 163335
Symptom: If a value list based property does not have a value and a “does not contain (substring)” filter is used to reference the property, the evaluation result is incorrectly “false”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Drag and drop can set incorrect metadata in the new M-Files Web
ID: 164995
Symptom: When the user can add documents to only one class and they drag and drop a file to the new M-Files Web, metadata is not correctly set.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Erroneous Korean localizations in range facets
ID: 164713
Symptom: Range facets are not correctly localized to Korean.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Excel files with many name variables are slow to save
ID: 164897
Symptom: Excel files with many name variables are slow to save. The issue can cause M-Files to become unresponsive.
Solution: Fixed. To make save operations faster, administrators can now control the removal of unreferred M-Files names with two new registry settings. NameCleaningLimit sets the number of names to be checked and value zero (0) can be used for no limit. A non-zero value in SkipIfLimit causes the name cleaning process to not be done if the name count exceeds the set limit. The actual name cleaning process is also limited. If all unreferred M-Files names are not removed during one operation, the next one removes a new batch.
Defect: Indexers for M-Files Discovery and M-Files Smart Migration can ignore pause commands
ID: 165019
Symptom: Indexers created by M-Files Discovery or M-Files Smart Migration can continue to operate after the services are paused.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing can operate incorrectly with external objects in multi-vault environments
ID: 161242
Symptom: External repository objects can cause indexing to operate incorrectly in environments where at least two independent source vaults are used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Admin has different icons in different contexts
ID: 163949
Symptom: Different icons are shown for M-Files Admin in different contexts.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Desktop soft-locks with Windows 11 2022H2 Update
ID: 165231
Symptom: When opening M-Files desktop to a vault with OAuth authentication in Windows 11 2022 Update (22H2) M-Files Desktop may not start or it may start but not respond to any clicks.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files installation cannot be completed on Windows Server 2012
ID: 164952
Symptom: Installation of M-Files on Windows Server 2012 causes the MSI error 1603.
Solution: Fixed. Added a compatibility DLL from Microsoft to support the old Windows version. M-Files support for Windows Server 2012 ends in October 2023.
Defect: M-Files updates cannot be completed if MS SQL Server is used and case-sensitive collation is enabled
ID: 164785
Symptom: M-Files updates cannot be completed if the server uses Microsoft SQL Server as the database engine and case-sensitive collation is enabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Many parent levels cause child items to not be shown
ID: 163252
Symptom: In hierarchical views, more than one parent-level relationships cause child-level objects to not be shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Properties set to use state transition time can cause vault applications to not operate correctly
ID: 165055
Symptom: If a workflow action uses the time of a state transition to set the value of a property, some vault applications cannot be started.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Save Attachments to M-Files does not operate correctly with attachments that contain extra spaces
ID: 159493
Symptom: In the M-Files Outlook Add-in, the Save Attachments to M-Files command does not sometimes operate correctly. This can occur when the attachments have otherwise the same names but are made different with extra space characters.
Solution: Fixed. The extra space characters are now removed and a running number is added to the end of identical filenames.
Defect: Search result pagination operates incorrectly with MS SQL Server
ID: 164848
Symptom: Search result pagination does not operate correctly with Microsoft SQL Server in M-Files September ’22 Update and later.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Server language can cause vault applications to not process checked out objects correctly
ID: 164476
Symptom: Vault applications that have checked out objects on the M-Files server for background processing sometimes cannot process the items correctly. This can happen if the server language has recently been changed or if different server instances use different languages in multi-server mode.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Single quotation characters causes a vault to stay offline
ID: 164741
Symptom: If a vault has the single quotation mark (‘) in its name, it cannot be brought online.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Temporary files not always deleted correctly when vault brought online
ID: 163620
Symptom: When a vault is brought online, a set of temporary files is deleted during the process. Files that cannot be deleted can cause the rest of the cleanup process to not be completed.
Solution: Fixed. Files that cannot be deleted are skipped and logged to the Windows event log.
Defect: Temporary folders are not removed after email processing
ID: 164296
Symptom: Temporary folders are not removed after External Mail Source messages are processed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The Azure AD synchronization plugin uses most server resources when M-Files Server is restarted
ID: 163251
Symptom: When the M-Files Server service is restarted, the Azure AD synchronization plugin can use most of the server’s resources. This can happen with connections to many vaults that contain Azure AD user groups.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The classic M-Files Web can cause unnecessary “Object reference not set” errors
ID: 165190
Symptom: The classic M-Files Web can cause a large number of “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” errors to be recorded to the Windows event viewer.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The Copy Vault process can cause the copy to be unintentionally used
ID: 164917
Symptom: In certain situations, the Copy Vault process can cause users to unintentionally connect to the copy instead of the original vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Thorough vault optimization incorrectly reports successful completion
ID: 164830
Symptom: The thorough vault optimization process can sometimes report that is has been successfully completed when one or more steps have not been correctly completed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary snapshot isolation errors shown in Windows event viewer
ID: 164832
Symptom: When a vault is brought online, snapshot isolation errors from the UA_REGISTEREDDEVICE table can be unnecessarily recorded to the Windows event viewer.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User groups synchronized from Azure AD are shown as empty in M-Files
ID: 164883
Symptom: Some user groups that are synchronized from Azure Active Directory are shown as empty in M-Files. No errors are shown or recorded to the Windows event viewer. The groups in Azure AD are not changed.
Solution: Fixed. The registry setting PluginSyncLimitForDeletion can be added to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Motive\M-Files\<version>\Server\MFServer”. The value sets the maximum number of group members that can be deleted from a group in M-Files with a command to delete all its members.
Defect: Vault optimization can be slow or get stuck with large vault databases
ID: 161492
Symptom: With large vault databases, the vault optimization step 3 can be very slow or get stuck.
Solution: Fixed. The performance of the operation has been optimized.
Defect: Vault upgrades from 22.8 to 22.9 can be very slow
ID: 164779
Symptom: Vault upgrades from M-Files August ’22 Update to M-Files September ’22 Update can be very slow. This can happen in the new M-Files Cloud if the vaults have a very large EventRecord table.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Issue : Mobile to classic cloud vault error: Unexpected character
ID: 165282
Symptom: When request forwarded through Node Proxy for IIS with “Expect: 100-continue” request header, error is returned with the request. This can cause REST API issues that may affect classic web and mobile access.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Oct ’22 Update (22.10.11903.5)
Release to Cloud 16th Oct 2022. Release to download and auto-updates 19th Oct 2022
Improvement: Authentication with Open ID Connect or OAuth 2.0 to support access tokens in new web
ID: 163926
Description: Added a new UseAccessTokenInWeb setting to the federated Open ID Connect or OAuth 2.0 authentication configuration. If it is enabled, the new M-Files Web uses access tokens instead of ID tokens for authentication.
Improvement: Indexing improvements
ID: F47222
Description: Indexing was enhanced so that metadata and file data are indexed more frequently if there are normal changes to objects.
Improvement: Set up both versions of M-Files Web and select the default web client in M-Files Admin
ID: 55579
Description: The new and classic M-Files Web can now be set up in M-Files Admin. When both clients are in use, administrators can specify the default client on the server or vault level. Does not support M-Files Classic Cloud yet.
Improvement: Possibility to add properties to class group or object type
ID: 163806
Description: It is now possible to add properties to all classes of an object type or to selected members of a class group at once. The Add properties to classes functionality is available in the Class Groups Properties dialog and in the object type context menu.
Improvement: Possibility to create a copy of NACL
ID: 139917
Description: You can now make a copy of a named access control list (NACL) in M-Files Admin. To do this, right-click an existing NACL and select Create Copy.
Improvement: Prioritize GUIDs over IDs as references in Placeholder and Filter Conditions Editors
ID: 164479
Description: When referencing structure elements in Placeholder and Filter Conditions Editors in M-Files Admin, the order of preference for auto-selecting the default reference type is now Alias, GUID, ID. This matches the preference order of standard structure references.
Improvement: Smart Metadata’s classification property is now configurable
ID: F-56674
Description: Smart Metadata trains for each combination of class, property, and language. Previously, class was hard-coded to the built-in Class property. Now, Smart Metadata can be configured to work for any property which Smart Classifier can learn.
Defect: Cannot select original path properties in data set creation
ID: 164165
Symptom: When an admin creates a new data set in Reporting and Data Export to export documents, it is not possible to add some properties to be exported. For example, Original path (1/3), Original path (2/3), and Original path (3/3) cannot be added.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Content package incorrectly marked as imported
ID: 164009
Symptom: A content package is sometimes marked as imported although the import is canceled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Context menu items missing in new web
ID: 164332
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, when a user first unpins an item and then opens its context menu, only the Follow menu item is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Crash in mshtml.dll with Japanese or Chinese
ID: 164493
Symptom: When a user moves focus to or out of a text field on the metadata card or Pinned tab, a crash sometimes occurs in mshtml.dll. The issue occurs when the software language is Japanese or Chinese.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Creating multiple objects sets ACL only for first object in classic web
ID: 164211
Symptom: When a user creates multiple objects in the classic M-Files Web, an access control list (ACL) is only added for the first one. This occurs if there is a conflict between the ACL and Named ACL (NACL) data in the POST message.
Solution: Fixed. The ACL data is removed if there is a NACL in the POST message. This can cause a need to change event handlers or vault applications accordingly.
Defect: Duplicate emails not detected with drag and drop
ID: 126738, 163986
Symptom: When a user drags and drops a duplicate email from Outlook to M-Files, M-Files does not show the Duplicate File Content dialog. This occurs because the FindEmailDuplicates API call is only accessible through MFStatus.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: gRPC certificate validation fails
ID: 163777
Symptom: Setting a new gRPC certificate without a new private key fails validation on server even if the certificate matches the old private key.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Issue with multiple parallel indexers
ID: 163932
Symptom: When multiple parallel indexers are used, there is a mismatch in “Cumulative Number of Indexed Items” information.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Login to M-Files fails
ID: 146978
Symptom: In environments where there is a large number of traditional folders, when a user opens M-Files, the operation sometimes fails with the “Not found” error message.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Add-in for Teams not working after Teams upgrade
ID: 164564, 162362
Symptom: After upgrade to MS Teams version 1.5, M-Files Add-in for Teams does not work correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files not working with Windows 11 Insider Preview Build
ID: 164373
Symptom: M-Files Desktop does not start in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25179.1000 or later versions that are distributed in Windows Insider Program’s Beta and Dev channels.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server crashes
ID: 164560
Symptom: Getting user-specific views can make M-Files Server crash.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server gets blocked infinitely after job completion
ID: 164660
Symptom: In some cases, the restore vault from backup operation keeps waiting infinitely for a thread to end after the operation has already completed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server installation migrates vaults before it warns about missing .NET Framework version
ID: 162399
Symptom: The M-Files Server installation shows a warning after the installer has migrated vaults on the server if the server machine does not have the required version of .NET Framework installed. If the user then cancels the installation, the migrated vaults cannot be used because the server was not updated.
Solution: Fixed. .NET Framework version 4.7.2. or later is now required on the M-Files server machine. If the requirement is not met, the installation is terminated before any changes are made.
Defect: Major M-Files Server memory consumption
ID: 164530
Symptom: In some environments with exceptionally large Advanced Vault Settings configuration, the memory consumption in M-Files Server goes up and down heavily (multiple gigabytes). In worst cases, this causes out-of-memory situations.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preceding zero in entered external ID causes search to fail
ID: 163779
Symptom: If a user makes a search with external ID 018, the search finds objects with ID 1. This is caused by the preceding zero.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview file generation and indexing fail
ID: 164638
Symptom: In environments where vault temporary files and preview files or files used in text extraction (indexing) are configured to different disk drives, preview file generation and indexing fail with this error message: “The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Privileged information can leak to logs
ID: 164526, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: Some logging levels can leak privileged information to logs.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Property values not correctly filtered in additional conditions
ID: 163595
Symptom: When a user specifies an additional search condition with a property that uses filtered values from a value list, the shown property values are not correctly filtered.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Search not working in AutoCAD
ID: 164281
Symptom: Sometimes when a user does an M-Files search in AutoCAD, the operation fails with the error message “Attempted an unsupported operation”. This can cause AutoCAD to crash.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Slow excel conversion
ID: 164636
Symptom: When a user converts an Excel file to PDF in M-Files Desktop, the client hangs for about a minute.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: System admin cannot see activities in Server Activity Monitor
ID: 163789
Symptom: When the Admin Rights Limiter feature is enabled, a system admin cannot open Server Activity Monitor.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Value for Created property in additional filter conditions not shown correctly
ID: 164647
Symptom: When a user defines a filter with the Created property as additional condition, the date and time with the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:dd is not correctly shown if the user enters a one-digit value to a two-digit value field. For example, if the user enters 9 as the month, the previous value is shown when the user clicks outside the field.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Value list item incorrectly shown as “(hidden)”
ID: 162927
Symptom: In environments with certain event handlers, when a user creates an object which is not visible to that user after check-in, name of a value list item becomes empty. Thus, the value list item is shown as “(hidden)” for users with object permissions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Word shows error when editing M-Files template
ID: 164624, 164688
Symptom: When a template points to properties that do not exist in the template object, this error is shown in Word: “Error! Unknown document property name”. It should be possible to use properties from related classes even if the properties do not have actual values.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Sep ’22 Update Service Release 1 (22.9.11816.9)
Download size: 869 Mb (Full Package), 471 Mb (Desktop Only), 487 Mb (Desktop & Server tools)
Defect: Cannot open a document with embedded metadata properties
ID: 164529
Symptom: When a user opens an Office document that contains references to deleted properties or to properties to which the user does not have permissions, the operation fails and an error message is shown. If the “Embedded Metadata Update on Check-In” feature is enabled, the error can also occur in other operations. For example, when a user does metadata changes to the document.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Sep ’22 Update (22.9.11816.7)
Improvement: Alt menu for Windows 11
ID: 50257
Description: A new Alt menu component was implemented to have the Alt menu available for Windows 11. The traditional Alt-menu component is still used in earlier Windows versions.
Improvement: Better performance of rebuilding the search index
ID: 52484
Description: The order of indexed objects was changed to improve the performance of rebuilding the search index. Now the latest changes are indexed earlier to get more accurate search results.
Improvement: Change “Recently Accessed by Me” limit to 200
ID: 164027
Description: If a user has a large number of recently accessed objects, M-Files opens slowly. This can also slow down the server. To prevent this, the default value of the RecentlyAccessedByItemLimit registry key setting was decreased to 200. The value specifies the maximum number of objects in the “Recently Accessed by Me” view after database optimization that is automatically done once a week.
Improvement: Change federated authentication dialogs to use Edge technology
ID: 164555
Description: The OAuth2/SAML federated authentication dialogs were updated to use WebView2 (Edge) as a hosted browser component.
Improvement: Change order of log messages on Smart Classifier dashboards
ID: 62430
Description: The log messages on Smart Classifier dashboards are now shown in reverse-chronological order. That is, the newest log messages are shown at the top.
Improvement: Configurable event types and improved event filtering
ID: 44722
Description: Vault admins can now specify which event types are recorded in the vault event log. Also new filtering options and a possibility to save frequently used filter criteria were added to the event log.
Improvement: Duplicate detection based on the original file path
ID: 163882
Description: Admins can now set file duplicates to be searched based on the original file path instead of the current filename. Filename is the default option for the setting.
Improvement: Groups for the Pinned tab in the new M-Files Web
ID: 57228
Description: The new M-Files Web now shows the pinned item groups that the user has specified in M-Files Desktop.
Improvement: GUID of the connected M-Files server available in M-Files Admin
ID: 44290
Description: In M-Files Admin, you can now see the GUID of the M-Files server to which M-Files Admin is connected. To do this, right-click a vault and select Server Information.
Improvement: More informative “Access denied” error message in Data Export with eSigning and Compliance
ID: 125238
Description: When eSigning and Compliance is enabled and Data Export tries to use the identity of a specific user when reading data (instead of M-Files Server), the data set exports fail. The error message was improved to give more information and a solution proposal.
Improvement: New SourceObjectFiles.Clone() API method
ID: 127556
Description: A new SourceObjectFiles.Clone() API method is now available. With the method, objects can be created from UI extensibility applications asynchronously.
Improvement: Set current time in workflow state’s Set properties action
ID: 134297
Description: In workflow state actions in M-Files Admin, when specifying properties that are set when the state of the object is changed, you can now set M-Files to use the time value of the state transition as the value of the property. This is possible with properties of the Date, Time, and Timestamp data type.
Improvement: Settings to control vault-specific date and time format for calculated properties
ID: 154578, 163878
Description: The Advanced Vault Settings section now has two new options to control vault-specific date and time format for calculated properties (Configuration > Properties > Calculated Properties). This change also fixes the custom timestamp format for notifications. Timestamps automatically use a combination of the specified time and date formats.
Improvement: Sort objects of a view across all pages
ID: 50605
Description: When the objects of a view are shown on many pages, they can now be sorted across all the pages. To do this, select “Sort objects across all pages” in the advanced view properties. You can use, for example, the columns Title, Date Created, and Date Modified to sort the objects. Also value list and multi-select value list based properties support sorting across all pages.
Improvement: Support to export data to CSV files without automatically added apostrophes
ID: 155304
Description: Added an advanced vault setting to export data to CSV files without apostrophes before values that start with certain characters or strings. For example, -, +, =, @, www., or http://.
Defect: Additional versions for document linked from external source
ID: 163616
Symptom: If a document is linked from an external source, edits to the file make M-Files to create additional object versions. This occurs if a post-check-in event handler (for example, AfterCheckInChangesFinalize) that reads the latest object version details is triggered.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Annotation creation not working in classic M-Files Web
ID: 164465
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, when a user creates an annotation, it is created but the error message “Preview unavailable for this file type” is shown and the annotation object does not work. The user cannot, for example, edit or check in the annotation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot log in with login account that contains Scandinavian or Slavic characters in New Cloud
ID: 164000
Symptom: In New Cloud, when a user tries to log in to M-Files with a login account that contains non-ASCII characters, the operation fails. Additionally, the login account cannot be edited in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Collapsing a pinned group can cause an error in M-Files Desktop
ID: 164225
Symptom: If items are drag and dropped to the default group in the Pinned tab and the group is then collapsed, M-Files can incorrectly show an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document stays checked out after edits in mobile
ID: 164372
Symptom: In M-Files Mobile, when a user edits a file with an Office app, the edited document sometimes stays in the checked-out state and cannot be checked in. To get the object out of the checked-out state, the user must undo the checkout in M-Files Desktop which means that the changes to the file are lost.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Drag and drop removes unsaved changes to metadata card
ID: 164123
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, when a user first edits the metadata of a multi-file document and then drags and drops a file to the metadata card, the file gets added, but the unsaved changes to the metadata are lost.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Event log does not correctly report changes to automatic permissions
ID: 164180
Symptom: When automatic permissions are changed with the properties of a class, the event log item shows the same automatic ACL values in old and new data.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL export and import scripts not working
ID: 163452
Symptom: In some environments, when the IDOL backup configuration is not fully set up, ExportIDX.ps1 and ImportIDX.ps1 scripts do not work.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect default value for Exclude Pseudo IDs in search facet configuration
ID: 163746
Symptom: The default value for Exclude Pseudo IDs in search facet configuration shows Yes. However, the setting is taken into use only after it is set to Yes.
Solution: Fixed. The default value is now No.
Defect: Insecure manual configuration accepted without warning in federated OAuth authentication
ID: 162960
Symptom: Warning of making insecure OAuth configuration is missing.
Solution: Fixed. The configurations editor now gives a warning of possible insecure manual configurations. Automatic configurations were secure by default.
Defect: Issue with NamedACLPropagation background task
ID: 161501
Symptom: If at least one affected object is in a “reduced deleted” state, the NamedACLPropagation background task fails repeatedly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Items missing from multi-select value lists in classic M-Files Web
ID: 164480
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, a user cannot see some value list items when the property definition is configured with the no filtering option.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Desktop opens in offline mode
ID: 163730
Symptom: In certain environments, if there is no connection to vault when a user logs in, M-Files Desktop is opened in the offline mode.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Outlook Add-In gets disabled
ID: 163955
Symptom: If add-ins load slowly, M-Files Outlook Add-In sometimes gets disabled. This occurs even if registry key settings are set to prevent disabling.
Solution: Fixed. The Outlook resiliency registry key setting is now written as a string value instead of DWORD.
Defect: New users get IDs of deleted users after cloud migration
ID: 164356
Symptom: A vault can contain deleted users that have a greater user ID than the last active user account that is migrated to New Cloud. In this case, the next user ID is set to one higher than the ID of last migrated active user account. This causes the first users added after the migration to have the same user IDs as already deleted users.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview not working when file extension is in upper case in classic M-Files Web
ID: 164544
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, when a user tries to preview a document that has the file extension in its name in upper case (for example, .PDF), the operation fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Slow processing of asynchronous tasks in M-Files Server
ID: 162662
Symptom: If an operation, such as an external object type refresh, edits the properties of a high number of objects and the edits cause new ACLPseudoUserPropagation tasks, the processing of asynchronous tasks can substantially slow down in M-Files Server.
Solution: Fixed. The consolidation of ACLPseudoUserPropagation tasks in M-Files Server is now faster.
Defect: Unplanned IDOL index rebuild after timeout
ID: 164107
Symptom: When IDOL gives a timeout error, the indexer timestamps are reset to zero. If IDOL has an ongoing daily synchronization operation, the timestamps are not always gotten from the index. This can cause unintentional IDOL index rebuilding.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot edit or co-author a document in classic M-Files Web after upgrade to 22.8
ID: 164626
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, when a user double-clicks a document to edit it in a vault that uses Microsoft Office for the web, the document gets downloaded and the check-out confirmation dialog is not opened. Additionally, “Check out for Co-authoring” is grayed out in the context menu of the document. The issue occurs in M-Files version 22.8.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External object type’s database connection fails after upgrade to 22.8
ID: 164615
Symptom: After upgrade to the M-Files version 22.8, an external object type’s database connection fails with IBM DB2 OLE DB drivers.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Updating metadata fields in Excel and Word documents fails after upgrade to 22.8
ID: 164561
Symptom: When a user opens an Excel or Word document with inserted M-Files properties, the error message “The parameter is incorrect” is sometimes shown for the inserted metadata fields. The issue occurs in M-Files version 22.8.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Aug ’22 Update (22.8.11717.3)
Download size: 852 Mb (Full Package), 458 Mb (Desktop Only), 474 Mb (Desktop & Server tools)
Improvement: Applications not compatible with fast browsing listed in M-Files Desktop
ID: F35677
Description: M-Files Desktop now lists the UI extensibility applications that are not compatible with the fast browsing feature. Refer to https://developer.m-files.com/Frameworks/User-Interface-Extensibility-Framework/Fast-Browsing for information about the feature.
Improvement: Better error message shown when a value list item that has an owner object cannot be deleted
ID: 135328
Description: The error message shown when a value list item that has an owner object cannot be deleted now contains information about the object.
Improvement: Clone method for the ValueListItems collection
ID: 162997
Description: The ValueListItems collection in the M-Files API now has the Clone method. This lets additional methods to be called asynchronously from Desktop UI extensibility applications.
Improvement: Discovery and Smart Migration to allow missing required properties when setting class
ID: 53589
Description: Discovery and Smart Migration can now change the object class although some required properties are missing. For this, it is necessary that the vault admin enables the support under the Properties node in the Advanced Vault Settings section of M-Files Admin. After that, the admin can allow these changes separately for each Discovery and Smart Migration scenario.
Improvement: Entering other file extension now shows a warning
ID: 163546
Description: When a user creates a new file and specifies it as an XLSM file with Other File Extension, the file cannot be opened in Microsoft Excel. The user is now informed about this with a warning text in the creation process.
Improvement: Filtering objects by property
ID: 163358
Description: The classic M-Files Web can now filter objects based on search results and value list matches.
Improvement: Follow object for new web
ID: 57290
Description: In the new M-Files Web, users can now follow objects with the new option in the three-dot menu.
Improvement: Improved error message when external object or its subobject cannot be deleted
ID: 20496
Description: When a user tries to delete an external object or its subobject but the operation cannot be done, an error message is shown. The error message now includes the external ID of the object and object type ID.
Improvement: Mail download timeout for mail sources
ID: 162973
Description: A new “Timeout for Downloads” setting is now available for OAuth-based mail sources in the Advanced Vault Settings section of M-Files Admin (Connections to External Sources > Mail Sources Common).
Improvement: More informative error message when files not imported from external source
ID: 158637
Description: When some files or folders are not imported during an import from external source, M-Files shows an error message that now gives a list of those files and folders.
Improvement: Performance improvement in preview with annotations
ID: 161590
Description: In the new M-Files Web, annotations are now loaded faster to the preview.
Improvement: Possibility to control behavior of pop-up window for automatic logout
ID: 163868
Description: Added a new AutomaticLogoutQuestionTimeOut registry setting to specify how long the pop-up window for automatic logout is visible. With the setting, you can also disable the dialog or make user confirmation for the logout mandatory.
Improvement: Possibility to report deleted objects
ID: 136485
Description: You can now filter objects based on their deletion status with the M-Files reporting module.
Improvement: Possibility to specify default check-in options
ID: 73026, 147084
Description: Added new “Default Check-In Options” settings to the Advanced Vault Settings of M-Files Admin (Client > Desktop). With these settings, you can specify whether “Check in immediately” or “Open for editing” is automatically selected when a user creates a document in M-Files Desktop.
Improvement: Search within a view to use columns of the view
ID: 161782
Description: When a user does a search inside a view, M-Files now temporarily uses the columns of the view when showing search results.
Improvement: Smart Migration: Support for classes with workflows
ID: 57978
Description: Smart Migration can now add workflows to objects that it migrates. If an object is set to a class that has a workflow defined, Smart Migration adds the workflow in its first state to the migrated object.
Improvement: Support for adding multiple duplicate files with one selection to M-Files Desktop
ID: 163046
Description: When a user saves many files and M-Files finds documents with duplicate file content in the vault, a new “Do this for the next duplicate documents” selection is now available in the Duplicate File Content dialog that is opened. When it is selected, M-Files uses the same selection for all the duplicate documents that it finds during the operation.
Improvement: Support for disabling property prefilling to classic web
ID: 163541
Description: Added a new setting to M-Files Admin to control whether M-Files can prefill property values based on the view where the end user starts to create an object. The setting applies for the classic M-Files Web.
Improvement: Text extraction to tolerate failures when accessing external repository on local system
ID: 157935
Description: The failure tolerance of text extraction now also covers the cases when the document files are in an external repository of a local system.
Improvement: UI Extensibility dashboard to open linked pages without Internet Explorer
ID: 164227
Description: If Internet Explorer is not installed, UI Extensibility dashboard now uses the default browser to follow <a target=”_blank”> links.
Improvement: “Destroy exported objects after export” option is always shown
ID: 133304
Description: The “Destroy exported objects after export” option is now shown for scheduled exports also when the option is not available.
Improvement: “Show Mark Complete Dialog” configurable in Advanced Vault Settings
ID: 163587
Description: A new setting “Show Mark Complete Dialog” to be used instead of the ShowMarkCompleteUI client registry setting was added to Advanced Vault Settings > Client > Desktop > Assignments in M-Files Admin.
Defect: Advanced offline causes performance issues with structural cache refresh related SQL queries
ID: 161866
Symptom: In environments where the vault structure is heavy and there are many users, the advanced offline preparation task in MFClient causes performance issues in SQL Server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Analyzing progress icon spins continuously
ID: 162829
Symptom: When a user creates a document and selects metadata suggestions quickly, the Analyzing progress icon spins continuously.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Auto-fill not working in classic M-Files Web
ID: 163436
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, when a user changes a property value that automatically fills other property values, the operation sometimes fails with the “Filter item ids must be numeric” error message.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic filling of properties can clear property value selections in the new M-Files Web
ID: 163816
Symptom: Automatic filling of properties can sometimes cause selected property values to be cleared in the new M-Files Web. This can happen with multi-select value list based properties.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic state transition does not always update NACL permissions correctly in the new M-Files Web
ID: 164066
Symptom: Sometimes in the new M-Files Web, when an object is automatically moved from one state to another, the Named Access Control List permissions are not updated correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot drag and drop emails to M-Files
ID: 161522
Symptom: When a user drags and drops an email to M-Files, the operation sometimes fails with the error message “Creating new object fails. Your search request yields too many results. Use more precise words in your search request.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot replace a file inside a view with “Show duplicates only” filter
ID: 162297
Symptom: When a user replaces a document inside a view that has the “Show duplicates only” filter selected, the operation fails with this error message: “The system cannot find the file specified”. This occurs because checkout removes the object from the view.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot select objects with line breaks in their title on the metadata card
ID: 162084
Symptom: When a user selects a value list item that is an object with line breaks in its title, the user is informed that the value is not available and asked if the user wants to add a new value. By default, line breaks are not allowed in object titles, but they can be imported or created from API in certain scenarios.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Changes to an external database object can be overwritten with old values
ID: 163472
Symptom: When an external database object that uses an application-based connection is updated in M-Files, a new object version can cause old values to be saved to the metadata.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Collapsible property group does not work properly in the new M-Files Web
ID: 163371
Symptom: Sometimes a collapsible property group does not work properly in the new M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Custom URLs can cause a security vulnerability
ID: 162850
Symptom: Parts of custom M-Files URLs can potentially be exploited to cause a security vulnerability.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Data exported event not recorded
ID: 162440
Symptom: With User Action Log enabled, when a user exports a view that contains documents, the “Data exported” event is not recorded in the vault event log.
Solution: Fixed. Now the “Data exported” event is recorded regardless of whether the export is completed.
Defect: Embedded metadata in Office documents updated with vault default language
ID: 162988
Symptom: If an Office document contains a metadata field, and the property value gets updated on the server, the field can get filled in vault default language instead of the language of the user who triggered the change.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Endless creation of object versions
ID: 161102
Symptom: Using calculated property as promoted object’s title sometimes causes endless creation of object versions.
Solution: Fixed. The external file is now renamed if automatic calculation changed its title.
Defect: FileVer variable not available in the AfterFileDownload event handler scripts
ID: 19683
Symptom: Scripts and Vault Application Framework applications cannot access the applicable FileVer object during AfterFileDownload events.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Improved error message when attaching vault
ID: 162538
Symptom: When a user tries to attach a vault database that has not been correctly upgraded, an error message is shown. However, the information in the error message is not useful for the user.
Solution: Fixed. Information about the vault database layout is now recorded to Windows event log if the vault information verification finds that the vault database is not correctly upgraded. In addition, more information was added to some error messages.
Defect: Incomplete error information
ID: 162996
Symptom: The SQL count mismatch error message in the Windows event log does not show object type or object ID that are necessary for troubleshooting.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Index rebuild states can be marked complete too early
ID: 163501
Symptom: Index rebuild states are incorrectly marked complete when the relevance score indexing pipeline is completed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Issue with duplicate detection when converting to PDF
ID: 163575
Symptom: When a user uses the Convert to PDF (adds separate file) function for a PDF document, duplicate detection is triggered. If the user selects “Do Not Create” in the Duplicate File Content dialog, a generic error is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Issue with Process Map
ID: 164151
Symptom: Process Maps does not work in New Cloud with classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files content not shown in some applications
ID: 164063
Symptom: Sometimes when a user tries to open a file from M-Files with a third-party application, the content in M-Files vaults is not shown in the Open dialog.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files error with Adobe Acrobat Sign
ID: 164071
Symptom: In certain environments, when a user signs a document in Adobe Acrobat Sign, M-Files throws an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Network Folder Connector (NFC) creates many new versions of managed objects
ID: 163245
Symptom: If the name of a managed NFC object starts with a dot, M-Files continuously creates new object versions of the object when its metadata card is selected in M-Files Desktop.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration rules that set the class to Document do not work in M-Files Web
ID: 163829
Symptom: Metadata card configuration rules that set the value of a property that lists classes to the built-in Document do not work in the new M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata suggestions not shown
ID: 162315
Symptom: In certain environments, when a user creates a document with the Create button, metadata suggestions are not shown. With drag and drop, M-Files suggest metadata correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: ObjectType filter not working on class lists in configurations editor
ID: 163731
Symptom: A Vault Application Framework application uses the [MFClass] attribute with a static ObjectType filter on a list of MFIdentifiers. When an admin tries to specify a class in the application’s configurations editor in M-Files Admin, the class list is not filtered by ObjectType.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Occasional task processing error in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 160056
Symptom: When tasks are processed in Multi-Server Mode, “The parameter is incorrect” error messages get sometimes written to the event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Opening related objects is slow
ID: 161300
Symptom: In M-Files Desktop, when a user expands an object that has a related assignment assigned to the user, it takes a long time to show the related objects.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Percent encoded characters in URLs incorrectly detected as placeholders
ID: 162690
Symptom: The placeholder editor in the configurations editor of M-Files Admin can incorrectly find placeholders in URLs if the URL has multiple escape sequences that use the percent sign (%). This causes local validation errors to occur.
Solution: Fixed. If some custom applications do not process the placeholders correctly on the server, you must also upgrade your Vault Application Framework version.
Defect: Preview not working in classic web
ID: 163706
Symptom: When a user previews a DOCX file in the classic M-Files Web, the operation fails with the “Internal Server Error 500” error message.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Property value ignored when saving a document to M-Files in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint
ID: 162080
Symptom: A document property is set to be automatically filled based on another property. When a user saves a document with M-Files Office Add-In and confirms auto-fill, the property value is added to the document metadata. However, after the document is saved to M-Files, the property value sometimes disappears from the document metadata.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Property values gotten with placeholders not set
ID: 163466
Symptom: After user cancels object creation, values for properties that uses metadata card configuration are not set if the placeholder rule is set in the configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Related objects not shown in search results
ID: 163726
Symptom: In certain environments, when a user does a full-text search, the related objects of a search result are not shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Search not working within external folder
ID: 163780
Symptom: A user creates a folder to an external repository and gives it a name that contains non-ASCII characters. In M-Files, when the user goes to that folder and does a search within the view, the operation fails with the unspecified error message.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Security issue in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 163836, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: Non-administrator users can partly change configuration data.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Sometimes stopping M-Files Server records error message to Windows event log
ID: 161417
Symptom: Sometimes when Sharepoint Online connector is in use in on-premises Multi-Server Mode environment and the user stops the M-Files Server, an error message is recorded to Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: UI extensibility apps can show errors when class definitions are accessed
ID: 163656
Symptom: UI extensibility applications can sometimes show a “not found” error when class definitions are accessed with the API.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unclear error message related to previewing unsupported file type
ID: 163553
Symptom: When a user tries to preview a file of an unsupported file type (for example, Google Sheet), the preview shows the “500 internal server error” error message.
Solution: Fixed. The error message now tells the user that the preview is unavailable for the selected file.
Defect: Unusual TLS version in BLOB storage connection causes error
ID: 163804
Symptom: In some environments, M-Files Server can sometimes use other TLS version than TLS 1.2 in the BLOB storage connection. This causes the “TlsVersionNotPermitted” error.
Solution: Fixed. M-Files Server now always uses TLS 1.2.
Defect: Verify and Repair (Quick) gets stuck
ID: 163686
Symptom: The verification process with the Verify and Repair (Quick) operation gets stuck in a loop.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows drive out of space because of dtSearch temp files in Classic Cloud
ID: 146596
Symptom: dtSearch needs to allocate temp files while doing a text extraction. When the process terminates unexpectedly, these temp files are not deleted.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Show Duplicates only” breaks functionality of old M-Files Admin versions
ID: 162373
Symptom: The “Show Duplicates only” view filter was introduced in M-Files December ’21 Update. If there are views in the vault with this option selected and an export package is created, import with an earlier version of M-Files Admin fails.
Solution: Fixed. A client capability check for “Show Duplicates only” view filter support was added.
M-Files Online Jun ’22 Update Service Release 1 (22.6.11534.5)
Defect: Fix for for setting properties through an API call error
ID: 163850
Symptom: Under certain circumstances when the server is running an older version of M-Files compared to the client, it was possible for the SetProperties API call to fail when invoked through a server connection to the vault. This behaviour has now been fixed.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online Jun ’22 Update (22.6.11534.4)
Improvement: Audio and video support for document preview in the new M-Files Web
ID: V-38774
Description: The new M-Files Web can now preview video and audio files. Supported video formats: MP4, WEBM, and OGV. Supported audio formats: MP3, OGG, WAV.
Improvement: Vault admins can configure external mail sources
ID: V-41956
Description: Vault admins can now configure external mail sources in multi-tenant cloud environments. Vault admins can create, edit, and delete external mail sources.
Improvement: Smart Metadata dashboard improvements
ID: V-50145
Description: The Smart Metadata dashboard now shows more information about configured properties when they are in the Queued state.
Improvement: Smart Metadata to show warning when Knowledge Graph is not installed
ID: V-54578
Description: Smart Metadata now shows a warning on the dashboard when Knowledge Graph is not installed.
Improvement: Smart Migration report contains IDs of migrated objects
ID: 54010
Description: The Smart Migration report now contains the IDs of migrated objects. This helps admins to find the migrated objects in the vault.
Improvement: Support for Azure Key Vault in on-premises Multi-Server Mode environments
ID: V-55177
Description: It is now possible to use Azure Key Vault in on-premises Multi-Server Mode environments to store keys used to encypt files at rest.
Improvement: Text-based properties can be set to be used with the IS operator in Smart Search
ID: V-47609
Description: In Smart Search, you can now set two text-based properties to be be used with the IS operator in the search options for quick search and property-based additional conditions. You can set the properties with this Advanced Vault Settings option: “Search > <index name> > Smart Search Options > Text Properties Searchable with IS Operator”.
Improvement: Create installer packages with WiX
ID: V-55966
Description: Tooling to create installer packages now uses the WiX toolset. This has no effect to installer behavior.
Improvement: New icon for multi-file documents
ID: 163244
Description: Multi-file documents now use an updated icon in the new M-Files Web.
Improvement: Obsolete Java component removed from classic M-Files Web
ID: 162893
Description: Old and deprecated Java applet removed from the installation package.
Defect: Class change can sometimes cause an error related to radio buttons
ID: 161972
Symptom: In some environments, a class change during object creation can cause this error: “MetadataEditor: lookupcontrol-radiobutton.js, 461, The object cannot be accessed, because it has been decommissioned.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Creating a document with drag and drop in the new M-Files Web does not work correctly
ID: 163250
Symptom: In some environments, creating a document with drag and drop in the new M-Files Web does not work correctly. The document name and other metadata is prefilled incorrectly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Data export does not operate correctly with the M-Files Server identity
ID: 162719
Symptom: Data exports from external repositories cannot be completed when M-Files Server is set as the user. This error message is shown instead: “You don’t have access rights to the external repository. To get access, add your user account as a user to the vault.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Drag and drop replace does not operate with very long source file paths
ID: 163144
Symptom: Replacing a file with drag and drop does not operate correctly in M-Files Desktop if the source file path is too long.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Duplicate object versions can stop indexing
ID: 163150
Symptom: Indexing cannot be completed correctly if there are duplicate object versions in object history. This only causes this error message to be recorded to the Windows event log: “The parameter is incorrect.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Electronic signatures operate slowly in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 163262
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, electronic signatures operate very slowly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Extracting properties from a file does not work in drag and drop
ID: 163573, 16231
Symptom: When a user saves an email to M-Files with drag and drop, extracting contact person and customer properties does not work as specified in Email Client Integration Settings.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Failed import can cause emails to be in incorrect state
ID: 163332
Symptom: A failed email import process can cause the imported email objects to be checked out for M-Files Server. This causes the objects to not be shown in the clients.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Filter Conditions in M-Files Admin does not open
ID: 162828
Symptom: An unresolved reference in a favorite search conditions template can cause the Filter Conditions dialog in M-Files Admin to not open.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL installation script fails with static IPs
ID: 163215
Symptom: During an automated IDOL installation, a script checks the host name from the host machine’s network interface controller (NIC) to find the DAH configuration file. The controller has an address given by DHCP, which causes the check to not operate, for example, with “localhost” or when the IP is static.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect file size information can stop vault indexing
ID: 162955
Symptom: If a blob storage file does not have the same size as is recorded in the database, vault indexing is stopped.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Insufficient information in the COM API documentation about client and server interfaces
ID: 162077
Symptom: The M-Files COM API documentation does not contain sufficient information about interface requirements for methods. It is not mentioned when it is necessary to use the client or server interface.
Solution: Fixed. The interface requirement has been added to the Remarks section of a large number of method descriptions.
Defect: Managed Properties does not start after a vault is attached
ID: 163422
Symptom: The Managed Properties module of Compliance Kit does not start after the Attach Document Vault operation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration rules with a built-in property in the filter do not operate correctly
ID: 162208
Symptom: Metadata card configuration rules that contain a filter with a built-in property can cause the rule to not be used correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Multiple calls of VaultObjectFileOperations.UploadFile
ID: 160904
Symptom: If the M-Files API method VaultObjectFileOperations.UploadFile is called multiple times for the same object version and the files are stored on a disk or in blob store, each call writes the file and uses one sequence number. Eventually, this leads to sequence numbers running out, and the uploaded files are left on the file storage.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Nightly maintenance can stop the Verify and Repair operation in the new M-Files Cloud
ID: 163479
Symptom: If the verification of data files takes a long time, it can sometimes be stopped by the nightly maintenance in the new M-Files Cloud.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Object could not be created if event handlers exist in new M-Files Web
ID: 163130
Symptom: Customer cannot create an object in new M-Files Web when related event handlers exist, and the “unspecified error” message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Opening the configuration of an EOT application connection disables the connection
ID: 162940
Symptom: In the Object Type Properties dialog in M-Files Admin, when the configuration of an EOT application connection is opened, the connection is always disabled. This is especially problematic if a refresh operation is in progress.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PDF conversion can use incorrect locale settings
ID: 161775
Symptom: When a DollarText format switch is used in a Word document, the PDF conversion of the document can sometimes use incorrect locale settings.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Read-only users cannot change workflow states if the metadata card has an automatic value property
ID: 163172
Symptom: If an object’s metadata card in the new M-Files Web has an automatic value property, read-only users cannot change the workflow state.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Saving in metadata card can cause an error with some configurations
ID: 162469
Symptom: With some metadata card configurations, modifying a value list property and then saving the changes can trigger an error with the “there is a newer version of this object on the server” error message.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Metadata incorrectly showing warning
ID: 163125
Symptom: Smart Metadata incorrectly shows warning about outdated Knowledge Graph installation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Sublists for value lists cause error with metadata suggestions
ID: 156294
Symptom: Sometimes when a user selects a metadata suggestion from a sublist of a value list, the operation fails with the “Not Found” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Tasks in the vault database can cause an out-of-memory failure
ID: 161951
Symptom: Millions of asynchronous tasks in the vault database can cause the server to run out of memory.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Temporary search views sometimes do not operate correctly
ID: 161828
Symptom: Views in the “Latest Searches” view do not always match the filter conditions. For example, the “is not empty” operator can be shown as “not one”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: UI Extensibility API does not correctly hide Create menu in M-Files Desktop
ID: 161947
Symptom: When the UI Extensibility API is used to hide “BuiltinCommand_NewObject” from “CommandLocation_MainMenu”, the Create command is also hidden from the context menus and the top area of M-Files Desktop.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unauthenticated users can get information about installed applications
ID: 163219
Symptom: Unauthenticated users can get information about applications installed on the server machine.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary validation exception shown in Event Log settings
ID: 162957
Symptom: The Event Log section in Advanced Vault Settings can show an unnecessary validation exception. This happens if the Enabled setting is not specified, but another setting is.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Verify and Repair cannot insert a missing property
ID: 160872
Symptom: If a class specifies a required property value and the vault does not have that value, the Verify and Repair operation cannot sometimes insert the value correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Verify and Repair does not bring the vault back online
ID: 161820
Symptom: If the Verify and Repair operation is set to run in offline mode, it does not always bring the vault back online after the operation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “File does not exist” error with Verify and Repair
ID: 160872
Symptom: The Verify and Repair operation cannot sometimes be completed and the error “File does not exist” is shown. This can happen with files that are stored in a blob storage.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Sequence number is out of range” error message in replication
ID: 160558
Symptom: Sometimes replication fails for an object because the sequence number is out of range. After that, the problematic object has to be manually destroyed from the target vault and imported again.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Use these values as defaults…” does not operate correctly in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 163308
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, the option “Use these values as defaults for the next document” does not operate correctly when more than two documents are uploaded.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online May ’22 Update (22.5.11436.3)
Improvement: Possibility to co-author in M-Files Web
ID: 35171
Description: In M-Files Web, it is now possible to check-out a document for co-authoring or join co-authoring.
Improvement: Possibility to download the files in a multi-file document in the new M-Files Web
ID: 45827
Description: It is now possible to download the files in a multi-file document as a ZIP file.
Improvement: Possibility to make object groups in the Pinned tab
ID: 159398
Description: It is now possible to organize objects as groups in the Pinned tab.
Improvement: A confirmation dialog is shown when a view is moved
ID: 139815
Description: In M-Files Desktop, a confirmation dialog is now shown when a view is moved.
Improvement: Classic web uses old hash algorithm on password reset
ID: 161480
Description: When a user resets password from the login page of the classic M-Files Web, an old hash algorithm is used. Now the classic web client uses the same algorithm as the other clients. This improves the data security.
Improvement: Dependent vault applications versions are checked when a new vault application is installed
ID: 50174
Description: When a new vault application is installed, M-Files checks the versions of the dependent vault applications. If there are outdated versions of the dependent vault applications, the administrator receives a warning during the installation. In addition, Discovery and Smart Migration now show a warning if outdated versions of the dependent vault applications are used.
Improvement: Hide action buttons if M-Files Discovery configuration is invalid
ID: 53907
Description: Some of the recent changes broke backwards compatibility with Discovery configurations. As Discovery now saves its logs to the vault instead of a temporary file, the admin must make sure that the log is behind a specified NACL. To prevent compatibility issues in the future, Discovery now disables its action buttons if certain required configuration items are missing.
Improvement: Possibility to change the size of the Change State dialog
ID: 162012
Description: It is now possible to change the size of the Change State dialog.
Improvement: Possibility to see logged-in users from all M-Files servers in vault-level with Multi-Server Mode
ID: 54169
Description: In M-Files Admin, it is now possible to see all logged-in vault users of all M-Files servers in vault-level when Multi-Server Mode is enabled.
Improvement: Possibility to use alternative identifier in M-Files Add-In for Salesforce CRM
ID: 54964
Description: A new Object Identifier field is now available in the M-Files Add-in settings in Salesforce to support other identifier than the record ID.
Improvement: Show authentication endpoint URI in authentication dialog title
ID: 162148
Description: When a user logs in to a vault, the OAuth2 endpoint URI is now shown in the embedded browser dialog.
Defect: Automatically calculated properties can’t be selected for a grouping level
ID: 160909
Symptom: When a user tries to add an automatically calculated property for a grouping level in the Select folder dialog, a text box is shown instead of a drop-down menu.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot read email subjects
ID: 161372
Symptom: M-Files cannot sometimes read subjects for certain emails synchronized from external mail sources. This causes the M-Files object name to become ‘(no subject)’.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Changes to workflows unexpectedly change the language of the workflow items
ID: 161209
Symptom: After new translations are imported to the vault, edits to a workflow can change the language of the workflow to what it was before the import.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Checking a check box in the metadata card duplicates properties in M-Files Web
ID: 163017
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when the user checks a check box in the metadata card of a new object, the property related to the check box and the properties listed after that are duplicated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Classic Web changes object permissions unexpectedly
ID: 162944, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: In certain environments, when an object has custom permissions, the classic M-Files Web can unexpectedly change them to the default permissions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Concurrent license is not released immediately in a cloud environment
ID: 163124
Symptom: Sometimes when a user logs out from all vaults in a cloud environment, it takes 30 minutes before the concurrent license is released.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Connection to an external database expires after 30 seconds
ID: 162713
Symptom: If a connection to an external database is configured with an application connection M-Files OLE DB External Object Type Connector, the connection expires after 30 seconds.
Solution: It is now possible to change the timeout value in M-Files Admin > Document Vaults > Vault > Metadata Structure (Flat View) > Object Types. Double-click an object type to open the Object Type Properties dialog for that object, then select the Connection to External Database tab > Configure. In the External Object Type Connector dialog, change the value for the Database Command Timeout setting to change the time in which the connection expires.
Defect: Copying progress dialog flickers when copying many files
ID: 161948
Symptom: When a user copies many files at the same time in M-Files Desktop, the Copying progress dialog flickers.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Deleting entries in the Microsoft event log when the audit trail is active
ID: 162195
Symptom: A system admin user could delete entries from the Microsoft event log when the audit trail was active.
Solution: The option to delete an entry in the Microsoft event log is now available only after the entry is exported.
Defect: Error message when using M-Files with a very slow server connection
ID: 13337
Symptom: When a user uses M-Files with a very slow server connection, the error message “Not enough quota is available to process this command.” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Event flood in Log Exporter
ID: 162841
Symptom: Some MFiles API calls for exporting events generate event flood in the Log Exporter module of Compliance Kit.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect check-out status can cause data loss
ID: 163256
Symptom: Data can be lost when a document is checked out to a user but search results that come directly from the search index are not up to date with the checked out version.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect tab is selected after quick search
ID: 162206
Symptom: When a user makes a quick search in M-Files Desktop, the custom UIX application tab is shown and selected after the search. However, the custom UIX application tab should be hidden.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Large batches with external database connections cause performance issues
ID: 162162
Symptom: Large batches with external database connections can sometimes cause performance issues.
Solution: Fixed. There is now a setting in Advanced Vault Settings for the maximum batch size with external database connections.
Defect: M-Files Network Folder Connector does not always send new files for indexing
ID: 163097
Symptom: M-Files Network Folder Connector does not send files for indexing if the Last Modified timestamp is older than the start time of the previous indexing process.
Solution: Fixed. The connector now also evaluates the creation timestamp.
Defect: Metadata suggestions not set for value list based properties in new M-Files Web
ID: 162830
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, a user selects a metadata suggestion for a value list based property. If the selected value list item does not belong to the first 50 values that are visible in the property drop-down menu, the property value is not set.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: New Web changes object permissions unexpectedly
ID: 162904, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: In certain environments, when an object has custom permissions, the new M-Files Web can unexpectedly change them to the default permissions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OAuth configuration settings missing a value
ID: 163310
Symptom: In M-Files Admin, the PromptLogInAsParameter value used with “Login as” is missing from the OAuth configuration settings. The setting always uses the default value prompt=select_account.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OCR does not correctly use barcodes to save property values
ID: 163034
Symptom: OCR does not correctly use barcodes to save property values from an external file source or with the API method PerformOCROperation.
Solution: Fixed. QR Code, Data Matrix, and Aztec Code are now supported and work correctly.
Defect: Okta-based user group synchronization does not work correctly
ID: 163108
Symptom: The Okta-based user group synchronization does not sometimes work correctly. This can happen if there are many groups that have an identical beginning.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Replication causes database inconsistencies
ID: 162598
Symptom: Replication of remotely checked out objects does not work correctly if the “Include latest versions only” option is used for the export process.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Replication job errors not written to event log
ID: 162881
Symptom: Errors from replication jobs are not written to the Windows event log if the setting ArchiveLogReplicationJobStartAndEnd is not set. The default value is false. Previously, the setting did not exclude the events from the event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Rollback not working
ID: 162932
Symptom: When a user tries to restore an old version of a document with the Roll Back option in the History dialog, the operation fails with the “Not found” error message.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Search URL not working when default search filters set
ID: 161518
Symptom: A user has set default search filters. When the user does a search with an M-Files URL that uses the propertyvalue parameter, the search shows incorrect search results.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Some emails are synchronized more than once from an Exchange Online source
ID: 162553
Symptom: Some emails are synchronized more than once from an Exchange Online source. When an email is synchronized again, a duplicate email object is created to M-Files. For example, when a user moves a synchronized email to another email folder and then synchronizes this email folder, the already synchronized email is synchronized again and another email object is created to M-Files.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Templates are not shown when creating an object with the Compliance Kit Object Creator
ID: 162568
Symptom: When a user is creating an object that has a prefilled class with the Compliance Kit Object Creator, the available templates are not shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The automatic logout registry setting not working correctly
ID: 163100
Symptom: When the automatic logout registry setting has been set to 5 minutes or above and a user has M-Files window open, the user is not logged out from the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The REST API assignment completion and rejection endpoints not documented
ID: 161326
Symptom: The REST API assignment completion and rejection endpoints are marked as deprecated and are not documented.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The setting ForceResetViewState is no longer supported
ID: 162455
Symptom: The setting ForceRemoveViewState was removed from Advanced Vault settings because the setting is no longer supported.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Value lists that use metadata suggestions have incorrect ItemGUIDs in the new M-Files Web
ID: 162731
Symptom: When the user sets a value list for a property and uses the metadata suggestions in the new M-Files Web, the ItemGUID is incorrect.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online April ’22 Update (22.4.11321.4)
Improvement: Set antivirus processes to not scan the M-Files drive
ID: 162188
Description: Admins can now set specific antivirus processes to not scan the M-Files drive. This can be useful if the real-time scanning of the client computers’ antivirus software causes performance issues with M-Files. You can configure the behavior with a vault-specific setting in M-Files Admin. It is located in “Configurations > Advanced Vault Settings > Client > Desktop > Excluded Antivirus Scanning Processes”.
Improvement: Changed settings are sent to other servers in Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-35138
Description: In Multi-Server Mode, the information about changed settings, that are based on vault variables and done in M-Files Admin, is now also sent to other servers. For example, the information about changed settings for file data encryption is sent to other servers. The settings for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance and Azure Active Directory Consent Mode are not included in this improvement.
Improvement: M-Files Desktop Client 2015 and older versions deprecated to improve security
ID: 162466
Description: Support deprecated for M-Files Desktop Client 2015 and older versions that required insecure encryption methods.
Improvement: Timestamps in messages in ISO 8601 format
ID: 160340
Description: Messages now have a UTC timestamp in ISO 8601 format.
Improvement: Vault session handling in Multi-Server Mode improved
ID: V-41163
Description: Vault session handling in Multi-Server Mode improved to avoid unnecessary client initiated re-logins.
Improvement: Warning when source and target vaults have the same GUID
ID: 160830
Description: Replication from a vault to another vault is not supported if the vaults have the same GUID, but it is possible to generate such a situation. M-Files now warns and asks for confirmation if a user tries to import replication package from the source vault, which has the same GUID as the target vault.
Defect: All users not visible in permission lists
ID: 160476
Symptom: Some users are not shown in the object properties permission dialog. If user is determined by an object property, such as CreatedBy, the user has not been resolved and can’t be shown in the dialog.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic M-Files installs prevented in Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-47632
Symptom: Automatic M-Files installing is automatically switched off in situations, where the servers should be installed one by one.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Class not automatically selected when only one is available
ID: 162723
Symptom: When drag and dropping a file to M-Files Web, the class is not automatically selected even if there is only one class available.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Custom EOT connector configuration conflict
ID: 162503
Symptom: EOT configuration shows a conflict if a column mapped to ObjectID includes a hidden update or insert configuration values.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Discovery not shutting down properly without a license
ID: 162663
Symptom: If a vault is restarted between installing Discovery and applying a license, Discovery performs basic setup and due to the missing license, most of Discovery is disabled. If a license is then installed, Discovery restarts which causes an issue.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Enhanced M-Files API export methods for event logs
ID: 162057
Symptom: Event logs are not exported correctly with some of the exporting methods.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: ESigning dialog shown several times after a delayed user response
ID: 161578
Symptom: When a user tries to add a file to workflow with the eSigning requirement and checks it in immediately, the eSigningn dialog opens. If the user doesn’t react within 35 seconds, the dialog opens again.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Existing suggestions are not cleared when new analyze request returns zero suggestions
ID: 162724
Symptom: In M-Files Web, existing suggestions are still selectable after a new analyze request returns zero suggestions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Invalid X-Frame-Options HTTP header in new web
ID: 162769
Symptom: Invalid X-Frame-Options HTTP header allows the vault to be used with add-ins that are supposed to be blocked.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Login failing
ID: 162186
Symptom: When a new user logs in to a vault where the View Extensions application has been enabled, the login operation fails with the error message “Unable to get property”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files can’t open AutoCAD (.dwg) file if the ID2 path length is 248-259 characters
ID: 162737
Symptom: Path length of 248 characters or more is too long for AutoCAD, but M-Files only shortens the path if the length is 260 characters or more.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server crashes
ID: 161660
Symptom: Event handler script can make M-Files Server crash.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration rules with SSLU filters are triggered with wrong values
ID: 162677
Symptom: More than one rule using the same value list values in a filter causes incorrect values filled for some properties.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: New Ground Link Proxy button not working in M-Files Admin
ID: 162692
Symptom: When an admin user presses the New Ground Link Proxy button under Ground Link Proxies in M-Files Admin, nothing happens. It is still possible to create a new Ground Link proxy using the context menu.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Parameter error in BeforeCreateNewObjectFinalize in the new M-Files Web
ID: 160458
Symptom: When drag and dropping files to the new M-Files Web, server side event handler sometimes shows “Parameter is incorrect” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Properties filtered by the same object clear another in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 162427
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, you can create a new document with two value list properties, add filter values and select an item in both. But the first item selection disappears when adding another value list item.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: SameSite cookie attribute missing on M-Files Classic Web
ID: 162044
Symptom: SameSite attribute is missing in some places where cookies are set in M-Files Classic Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User Agent String for Smart Search changed
ID: 162629
Symptom: The User Agent String for Smart Search has changed to “M-Files integration with Smart Search”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Version information disclosure in M-Files Classic Web
ID: 162463
Symptom: M-Files Classic Web revealed installed version information to unauthenticated users.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Views with the “Completed” property can’t be imported
ID: 162118
Symptom: Views with the “Completed” Property can’t be imported.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Workflows model functionality after “infinite automatic loop” message
ID: 161952
Symptom: After getting the “infinite automatic loop” message from saving a workflow, new states can’t be added.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: XFDF annotation file extension not indexed because of whitelisting
ID: 162360
Symptom: M-Files annotation files (.xfdf) are not indexed and are not searchable. The XFDF extension is not whitelisted for indexing by default, and the behavior changed when indexing started using whitelisting instead of blacklisting.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online March ’22 Update Service Release 2 (22.3.11237.6)
Defect: Certain embedded metadata properties in Word not receiving valid metadata
ID: 162954
Symptom: If a Word document contains metadata references in legacy format (M-Files 10 format), they do not update properly and get an error message as a value.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online March ’22 Update Service Release 1 (22.3.11237.5)
Defect: Forced reboot during Desktop client update
ID: 162716
Symptom: DDL or other files that are in write-lock during the uninstalling phase in the old M-Files version can cause a forced reboot of Windows.
Solution: Fixed. Added the “REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS” parameter which prevents automatic forced rebooting.
M-Files Online March ’22 Update (22.3.11237.3)
Improvement: Indexing performance
ID: 41518
Description: Improvements to mass operations on object access control lists.
Improvement: Allow hiding and unhiding views from M-Files API
ID: 162270
Description: The API method SetViewVisibility was added to control whether a view is hidden for a user.
Improvement: Eliminating gaps in scheduled replication export
ID: 160391
Description: Improves “Export only changes since latest run” functionality in the scheduled replication export to avoid some changed items missing from the export.
Improvement: Plugin based PKCE authentication support for Google SSO
ID: 161121, 161355, 161920
Description: PKCE authentication support was added to the new M-Files Web. Google SSO authentication logic now supports both Google SSO and OpenAM.
Improvement: Show in Folder button for exported content
ID: 161130
Description: When the content of a view or search results listing is exported, you can now click a Show in Folder button to open the target folder.
Defect: Anonymous authentication to external repository not working
ID: 162497
Symptom: Amazon S3 connector is configured with anonymous authentication. When a user opens the External Repositories dialog, M-Files shows the “Invalid pointer” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Convert to PDF state action causes a warning in Windows Event Viewer
ID: 162475
Symptom: When having Convert to PDF format as a workflow state action, unexpected warnings can appear in the Windows Event Viewer. This only happens with some file types and conversion options.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Custom logos not working with security-locked PCs
ID: 162353
Symptom: When a theme that uses a custom logo is used, users with security-locked PCs get errors when they log in to the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Display values of TypedValues not resolved
ID: 162526
Symptom: Display values of TypedValues are not resolved when forming a view path. If the folder definitions are not based on the ones returned by the server, accessing the folder fails with the error message “Folder “<folder path>” no longer exists.” This happens, for example, with Process Maps.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Drive letter setting not used in customized installations
ID: 160828
Symptom: The drive letter specified in the customization XML of a customized M-Files installation is not used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Edit command causes an error in the Document Collection dialog
ID: 160688
Symptom: When the user selects many objects in the Document Collection dialog and then selects Edit in the context menu, an error is shown.
Solution: Fixed. The Edit command cannot be used for many objects at once.
Defect: Errors from logout when access token used for authorization
ID: 159689
Symptom: When a user logs out of a vault that has the “UseIdTokenAsAccessToken” parameter set to false in the federated authentication configuration, the operation causes an error. In the classic M-Files Web, an error is displayed. In M-Files Desktop, errors are written to the Windows event log. This occurs because the access token is sent as id_token_hint instead of the ID token.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Export package does not include complete object history
ID: 162286
Symptom: When there are many same subsequent versions in the destroyed and import tables in the database, there can be gaps, such as ID only versions, in the exported version history.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External repository can be accessed with old password
ID: 160390
Symptom: If M-Files or Windows has an existing session to an external repository, users can access the repository even after changing their Windows password.
Solution: Fixed. External repository session timeout and the external repository access mode can now be configured. The configuration can enforce the local or network access mode, which affects how long the cached sessions stay valid after the password change.
Defect: IDOL installation fails for backup and cache backup
ID: 162308
Symptom: If the Command prompt window is too small, the IDOL installation fails for backup and cache backup when executing Configure-IDOLIndexBackup.ps1.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect REST call HTTP response code
ID: 162043
Symptom: Some REST calls return an incorrect HTTP response code 500 instead of 400.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing in Azure gets stuck with “Not enough memory resources” error message
ID: 162492
Symptom: Indexing does not proceed, and the Windows event log has multiple “Not enough memory resources are available to complete this operation” errors.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing in Azure stops unnecessarily
ID: 162492
Symptom: Indexing in Azure stops because of a “Not enough memory resources” error even though there are enough resources to continue. A large number of “The directory name is invalid” errors precede this error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing issue with renamed external repository objects
ID: 159364
Symptom: When the user renames a promoted external repository object many times in a row, a duplicate entry is created in the index.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing settings are not ready when vault applications start
ID: 162594, 162263
Symptom: When a vault is brought online, the Managed Properties module of Compliance Kit fails to start properly because the correct indexing settings are not active. This can cause also other vault applications to fail with the “Not Found” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Invalid values for value suggestions cause an unnecessary error
ID: 162289
Symptom: If the list of suggested metadata values contains an invalid value, none of the values are shown to user. An error is shown instead.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Legacy search path with external repositories does not work with new full text search indexes
ID: 161779
Symptom: When a user searches with certain settings and uses the legacy search path, the search result does not necessarily contain objects from the desired repositories.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Login to M-Files Desktop shows error after client application upgrade
ID: 161531
Symptom: After client application upgrade, login to M-Files Desktop sometimes fails, and the “Copying file <x>.dll failed” error message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files API method FindFilesByChecksumWithStringDigests not working correctly
ID: 162079
Symptom: Using the M-Files API method FindFilesByChecksumWithStringDigests with MD5 hash strings instead of hex strings causes an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Manual refresh necessary for “Select Member Object” dialog
ID: 161108
Symptom: When a user adds documents to a document collection in the “Select Member Object” dialog, the user must refresh the dialog to see the available documents. This occurs for example when the user goes to the “Recently Accessed by Me” or a search view in the dialog. The issue occurs also in the Relationships dialog.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Misleading Tenant Name setting in group synchronization plugin for Azure AD
ID: 162314
Symptom: The Tenant Name setting of the group synchronization plugin for Azure AD is misleading.
Solution: Fixed. The setting is now called Primary Domain.
Defect: New web not working correctly when dragging and dropping documents to virtual folder
ID: 161382
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, when a user creates a document to a virtual folder in a view with drag and drop, the “Circular references between placeholders detected” dialog is opened.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OAuth configuration missing PostLogoutRedirectURI setting
ID: 161308
Symptom: Cannot set PostLogoutRedirectURI in Federated Authentication OAuth.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OAuth plugin based login URL not working
ID: 161987
Symptom: When Azure AD is configured with a reverse proxy based URL, the URL cannot be used for logging in to the classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Objects with translatable object titles not shown in value lists
ID: 161284
Symptom: Objects with translatable titles are sometimes not shown in value lists until they are edited.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Occasional error when removing default search filters quickly
ID: 162292
Symptom: When a user removes many default search filters quickly in a row, sometimes the “Invalid Parameter” error message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview PDF generation blocks permission calculations
ID: 162385
Symptom: When there are many PDF files for document preview to be generated, ACL propagation tasks are blocked until all Generate Viewer File tasks have completed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Removed metadata causes promoted objects to be removed from search results
ID: 159248
Symptom: When the user removes metadata of a promoted external repository object, the object is no longer shown in search results.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: UI extensibility method BottomPane.GetTabIds() returns right pane’s tab IDs
ID: 162164
Symptom: When calling GetTabIds() from BottomPane in a UI extensibility application, the right pane’s tab IDs are returned.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Users can add comments to object versions without the correct rights
ID: 161592
Symptom: Users without administrator rights can add comments to object versions that were created by another user.
Solution: Fixed. Changing comments in the object history is now allowed for administrators only.
Defect: “Get M-Files Web URL” not working for MP4 file format in classic M-Files Web
ID: 162436
Symptom: The “Open Files in Browser” advanced vault setting is set to Yes. When a user goes to the classic M-Files Web, selects an MP4 file, and uses the “Get M-Files Web URL” option, the generated URL does not work. When a user tries to open the file with the URL, this message is thrown: “Failed to load PDF document.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Maximum Number of Objects per Listing” does not work in classic web
ID: 161496
Symptom: When an admin changes the “Maximum Number of Objects per Listing” setting in the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin, the change does not have effect on the object group listings in the classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed by renaming this setting and the separate client settings and improving their help texts. The setting under Advanced Vault Settings > Search > Limits was renamed to “Maximum Number of Search Results in Paginated Group” and the restriction that the setting has only effect on M-Files Desktop was added to the help text.
Defect: “See and undelete deleted objects” gives incorrect access rights to unmanaged objects
ID: 161409, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: The “See and undelete deleted objects” administrative right allows the user to see undeleted unmanaged objects.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online February ’22 Update (22.2.11149.3)
Improvement: Added disclaimer for not supporting updating PowerPoint embedded metadata
ID: 161022
Description: Updated the help text for the File Operations node in the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Added new ObjectVersionDataRequest.SetEx() API method.
ID: 161282
Description: Created a new ObjectVersionDataRequest.SetEx() method with public flag types. Deprecated the existing ObjectVersionDataRequest.Set() method that used ULONG types instead.
Improvement: Automatically refresh view when object has changed on server
ID: 20320
Description: Content of an open view in M-Files Desktop is now automatically refreshed as a background operation. This refreshes objects that have been changed by other users or M-Files Server. The operation occurs at specified refresh intervals. You can configure the refresh interval in the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin (Client/Desktop/Listing/Automatic Refresh).
Improvement: Better metadata card configuration performance in M-Files Classic Web
ID: 160705
Description: Classic Web uses now pre-resolved metadata card configuration. This improvement is related to the earlier improvement 160641.
Improvement: Discovery able to auto-pause
ID: 51164
Description: The ability for Discovery to auto-pause for regular maintenance has been added.
Improvement: Discovery now able to log a list of objects it couldn’t modify and try again later
ID: 47910
Description: Added functionality for Discovery to log the list of objects that it couldn’t modify and try again later. This can be enabled through advanced configurations editor setting.
Improvement: Discovery now provides an execution report
ID: 34362
Description: Discovery can now be configured to provide an execution report, which displays modified objects and how they have been modified.
Improvement: Discovery uses server’s locale to display the thousands separator
ID: 51503
Description: Discovery now uses the server’s locale to display the thousands separator instead of using a whitespace character.
Improvement: High Availability of IDOL over HTTPS connection improved
ID: 43086
Description: Improved High Availability of IDOL over HTTPS connection improved.
Improvement: New icons
ID: V-43952, V-48299, 158094
Description: Most M-Files icons are new in M-Files Desktop and M-Files Web.
Improvement: Performance with templates improved in document creation
ID: 158244
Description: The Create dialog in M-Files Desktop now shows a maximum of 5,000 templates instead of 500. The list of templates is also loaded faster than before.
Improvement: Possibility to change the default exportation settings
ID: 139014, 159199
Description: The export dialog in M-Files Desktop now remembers the configuration options used last time.
Improvement: Possibility to disable notifications per user for assignments
ID: 156048
Description: Assignment notifications and workflow state notifications are not sent anymore if a user has configured notifications off in M-Files Desktop. Only check-in requests are sent. The old behavior can be restored in Configurations > Advanced Vault Settings > Notifications in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Search within this view as a new view option
ID: 144472, 161220, 162184
Description: Added a new configuration, search within this view, for M-Files views. It is available in the advanced tab of properties of any view in M-Files Desktop.
Improvement: Using Azure AD profile picture for New Web user menu
ID: V-49666
Description: Using user profile picture from Azure AD in the user menu enabled.
Improvement: Vault-specific setting to control object ID visibility inside ID views
ID: 162214
Description: There is now an advanced vault setting to prevent object IDs from showing inside ID views. You can find the new setting under “Configuration > Client > Desktop > File Operations > Include IDs In File Names Inside ID Views”. If this setting is true, the client-level setting is effective.
Improvement: When selecting an item from the search history, the search is done automatically.
ID: 161874, V-51674
Description: When a user selects an item from the search list, the search is done right away.
Defect: A substitute user not able to complete assignments on behalf of others
ID: 160108
Symptom: When a substitute user tries to complete an assignment of behalf of other user, the error message “Access denied” is shown when saving changes in metadata card. Assignments can be completed after manual re-login.
Solution: Fixed. Substitute information refreshed in M-Files Server and the need for manual re-login removed. The state of the affected substituted users on M-Files client is not updated.
Defect: Automatic object permissions not updating after signing the object
ID: 149098
Symptom: When the object signature is done with a separate signature object, and the separate signature object contributes to the signed object’s permissions via an automatic permissions component, the signed object permissions are not updated after the object is signed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Changing IDOL configure script path from absolute to relative
ID: 161654
Symptom: When executing IDOLIndexBackup.ps1 script manually, an error about a missing directory appears.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Combined indexing: File data is not indexed for checked-out objects
ID: 159561
Symptom: Outside of rebuild context, the file data is not indexed for checked-out objects.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Copy link does not work in new M-Files Web with Safari
ID: 162298
Symptom: User goes to the new M-Files Web with Safari. When the user tries to copy a link with the “Copy link” functionality, the operation fails with the error message “Error, Link couldn’t be copied”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Discarding metadata card gives “multivalue” error message if the object data is invalid
ID: 160903
Symptom: Discarding metadata card changes can cause the “IsMultiValue” error message if metadata card configuration filters are configured.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Discovery returns wrong confidence from Text Analytics
ID: 161977
Symptom: Text Analytics can provide suggestions with different confidences. Discovery incorrectly overrides this confidence to 0.9.
Solution: Fixed. Discovery now respects the originally reported confidences.
Defect: Error in event log when previewing files with no text
ID: 160595
Symptom: Event log showing error when previewing files with no textual content.
Solution: Fixed by skipping pages that have no text.
Defect: Facet filters misfunction when using Smart Search
ID: 161944
Symptom: Smart search is not supported after searching for additional conditions with an SQL condition, and the operation results in the correct error message. But when tried again, the message changes to “The parameter is incorrect. See the Windows event log for more information”. This then permits additional conditions to be modified. Every subsequent search results in the same message, even when the user resets the additional conditions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incomplete search results with pagination
ID: 161503
Symptom: All search results not available due to pagination.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Local validator asks for ConfigurationType when creating new shared index in Advanced Vault Settings
ID: 161770
Symptom: Local validator in Advanced Vault Settings complains about the missing ConfigurationType when creating a new index configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: No comment window when marking an assignment done on the metadata card
ID: 161993
Symptom: Assignment comment box does not appear when clicking the checkbox on the metadata pane.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OLE DB Connector application not always updating database
ID: 162192
Symptom: OLE DB Connector application may fail to update the database if the value is NULL.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Outlook crashes when opened twice
ID: 161412
Symptom: User cannot open Outlook in a second window when M-Files Office Add-In is in use. First Outlook window opens properly. When the user opens a second window, this error message is shown: “Microsoft Outlook has stopped working. A problem prevented this program from running properly. Close the program.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Single-select property configuration rule does not work correctly in classic M-Files Web
ID: 161879
Symptom: When a metadata card configuration rule is used to display a multi-select lookup property as a single-select property, it is still possible to add multiple values to the property in the classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Too many templates for a class affects the names of the templates
ID: 161720
Symptom: Template names containing certain characters are shown incorrectly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault optimization not honoring any registry settings when ran as a scheduled job
ID: 161538
Symptom: Vault optimization does not honor any registry settings when it is ran as a scheduled job.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Admin
ID: 160733, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: XSS vulnerability in M-Files Admin can compromise the security of the user running the application.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: When modifying workflows, M-Files Admin tool zooms in to maximum
ID: 162061
Symptom: For some environments and workflows the M-Files Admin workflow editor zooms in 100x the original scale when a state transition is modified. This makes workflow modifications time consuming and frustrating.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Not Found” error messages appear occasionally after search
ID: 154991
Symptom: “Not Found” error messages appear occasionally after the user logs out after search.
Solution: Fixed.”
M-Files Online January ’22 Update Service Release 2 (22.1.11017.5)
Defect: Searching objects can trigger several “Log in to external repository” dialogs
ID: 162259
Symptom: If a user is not logged in to an external repository, doing a search can unnecessarily trigger several “Log in to external repository” dialogs.
Solution: Fixed. This change applies only to M-Files Server.
Defect: Setting default object types notifies M-Files Desktop about changed filters
ID: 162247
Symptom: Setting default object types for search in M-Files Desktop sends unnecessary notifications about changed filters, which causes the M-Files Desktop UI to jam.
Solution: Fixed. This change applies only to M-Files Desktop.
M-Files Online January ’22 Update Service Release 1 (22.1.11017.3)
Defect: M-Files Desktop crashing
ID: 162008
Symptom: M-Files Desktop crashes when logging out. M-Files Desktop can cause issues with the M-Files version upgrade. For example, changing the drive letter assigned to M-Files.
Solution: Fixed. This change only applies to M-Files Desktop.
M-Files Online January ’22 Update (22.1.11017.2)
Improvement: Automatically refresh views and objects when file dragged on top of an object
ID: 159974, V-44615
Description: In M-Files Desktop, a user is in a view and has some object relationships expanded. The user drags and drops a file on top of an object and, that way, creates a document with the object referred in the metadata. Previously, a manual refresh was necessary to see the new document in the view. Now, the new document is immediately shown.
Improvement: Database optimization
ID: 161788
Description: Optimized database performance for referential integrity checks.
Improvement: Faster preview
ID: V-47540, 159136
Description: PDF files for document preview are now pre-generated to speed up the first preview of documents. The server creates the preview file for a new or changed file immediately after it is checked in. The feature can be disabled in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Opening the “Filter Conditions” dialog easier
ID: V-49880
Description: The condition editing dialog can now also be opened by clicking on the item row.
Improvement: Reduce the possibility of data loss due to replication misconfiguration
ID: 161535
Description: The replication setting combinations that can lead to data loss are now prevented.
Improvement: Sharing a view also shares views column settings
ID: 160799, V-47997
Description: Column settings are now automatically shared when sharing views.
Defect: Alias not resolved in the Metadata card configuration
ID: 161740
Symptom: The metadata structure element alias is not resolved properly in the Metadata card configuration, if the alias begins with a number.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic permissions not removed correctly
ID: 156716
Symptom: An object type has default automatic permissions defined and a value list based property is configured to enable automatic permissions via it. If an admin removes these configurations during a background operation for updating the permissions, the permissions are not removed from existing objects.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Checking the empty set of configured shared indexes instead of enabled shared indexes
ID: 161359
Symptom: External repository indexers start in legacy mode (and create separate indexes) when no vault index is enabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Client type always MFClientTypeWeb
ID: 161761
Symptom: Client type is always set as MFClientTypeWeb in M-Files Web Services (MFWS).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document preview does not filter links to external sources
ID: 154931, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: In M-Files Web, the document preview does not filter links in all documents which allows information disclosure.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error shown by UI extensibility application does not include application name
ID: 160491
Symptom: When a UI extensibility application shows an error dialog, the error message does not tell you which application caused the error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error when navigating to a pinned subview with multiple locations
ID: 161670
Symptom: “Not found” error in pinned virtual folder of a subview in a virtual folder after enabling pinboard icon and navigation optimization.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Excluded object types are still visible in the search filter
ID: 161385
Symptom: Object types that are excluded from search in M-Files Admin are still shown as options in the search filter.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Last modified timestamp is not updated when replacing file in multi-file document
ID: 159815
Symptom: When a user drags and drops a file on top of an existing file in a multi-file document, the Date Modified timestamp is not always correctly updated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Long file names are automatically shortened when added to an MFD
ID: 159736, 161525, 143228
Symptom: When converting files with long file names to PDF, or adding files with long names to an already existing MFD, the file name gets automatically shortened.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Misleading error message with Okta Group Synchronization
ID: 160752
Symptom: When synchronizing more than the maximum number of allowed user groups with the Okta Group Synchronization plugin, an incorrect error message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Non-readable data gets indexed from message files with plain text extractor
ID: 161478
Symptom: When indexing email messages, also email headers are indexed. Headers have a lot of irrelevant information that are unnecessary in the index.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Not obvious when Smart Classifier fails to train due to a request timeout
ID: 161701
Symptom: When Smart Classifier Background Tasks fails to train due to an HTTP request timeout, it is not clear to the admin what happened based on the error message.
Solution: Fixed. The error message is now more descriptive to help the admin understand the issue.
Defect: Occasional SQL lock conflict error when adding several files
ID: 159452
Symptom: When a user adds several files to a vault with for example drag and drop, the SQL lock conflict error is sometimes shown.
Solution: Fixed. Added a new setting that limits the Windows client concurrency in check-in operations under the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin (Client > Desktop > Object Operations > Maximum Number of Simultaneous Check-Ins).
Defect: Ping error message on Knowledge Graph, Smart Classifier, and Smart Metadata dashboards
ID: 161729
Symptom: In cases when Internet connectivity exists, but ping to internetbeacon.msedge.net is blocked (such as in M-Files cloud environments), Knowledge Graph, Smart Classifier, and Smart Metadata show a misleading message: “Internet Ping: Ping response for url internetbeacon.msedge.net : TimedOut”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Primary file filter for multi-file documents is case sensitive
ID: 161159
Symptom: In the Advanced Vault Settings section of M-Files Admin, a file name filter under Multi-File Documents > Primary Files does not work correctly if the file extension has different casing than the filter value. For example, if the filter is *.pdf, the PDF icon is not shown as the icon of the multi-file document for files whose file extension is .PDF.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Property set as read only in Metadata card configuration can be removed
ID: 161877
Symptom: Property set as read only in the Metadata card configuration can be removed in the Metadata card.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Searching objects by traditional folder name in quick search not working
ID: 130661
Symptom: Searching objects by traditional folder name in quick search doesn’t work.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Setting a named access control list for object fails
ID: 159589
Symptom: In certain vaults, when a user changes the permissions of an object and selects a named access control list, the operation fails. The following error message is written to the Windows event log: “The parameter is incorrect.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Metadata dashboard fails to load
ID: 161593
Symptom: The Smart Metadata dashboard fails to load in some vaults, and an error appears: “Status request failed: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The M-Files indexer not indexing the vault correctly
ID: 160575
Symptom: Two or more indexers are adding external user groups at the same time. These transactions last longer than 2 seconds, which prevents correct indexing of the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: UI Extensibility application error message does not include the application
ID: 160491
Symptom: When UI Extensibility application displays an error message, the message does not reveal which application did the action.
Solution: Added the application name to the error message details.
Defect: Windows event log shows error messages from a disabled indexer
ID: 161335
Symptom: Indexer error messages are shown in Windows event log when the corresponding index configuration is being disabled.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online December ’21 Update (21.12.10943.6)
Improvement: View for showing duplicates only
ID: V-43201
Description: When a user creates a view, a new “Show duplicates only” option is available. If it is selected, the view contains only objects that have exact file duplicates in the vault.
Improvement: Showing nightly maintenance events in the Windows Event Log
ID: 160624
Description: In the Windows Event Log, there is now an informational event added when the nightly vault maintenance starts and when it finishes. Also, the way that errors and warnings level events are logged was improved.
Improvement: Quick selections for object permission settings
ID: V-40995, 155588
Description: When a user clicks the permissions area at the bottom of the metadata card, the Permissions dialog is opened. When the object does not have automatic permissions, the dialog now shows the most used named access control lists as radio buttons in the “Selected permission settings” section.
Improvement: OAuth support for External Mail Sources (Google Mail)
ID: V-33392
Description: You can now set external mail sources that use Google Mail to use OAuth authentication for better security. Additionally, the email synchronization was improved.
Improvement: Improved encryption algorithms to protect passwords in transit
ID: V-36755
Description: M-Files now uses an improved in-transit encryption of passwords between M-Files clients and servers.
Improvement: FileVer object to support version data
ID: 161075
Description: The functionality of the FileVer object was improved to support version data. The OpenFileInDefaultApplication API method now supports the FileVer object instead of expecting the ID and version separately.
Improvement: Confirmation dialog when saving an empty file
ID: V-41535, 156870
Description: A confirmation dialog is now shown when a user saves a new document version with an empty file.
Improvement: Breadcrumb on the top pane to indicate search within a view
ID: 47978
Description: Previously in the Desktop client, if a user selected on the Filters tab to search within a view, the breadcrumb changed to “Vault name > Latest Searches > Search Results”. The breadcrumb was changed so that it now shows “Vault name > View name > Search Results” to better indicate that the search results are shown from the contents of the view.
Improvement: Anonymous login for new M-Files Web and M-Files Mobile
ID: F-14140
Description: You can now set vaults to use anonymous login in the vault authentication settings in M-Files Admin. When the anonymous login has been enabled, people without an M-Files account can access the vault with the new M-Files Web or M-Files Mobile.
Improvement: Electronic signatures in the new Web
ID: V-25863
Description: It is now possible to use electronic signatures in the new Web. To use the feature, you must enable WebSocket Protocol in Web Server Role (IIS) Services.
Defect: Preview not working on the second search results page in new M-Files Web
ID: 161750
Symptom: A user does a search in the new M-Files Web and goes to the second search results page with the Next option. When the user selects an object, the preview does not work. If the user goes back to the first page, the issue still occurs.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unplanned IDOL index rebuild
ID: 161694
Symptom: Failure during the indexing request can cause unintentional IDOL index rebuilding.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The ID column behavior in the new M-Files Web is different than in other clients
ID: 161380
Symptom: In M-Files Desktop and the classic M-Files Web, if the object has an external ID, the external ID is shown in the ID column. However, when the user adds the ID column in the new M-Files Web, the internal ID is shown instead of the external ID.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 160941, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: A vulnerability in M-Files Server can compromise security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Verify and Repair (Thorough) operation fails for a large cloud vault
ID: 156409
Symptom: Azure Blob Storage occasionally times out when data file content for a large cloud vault is fetched during the “Verify and Repair (Thorough)” operation. This causes the operation to fail. The timeout is most likely caused by temporary load or service disruption.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Validation in “Save to M-Files” from Outlook Add-In not working as expected
ID: 159971
Symptom: When a user tries to save an email from Outlook to M-Files with the “Save to M-Files” function but the validation on the server side fails, check-in cannot be done and the metadata card is prompted. When the user tries to save the email again, an “already saved” error message is shown. This happens because the email was saved with the first try although the validation failed.
Solution: Fixed. The email is not saved if the validation fails.
Defect: There is no error message when Save attachments to M-Files function fails in Outlook
ID: 160257
Symptom: If the user does not have the permission to create a new M-Files document and tries to save attachments to M-Files in Outlook, nothing happens.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The search results are not accurate when the vault language is German
ID: 160635
Symptom: The search results are not accurate when the vault language is German.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Sometimes M-Files Desktop does not open correctly after a Windows restart
ID: 142426
Symptom: When the user restarts Windows and selects a vault in File Explorer, the selected vault is shown as an empty folder. If the user logs in to the vault from the context menu, the vault opens as folders and files in File Explorer. However, the Home view of M-Files Desktop should be shown instead of folders and files.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Sensitive session data stored as plain text
ID: 161162
Symptom: Sensitive session data of a logged-in user is stored in the server memory as plain text.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Restart API method causes timeout after 10 minutes
ID: 159402
Symptom: The Restart API method always returns successfully after 10 minutes even if the vault has not been fully restarted. Therefore, the caller of the method gets wrong information about the vault state when the vault restart takes more than 10 minutes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Property value filtering not working correctly in classic M-Files Web
ID: 160869
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, a user enters text to a property value field to filter the list values. If the user removes the text and enters it again, the value list filtering does not work. The user sees an empty list and cannot select values.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Not found error after uninstalling Compliance Kit
ID: 157214
Symptom: After an admin first uninstalls Compliance Kit or another application and then expands the Other Applications node in the Configurations section of M-Files Admin, the “Not Found” error is sometimes shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: No scrollbar in Filter Conditions dialog of Compliance Kit configuration
ID: 160968
Symptom: There is no scrollbar in the Filter Conditions dialog of the Compliance Kit configuration in M-Files Admin. If the filter conditions do not fit on the screen, the user cannot see the last added search conditions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Discovery not setting multi-line text property values extracted with Text Analytics
ID: 161541
Symptom: Discovery can be configured to use Text Analytics. Text Analytics can extract a block of text for a multi-line text property, but Discovery cannot set that extracted text as the property value.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Manually configured M-Files client cache sector size is not preserved in M-Files updates
ID: 159363
Symptom: Any manual configuration for the M-Files client cache sector size gets overwritten by the local disk sector size during M-Files updates. This occurs because the value is stored in the driver’s registry settings that are not preserved in updates.
Solution: Fixed. The client cache sector size can now be configured where necessary with the VDDBytesPerSector setting in the M-Files client registry settings that are preserved in updates.
Defect: Long text values not fully shown in data exports
ID: 157838
Symptom: Properties of the data type Text (multi-line) support 10000 characters but only the first 4000 characters are shown in data exports.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External repository indexing keeps crawling the same file data with dtSearch
ID: 161400
Symptom: With dtSearch, file data indexing does not progress because the same file data is constantly crawled from the external repository. Eventually, this can cause other background operations, such as user group synchronization, to fail.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Errors in default view “By Workflow and State”
ID: 160910
Symptom: Object operations in the default view “By Workflow and State” cause errors because the view has Workflow as a grouping level which is by default not allowed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Errors from logout when access token used for authorization
ID: 159689
Symptom: When a user logs out of a vault that has the “UseIdTokenAsAccessToken” parameter set to false in the federated authentication configuration, the operation causes an error. In the classic M-Files Web, an error is displayed. In M-Files Desktop, errors are written to the Windows event log. This occurs because the access token is sent as id_token_hint instead of the ID token.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error written to the Windows event log when indexing external repository with IDOL
ID: 160070
Symptom: When indexing an external repository with IDOL, the following error is written to the Windows event log: “The system cannot find the file specified.” This happens when multiple indexes share one index configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error dialogs after online-offline transitions
ID: 160307
Symptom: When M-Files Desktop is left open for a long time (for example, for the night), M-Files Desktop shows several error dialogs related to UI extensibility applications with the error message “This operation is not allowed in offline mode” or “The object cannot be accessed, because it has been decommissioned”. The errors are caused by automatic online-offline transitions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Database primary key violation errors in the Windows event log
ID: 160496
Symptom: When event handlers or automatic state transitions create a new object version, database primary key violation errors can occur. The errors are recorded in the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Content export keeps failing due to incorrect connection string
ID: 159944
Symptom: If an admin creates an export job to the cloud with an incorrect connection string, the export fails as expected. However, if the admin unselects the option “Use replication via cloud storage” without closing the dialog, the export still fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: COM object errors on Smart Classifier and Smart Metadata dashboards
ID: 161333
Symptom: The Smart Classifier and Smart Metadata dashboards sometimes show COM object errors in the logs.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Checking if object is referenced is slow in replication export
ID: 161260
Symptom: When a replication package is exported, checking if object is referenced is sometimes very slow. It can slow down the destruction of exported objects considerably if the option to destroy exported objects is selected.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot change class when CopyWorkflowFromTemplate is enabled
ID: 159509
Symptom: The CopyWorkflowFromTemplate setting is enabled, and a user creates a document from a template that has a hidden workflow. If the user changes the class, the operation fails and an error is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Adding or editing user or user group fails during replication
ID: 150685
Symptom: If an administrator adds or edits a user or user group during a replication package import or export, the operation fails with the error message “This operation cannot complete because there is a content replication in progress.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “one of” operator for sequences not working correctly in Compliance Kit
ID: 160657
Symptom: It is difficult to set the “one of” or “none of” operator for a sequence in the Filter Conditions dialog of the Utilities module in Compliance Kit. Before it is possible to set these operators, the user must add at least two value fields to the right side of the filter condition.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Check in Immediately” unselected when saving a file from Foxit PDF Reader
ID: 160717
Symptom: When a user opens a file in Foxit PDF Reader and saves the file to M-Files with the Save as functionality, the “Check in Immediately” option is unselected.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online November ’21 Update Service Release 1 (21.11.10853.6)
Improvement: Better metadata card configuration performance
ID: 160641
Description: Metadata card configuration is now solved already on the M-Files Server side and a ready-to-use configuration is delivered to the M-Files clients. This reduces client-side processing and unnecessary client-server communication. This change applies to both M-Files Server and M-Files Desktop.
Defect: Parsing metadata card configuration can crash M-Files Server
ID: 161574
Symptom: Parsing metadata card configuration can crash M-Files Server
Solution: Fixed. This change applies only to M-Files Server.
M-Files Online November ’21 Update (21.11.10853.5)
Improvement: Possibility to show paginated view in the new M-Files Web
ID: 158186
Description: Paginated view is now supported in the listing area of the new M-Files Web.
Improvement: Removal of unreferenced access control lists split into multiple background tasks
ID: 155298
Description: The background task that removes unreferenced, user-visible access control lists from the vault is now done in batches of 10 million items. This makes sure that the task queue does not become blocked because of this operation.
Improvement: Possibility to see the indexing status in M-Files Admin
ID: 41515
Description: When a vault is selected in M-Files Admin, it is possible to see indexing status in the left-side tree view.
Improvement: M-Files Smart Migration
ID: F-39594
Description: M-Files Smart Migration lets customers migrate data from external repositories to M-Files vaults. Additionally, it can be configured to invoke intelligence services (Smart Classifier, Smart Metadata, and Information Extractor) to automatically add metadata to the objects during migration.
Improvement: Matcher handles 2-character substitutions better
ID: 151861
Description: Matcher can now match words that contain characters “ß”, “Þ”, or “þ” when they have been substituted by their two-letter equivalents “ss”, “Th”, or “th” respectively.
Improvement: Improved error message for the method ExtractCachedItemFromIDToNameMappingString
ID: 135408
Description: Instead of the error message “Unspecified error”, the method “ExtractCachedItemFromIDToNameMappingString” now returns an error message with a file, a row number, and row content information.
Improvement: Duplicate emails are detected
ID: F-36001
Description: The duplicate detection functionality now detects duplicate emails when the emails are dragged and dropped to M-Files.
Improvement: Better error message in the classic M-Files Web when all concurrent licenses are in use
ID: 160747
Description: The classic M-Files Web now shows an improved error message when all concurrent licenses are in use.
Improvement: All drop-down menu items are now hidden in the Select Folder dialog
ID: 160938
Description: When the Select Folder dialog is opened from the listing area, the drop-down menu is empty by default. To show items in the drop-down menu, the arrow icon on the right side of the text field must be clicked and then Refresh List selected.
Defect: Not possible to login to M-Files Add-in for Teams with Okta credentials
ID: 161027
Symptom: It is not possible to login to M-Files Add-in for Teams with Okta credentials.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: No scrollbar in the Create menu of the new M-Files Web
ID: 160866
Symptom: There is no scrollbar in the Create menu of the new M-Files Web. If the available object types do not fit on the screen, the user cannot select some of the object types.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: New Web uses wrong time zone in timestamps
ID: 159147
Symptom: When a timestamp property is used, M-Files uses the time zone of the server to set the timestamp. However, the used time zone should be local.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows Excel crashes when an incorrect password is entered on protected files
ID: 160240
Symptom: When a protected Windows Excel file is previewed in M-Files Desktop and the user enters an incorrect password for the file, Windows Excel crashes.
Solution: Fixed. If the user enters an incorrect password, the user must first select another file and then the original one again to get a new password prompt.
Defect: Windows Authentication for a vault database connection causes high CPU load
ID: 161181
Symptom: If Windows Authentication is used for a vault database connection, this causes high CPU usage by the Isass.exe process.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 160877, CVE ID number pending
Symptom: A vulnerability in M-Files server can compromise data security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault optimization fails
ID: 161248
Symptom: Vault optimization fails when database index compression is taken into use in a vault that uses Microsoft SQL Server as the database engine.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault extension methods not working
ID: 161094
Symptom: In some environments, Compliance Kit’s vault extension methods fail with the error RPC_E_DISCONNECTED (0x80010108): “The object invoked has disconnected from its clients”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault administrators cannot see the Blob Storage settings in Advanced Vault Settings
ID: 161192
Symptom: Customer vault administrators cannot see the Blob Storage settings in Advanced Vault Settings.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unresponsive vault application can cause the go offline operation to not be completed
ID: 159868
Symptom: When a vault application becomes unresponsive during the go offline operation, the operation cannot be completed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Translate Content dialog in M-Files Admin shows new languages incorrectly
ID: 161264
Symptom: The language option menu shows resource identifiers. However, the menu should show the language names of the recently added languages.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Timeout error when saving a PDF file with annotations in the preview
ID: 161016
Symptom: With specific PDF files, saving with annotations in the preview causes a timeout error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The text color for a pinned item cannot be changed with M-Files Theme Editor
ID: 160245
Symptom: When a user changes the text color for a pinned item with M-Files Theme Editor, nothing happens.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The progress window opens on top of the Duplicate File Content dialog
ID: 159987
Symptom: When the user drops duplicate content to the vault, the Duplicate File Content dialog opens. However, the Copying progress window opens on top of the Duplicate File Content dialog.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The error report in CXMLArchiveManager:Archive() is not sufficient
ID: 159801
Symptom: The error report in CXMLArchiveManager:Archive() does not give enough information for the user.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The desired values are not shown
ID: 158475
Symptom: When automatic filling of properties and metadata card configuration rules are set on the same properties, some of the property values are not the desired ones.
Solution: Fixed. In M-Files Admin, it is now possible to select if the automatic filling is done before or after the metadata card configuration. This can be done in Advanced Vault Settings > Client > Common > Metadata Card > Automatic Property Filling > Rule Evaluation Order.
Defect: Text after colon not found with search
ID: 159672
Symptom: If a document has text in the format <text>:<text>, the text after the colon (:) is not searchable with dtSearch. For example, if the user enters “123” as the search term, the document that contains “abc:123″ is not listed in the search results.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Sometimes temporary files are not cleared from the server disk
ID: 160700
Symptom: Sometimes temporary files are not cleared from the server disk.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: SharePoint co-authoring cannot be started
ID: 160824
Symptom: When the user tries to start co-authoring with SharePoint, this error is shown: “The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Settings for PDF previews not always taken into use correctly
ID: 159875
Symptom: Limitations for PDF preview files set with Advanced Vault Settings are not always correctly taken into use. This can cause documents to not have a preview file even when they are not excluded by a set of updated limitations.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Search filter option “Last modified > Past 24 hours” sometimes shows older objects
ID: 160241
Symptom: When the search filter option “Last modified > Past 24 hours” is used, an object that was deleted more than 24 hours ago is shown in the search results.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Saving the configuration for the SharePoint 2016 connector takes a long time
ID: 158330
Symptom: Saving the configuration of the SharePoint 2016 connector can take minutes if the repository is indexed at the same time.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Renaming unmanaged object may fail
ID: 157502
Symptom: When an unmanaged object is renamed with the “SetAllProperties” method that has the explicit check-out and check-in set, the object may fail. Usually, this kind of error happens when the object is opened in a third-party editor, or it is accessed by a virus scanner or indexing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PDF conversion prevents valid LTV signatures
ID: 160915
Symptom: When a PDF document is converted to the PDF/A-1b format as part of the workflow state transition, a signature with Long Term Validation (LTV) can no longer be validated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Occasional “bad cast” error message after document operations
ID: 161207
Symptom: In some environments, document operations can fail with the “Unspecified error. (bad cast)” error message. This can happen for example in Compliance Kit vaults that have Network Folder Connector installed and the Managed Properties module configured.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Notification emails about import and export jobs are not sent
ID: 159950
Symptom: In Advanced Vault Settings > Configuration > Notifications, you can set an email address that receives notifications about export and import jobs. However, this email address setting does not work.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: NFC access denied error messages not showing the file path
ID: 161202
Symptom: To help troubleshooting, Network Folder Connector (NFC) can be configured to include more information in error messages. However, the access denied error messages do not show the file path although including more information is enabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Navigation between views is slow
ID: 159420
Symptom: Sometimes the navigation between views can be slow.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: MFShell crashes when M-Files vaults are browsed
ID: 161049
Symptom: Sometimes MFShell crashes when the user browses M-Files vaults.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server crashes
ID: 160398
Symptom: Sometimes M-Files Server crashes when objects are searched.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files cannot be used
ID: 158793
Symptom: In some vault structures, the remote database modifications generate many versions of the objects in M-Files. Sometimes this can cause a situation where M-Files cannot be used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata suggestions are not automatically shown with the Save as function
ID: 161138
Symptom: When the user adds a new document to a vault from an application with the Save As function, the metadata card opens without any metadata suggestions. When the user clicks the Analyze button in the metadata card, the metadata suggestions are shown. However, the metadata suggestion should be shown automatically in the metadata card.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Finding PII with M-Files Discovery does not function correctly
ID: 161052
Symptom: When M-Files Discovery finds more than one PII in a document, the PII value is left empty and the PII description includes only one description.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: File Explorer crashes after adding a new folder during folder selection
ID: 160732
Symptom: In a view that that has a grouping level with “Show only subfolders that were recently selected by the user” selected, the user can enter text in the Select Folder dialog to select the folder. If the text does not match existing values, the user can click Add value and enter information to the dialog that is opened. When the user closes the dialog with any of the buttons, File Explorer crashes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External repository connector does not function correctly
ID: 146275
Symptom: Sometimes M-Files gets the same information many times from the external repository.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error when saving attachments with similar names from Outlook to M-Files
ID: 159493
Symptom: In Outlook, when a user saves attachments that are named similarly with the Save attachments to M-Files function, an error message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error when replacing document with document from another vault
ID: 160714
Symptom: When a document is checked out, it cannot be replaced with a document from another vault with drag and drop. Thus, an error message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error when internal index files are accessed
ID: 161008
Symptom: When the user accesses internal index files in multi-server mode configuration or dtSearch indexer, the error message Access denied is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error when importing files from an external source
ID: 160498
Symptom: Sometimes an error message is recorded in the Windows Event Log when files are imported from an external source. Also, the imported file name contains a trailing whitespace.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error message when using the metadata card in Microsoft Word
ID: 161151
Symptom: Sometimes when a user uses the metadata card with Microsoft Word and selects a property value, the error message “It is illegal to call out while inside message filter” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error message when checking in changes
ID: 159164
Symptom: When the Compliance Kit is in use, the function “Check In Changes” in Microsoft Word and Excel sometimes shows the “Not found” error message.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Email synchronization that takes more than an hour to finish fails
ID: 161074
Symptom: When the email synchronization with the Microsoft Exchange Online External Mail Sources connection takes more than an hour to finish, the synchronization fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Consecutive object updates related to pseudo-users cause issues
ID: 158793
Symptom: Consecutive updates to access control lists related to pseudo-users can cause a lot of strain to the M-Files server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Compliance Kit Log Exporter cannot restart the export process
ID: 159083
Symptom: Sometimes there is an error message “The export process has stopped due to an error. The process should be restarted” in the Compliance Kit Log Exporter dashboard. When the user tries to restart the module, the error message “The statement has been terminated” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot open a reporting object
ID: 160871
Symptom: When a user tries to create and open a reporting object in a vault with M-Files Desktop, the operation fails with the error message “The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Broken link in error dialog after failed preview
ID: 159958
Symptom: When a preview cannot be shown, the error dialog “Preview not available for this file” opens. If the hyperlink “Browse previewer applications online” in the dialog is clicked, the hyperlinked web page does not open.
Solution: Fixed. The link has been removed.
Defect: A great number of warnings in Windows Event Log about weak conflicts
ID: 159519
Symptom: Sometimes when replication packages are imported, a great number of warnings are recorded to the Windows Event Log.
Solution: Fixed. In Advanced Vault Settings, there is now a new setting Content Replication and Archiving > Importing > Report Weak Conflicts. With this setting, it is possible to enable or disable the warnings about weak conflicts.”
M-Files Online October ’21 Update (21.10.10725.5)
Improvement: Client authentication of the REST API no longer uses case-sensitive vault comparison
ID: 160468
Description: Previously, services based on the REST API used case-sensitive vault GUIDs to validate the authentication. The comparison is now case-insensitive.
Improvement: Custom date and time formatting for notification emails
ID: 149403
Description: You can now set a custom date and time format for notification emails in Advanced Vault Settings > Notifications.
Improvement: Possibility to expand NACL Properties dialog in M-Files Admin
ID: 140119
Description: In M-Files Admin, it is now possible to expand the size of all dialogs that have the Permissions tab. This includes the Named Access Control List Properties dialog.
Improvement: The detection of Swedish person numbers improved
ID: 152642
Description: The detection of Swedish social security numbers was improved.
Defect: Authentication for EOT connector does not work
ID: 160414
Symptom: When an admin configures an external object type (EOT) connector, authenticates the integration user on the dashboard successfully, and saves and applies the configuration, the integration user cannot sometimes be authenticated. The operation fails with the error message “The data source couldn’t be accessed. The connection isn’t authenticated. Please go to the dashboard tab.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot copy files to a vault from long paths
ID: 159254
Symptom: When the user copies a file to a vault from a folder that has a long path, this error is shown: “Illegal characters in path.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot drag and drop files to the classic M-Files Web
ID: 160574
Symptom: When non-administrator users drag and drop files to the classic M-Files Web, the browser becomes unresponsive.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot log in with local Windows login account in new M-Files Web and Mobile
ID: 160619
Symptom: When Windows authentication is used and the user enters the username and a custom domain in the format “domain\username” to log into the new M-Files Web or M-Files Mobile, the login fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Clearing multiple value list-based property values at once does not work
ID: 158166
Symptom: When a user selects objects that have different values for a property of the data type “Choose from list”, the property value is shown as “(varies)”. If the user clears this value, the user does not get indication that the real values are not cleared. When the user selects one of these objects again, the value is still shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Co-authoring via SharePoint not working
ID: 157879
Symptom: Co-authoring documents via SharePoint fails if the SharePoint URL consists of server part only and does not contain a path to a subsite.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Conversion from Word to PDF not working
ID: 159852
Symptom: When there is a transparent shape in a Word file and a user moves the file to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF format” enabled, the operation fails with an error message.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party components.
Defect: Converting a Visio document to PDF not working as expected
ID: 157933
Symptom: When a Visio (VSDX) file is converted to the PDF format, some text gets different font, color, or both.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party components.
Defect: CreateSharedLink method creates invalid link
ID: 160416
Symptom: The M-Files API call SharedLinkOperations.GetSharedLink returns an invalid link error when the link has been created by a vault application via Vault Application Framework.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error in replication package import
ID: 160532
Symptom: When an administrator does a scheduled replication import on a cloud server, the import fails with the error message “Padding is invalid and cannot be removed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error in view import
ID: 160024
Symptom: In some cases, when views are imported, the “Invalid view location” error is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Excel pivot chart renders incorrect server-side PDF
ID: 155075
Symptom: When there is a certain pivot chart in an Excel file and the file is converted to the PDF format on the server side, the chart is incorrectly shown in the PDF file.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party components.
Defect: External repository search indexing stops
ID: 160811
Symptom: When a vault application changes the “auxiliary indexer” settings, the existing search indexers are sometimes dropped out from the external repository host. After this, the search indexing cannot get new and changed objects for indexing and the search index is no longer up to date. The event log shows the error message “The combined indexer was unavailable for this external repository”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Importing partially destroyed object does not work
ID: 160534
Symptom: A content package contains an object that is marked as partially destroyed (destroyed partially = true) and a destroyed object version. When an administrator imports the content package, the import fails with the error message “Invalid object name ‘OBJECTVERSIONLI’”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files OLE DB is shown as repository search refinement
ID: 160486
Symptom: The “M-Files OLE DB External Object Type Connector” application is enabled and there is an object type that uses an external connection with the M-Files OLE DB application connection. When a user does a search, The Filters tab shows multiple “M-Files OLE DB” options under the Repository section.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata index rebuild issue in shared mode
ID: 160394
Symptom: If the ConfigurationType setting is set to Shared and only the metadata index is rebuilt, the file indices are incorrectly rebuilt as well.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Moving data set properties up or down in Reporting and Data Export does not work
ID: 160443
Symptom: When an administrator creates a new data set in the Reporting and Data Export section in M-Files Admin, the administrator cannot move the properties of the data set with the up and down arrow buttons. The operation fails with the error message “Unspecified error”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Network Folder Connector locked out from domain after domain password change
ID: 160390
Symptom: When the domain password has been changed, Network Folder Connector sometimes uses the old password several times. With sensitive malicious access policy, this can make the domain controller to lock out the user from accessing the domain.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Office for the web in the Classic M-Files Web does not open documents in read-only mode
ID: 160814
Symptom: If the Shared Public Link configuration is disabled in the vault, Office for the web in the classic M-Files Web does not load documents in the read-only mode. This error message is shown instead: “Sorry, there was a problem and we can’t open this document.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PDF conversion quality problems with PowerPoint files
ID: 158908
Symptom: When a user moves a PowerPoint (PPTX) file to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF format” enabled, the conversion results are unsatisfactory.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party components.
Defect: Pinned tab behavior causes slowness
ID: 160564
Symptom: The Pinned tab scrolls through all the pinned items every time the tab is made visible which causes slowness.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Replacing a file in a multi-file document adds the file extension to the filename
ID: 160585, 160593, 160670
Symptom: When a user replaces a file in a multi-file document with a file that has the same name, the file extension part of the name gets repeated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Show more link is shown although all object type search refinements are listed
ID: 160507
Symptom: On the Filters tab, the Show more link is shown under the Object type section even if all available object types are listed. In that case, nothing is done if a user clicks the link.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: View columns are not distributed to the users as expected
ID: 159433
Symptom: If the “Remove all users’ custom display settings in this view” checkbox is not checked, the “Save As Common Display Settings” checkbox for views does not work as expected. The current behavior is by design, but the checkbox text is misleading.
Solution: Fixed. The text was changed to “Apply the changes for all users and override the users’ display settings in this view”.
Defect: XLSX save as type suggested for XLSM files
ID: 160372
Symptom: A user opens an XLSM file from M-Files with Excel. When the user tries to save the file in Excel with the “Save to M-Files” option in the M-Files ribbon, the suggested save as type on the metadata card is XLSX.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration for multi-select property not working
ID: 159973
Symptom: When the metadata card is configured so that a multi-select property behaves like a single-select property, users can add multiple property values with metadata suggestions or with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + I.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online September ’21 Update (21.9.10629.5)
Improvement: Fewer broadcast notifications sent when a vault is brought online in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 160482
Description: Far fewer broadcast notifications are now sent when a vault is brought online in Multi-Server Mode.
Improvement: Selecting more than one object is now supported in the new M-Files Web
ID: 33274
Description: You can now select more than object in the listing area of the new M-Files Web. Press Ctrl to select individual objects or Shift to select a range of objects.
Improvement: Users can now select a default landing page in the new M-Files Web
ID: V-33916
Description: In the new M-Files Web, users can now select their default landing page.
Improvement: Vault language setting in the new M-Files Web
ID: V-35589
Description: You can now change the vault language in the new M-Files Web.
Improvement: Vaults alphabetically ordered during login in M-Files Web
ID: 158894
Description: In the new M-Files Web, the list of available vaults is now alphabetically ordered during user login.
Improvement: Client secret value not visible in the mail source configuration
ID: 158927
Description: The mail source configuration for Microsoft Exchange Online requires the user to enter a client secret. Because the client secret is comparable to a password, the user interface now hides the characters.
Improvement: Limit the CPU load of indexing
ID: 154617
Description: The priority of the text extraction processes was decreased to the below normal priority class.
Improvement: Option for scheduling Matcher build time
ID: 160321
Description: M-Files Matcher can now be configured to rebuild its internal state once daily at a specified time.
Improvement: Performance Improvement for URL searches
ID: V-43831
Description: When a user does a search with an M-Files URL, the search is now by default executed against the database instead of favoring full text search. This increases the performance. If you want to use another search mode, you can specify the search mode as a URL parameter.
Improvement: Share views to other users in M-Files Desktop
ID: 15191, 129596, 160017
Description: There is now a command in the context menu of M-Files Desktop to share a private view to other users. The command opens an email message that contains a link to the view. Changes to the original view do not have an effect on the shared view, and vice versa.
Improvement: Undelete and destroy commands now further away from each other
ID: 156810
Description: The Undelete and Destroy commands are now further away from each other in the context menu of M-Files Desktop. This makes it less likely for the user to accidentally destroy a deleted object.
Improvement: User Action Log now records exports and offline availability operations
ID: V-42398
Description: The User Action Log feature now records two new operations in addition to the existing functionality. The feature records when metadata or file data is exported, and when objects are marked to be available offline.
Defect: Opening a Word document can open a blank Word UI
ID: 160438
Symptom: When a user opens a Word document from M-Files in Word 2016, the document does not always open correctly, but only a blank Word UI is shown.
Solution: Fixed. The fix also removes the earlier fix 159798.
Defect: Metadata suggestions do not always work in the new M-Files Web
ID: 159667
Symptom: The new M-Files Web does not always show metadata suggestions in the Create Document dialog.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Objects imported with the importer tool not handled correctly in the new M-Files Web
ID: 160094
Symptom: Objects imported with the importer tool are not handled correctly in the new M-Files Web: No copy link option is shown for the objects, and the M-Files ID is shown on metadata card instead of the external ID.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Your request cannot be completed” error in the new M-Files Web
ID: 160012
Symptom: The new M-Files Web sometimes shows a “Your request cannot be completed” error and logs out the user after they click OK.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic conflict resolution fails when “Last modified by” is M-Files Server
ID: 160247
Symptom: Automatic conflict resolution is enabled and “Notify users” is set to “Yes”. If a document is modified first in a source vault and then in a target vault by M-Files Server, the import fails with the error message “Foreign key reference target does not exist”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot reload a page in classic M-Files Web
ID: 160254
Symptom: In some Firewall-based environments, when users reload the page in the classic M-Files web, this error is shown: “Unexpected end of content while loading JObject”.
Solution: Fixed. The cookie consent feature was changed which is why the users must accept the use of cookies again.
Defect: Compliance Kit event handlers can cause an unspecified error
ID: 142678
Symptom: Check-out and check-in operations can cause Compliance Kit event handlers to not work. The error message “Unspecified error” is shown instead.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Content package import fails with “Simple Metadata Merge” and “Override with Files”
ID: 160302
Symptom: The “Simple Metadata Merge” and “Override with Files” functionalities are enabled in the target vault and a replication package is imported to the vault. If the package contains a checked-out single-file document that does not have other changes, the import fails. This occurs also when an object is checked out and then either checked in without changes or the checkout is canceled before the replication package is created.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: History information in M-Files Desktop shows incorrect information
ID: 150440
Symptom: The version history of the latest checked-in object version is shown on the metadata card title area and in the History dialog. If an object is checked out, this history information is shown differently for the user who checked out the object than for other users. Additionally, if the user cancels the check out, the history information changes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Information Extractor causes slowness
ID: 160304
Symptom: In some environments, Information Extractor causes general slowness.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Invalid sessions after server switch do not redirect users to login page in classic M-Files Web
ID: 159075
Symptom: In MSM environment, routing traffic to a new server makes the current web sessions invalid. In the classic M-Files Web, user sees the error message “An unknown error occurred. This might be an error caused by the Web server.”
Solution: Fixed. User is now redirected to the login page.
Defect: Lock conflicts and snapshot isolation errors in the vault database
ID: 158501
Symptom: In some cases, vault settings are written to the vault database at an incorrect time. This causes lock conflicts and snapshot isolation errors in the database.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Mark Approved shows the comments of a previous version
ID: 159073
Symptom: When you use the Mark Approved command on the task area, M-Files opens the Comments dialog with the comments of the previous object version.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Misleading cookie banner text in classic M-Files Web
ID: 160289
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, the text in the cookie consent banner says that information on user behavior is shared with social media, advertising, and analytics partners although it is not.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Notification template import fails in new or restored vault
ID: 158762
Symptom: When a user creates a new vault or restores a Firebird vault, push notification templates are not imported to the vault until the vault is restarted. Additionally, the following error message is recorded in the Windows event log: “An SQL update statement yielded a probable lock conflict”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OleDb EOT Connector connection fails, if the connection credentials are specified in Advanced Option
ID: 160508
Symptom: OleDb EOT Connector connection does not work, if connection credentials are specified in the Advanced Options section of the configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Open read-only files prevent automatic logout
ID: 158572
Symptom: If the user has a document open in the read-only mode, the user cannot be automatically logged out from M-Files.
Solution: Fixed. A new registry setting “IgnoreOpenReadonlyHandlesOnAutoLogout” was added. When it is set to true, open read-only files do not prevent automatic logout.
Defect: Searches cause timeout errors if the vault contains duplicate content
ID: 160318
Symptom: Searches can cause timeout errors if the vault contains many copies of the same document.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: SSO login sometimes shows empty page in classic M-Files Web
ID: 160040
Symptom: When a user tries log in to the classic M-Files Web with SSO and there are no concurrent user licenses available, an empty page is shown.
Solution: Fixed. Now an appropriate message is shown, and the user is redirected to the login page.
Defect: Wrong default value for WOPI Enabled
ID: 159418
Symptom: In the Advanced Vault Settings section of M-Files Admin, the “WOPI Enabled” setting under “Client > Classic Web > Office for Web” shows “Yes” as the default value. However, the feature is not enabled by default.
Solution: Fixed. Now the default value is “No”.
Defect: “ConcurrentLicensesLimit” registry setting not working correctly
ID: 159080
Symptom: When an administrator sets a registry key setting to limit the number of concurrent users in a specific vault, the configuration is incorrectly applied to all vaults that are attached to the server. When users try to access these servers, they get the error message “No more concurrent user licenses available”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “GetObjectFileIndexByNameForFileSystem” method is case-sensitive
ID: 159857
Symptom: The “GetObjectFileIndexByNameForFileSystem” API method does not to find a file if the name of the file has different character casing as in the API call.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online August ’21 Update Service Release 1 (21.8.10524.6)
Defect: Unable to login to M-Files using M-Files Web if the vault contains a lot of user groups with aliases
ID: 160636
Symptom: Unable to login to M-Files using M-Files Web if the vault contains a lot of user groups with aliases.
Solution: Fixed. This change applies to M-Files Server only.
Defect: Concurrent license is not released correctly
ID: 160480
Symptom: When a user is logged out of the classic M-Files Web automatically, the user is removed from the “Logged-In Users” list, but the concurrent license is not released. As a result, concurrent licenses are necessarily not available although not all or any of them are in use. The issue occurs only when a metadata card configuration has been set.
Solution: Fixed. This change applies to M-Files Server only.
Defect: EOT connection authentication causes slowness and an error
ID: 160185
Symptom: With Ground Link connections, the authentication process for an external object type (EOT) connection causes slowness and can be canceled because of a timeout.
Solution: Fixed. This change applies to M-Files Server only.
M-Files Online August ’21 Update (21.8.10524.3)
Improvement: Prevent using vault in different server modes at the same time
ID: V-39110
Description: A mechanism was added to prevent using a vault in multi-server mode and single-server mode at the same time.
Improvement: Update to Microsoft .NET Framework version requirement
ID: V-42560
Description: The Microsoft .NET Framework requirement in M-Files installations is now 4.7.2 or later.
Improvement: Support for annotations in new M-Files Web
ID: V-40951, V-33574
Description: Users can now create and edit annotations in the new M-Files Web. After the user has created an annotation, the user must refresh the page to see the annotation object in the listing area.
Improvement: Sign-in support with UPN-formatted username in new M-Files Web
ID: V-40834
Description: When you sign in to the new M-Files Web, you can now use your email as the username. Previously, only the format “domain\username” was supported.
Improvement: Security improvements in Office for the web operations in new M-Files Web
ID: V-41906
Description: When a user uses Microsoft Office for the web in the read-only or edit mode, the new M-Files Web now identifies the individual user sessions.
Improvement: Remove vault application related warning message
ID: 157625
Description: A confusing and irrelevant warning message about vault application behavior is no longer written to the Windows event log.
Improvement: Performance improvement for classic M-Files Web
ID: V-38913
Description: The performance of loading the alias names in the classic M-Files Web was improved.
Improvement: New user setting “Default Tab for Object” in M-Files Desktop
ID: 62159
Description: You can now select which tab to show in the right pane as default when you select an object in M-Files Desktop. Click your username in the upper right corner and select “User settings > Default Tab for Object” to select one of these options: Metadata, Preview, and Automatic Selection (default). By default, the same tab that you viewed the previous object with is shown.
Improvement: New step to refreshing status of external mail source
ID: 159709
Description: A step was added to the refreshing status of mail sources to improve the progress of the refresh operation. The new last step includes the final synchronization operations which were not monitored before. Previously, it was possible that the progress was 99% complete for a long time.
Improvement: M-Files Discovery estimates the number of objects to be processed
ID: F-34214, V-34361
Description: M-Files Discovery can now estimate the number of objects to be processed. This is helpful when you have not used Discovery in a vault or an external repository before.
Improvement: Extract Metadata scenario for M-Files Discovery
ID: F-34214
Description: You can now set M-Files Discovery to use metadata values extracted by the Text Analytics, Matcher, Smart Classifier, and Smart Metadata intelligence services.
Improvement: Disable indexing file data from an external repository with shared index configuration
ID: 160478
Description:It is now possible to disable indexing file data from some external repository, and enable it from the vault and other repositories.
Defect: Vaults can stay offline when servers are restarted many times in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 159807
Symptom: When M-Files servers are restarted more than once in a Multi-Server Mode environment, many servers can try to bring the same vault online. This can cause an “ALTER DATABASE” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Admin can become unresponsive in Multi-Server Mode (MSM)
ID: 159331
Symptom: If a vault in an MSM environment cannot be brought online automatically, the administrator can try to do this manually. If the operation causes an error more than once, M-Files Admin can become unresponsive for a long period of time.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: dtSearch text extraction for IDOL indexing cache uses all disk space
ID: 158564
Symptom: Temporary files of the dtSearch text extraction for IDOL indexing cache can use all disk space on a cloud server. This stops indexing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic updates fail
ID: 160044
Symptom: Automatic updates fail if the TEMP environment variable ends with backslash (\).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: A failed optimization can cause a vault to stay offline in a Multi-Server Mode environment
ID: 159789, 159793
Symptom: There are two servers in this Multi-Server Mode scenario. Thorough database optimization is started in a vault on Server A but it is not completed correctly. The MFServer service is restarted on Server B. The correct result is that both vaults are eventually brought online, but in this case, the vault on Server B stays offline. The vault also stays offline when the MFServer service is later restarted again.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows Authentication for a database connection causes high CPU load
ID: 159686
Symptom: If Windows Authentication is used for a database connection, this causes multiple logons and logoffs. This, in turn, significantly increases the CPU load on the server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 158505
Symptom: A vulnerability in the classic M-Files Web can compromise data security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 158506
Symptom: A vulnerability in M-Files Server can compromise security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault availability check unnecessarily records errors
ID: 159661
Symptom: The vault availability check with the REST API unnecessarily records errors to Windows event log when the vault is not available.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Users with “Full control of vault” cannot disable vault applications
ID: 158601
Symptom: Users with the “Full control of vault” administrative rights can enable a disabled vault application but cannot disable it. They cannot install or uninstall vault applications, either.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Uninformative error message related to the delta generation functionality
ID: 158110
Symptom: When the delta generation functionality finds a problematic file, it records this uninformative error message to the Windows event log: “The system cannot find the file specified.”
Solution: Fixed. The error message now contains a file and object ID.
Defect: The M-Files Web WOPI service does not work with a proxy server model
ID: 159847
Symptom: The Office for the web operations do not work as expected in M-Files Web when the application server is set up on a proxy server. The service requests of the M-Files Web WOPI service do not get to their target because of a binding issue.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The “Invalid date format” SQL Server error unnecessarily shown with views
ID: 126239
Symptom: If there is a view that uses the “YearAndMonth” option and properties have the value “December 9999”, the view cannot be opened in SQL Server vaults. The value “November 9999” works correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Simple property concatenation can cause a property to not be exported
ID: 159110
Symptom: There are two properties in this scenario: Property A refers to Property B with simple concatenation. If a user disables the concatenation and deletes Property B, and then tries to export Property A, it is not included in the replication package.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Shared public links do not work after replication
ID: 159498
Symptom: Replication does not correctly move shared public links to the target vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Settings related to the length of the file content cannot be changed
ID: 159644
Symptom: The settings “Maximum Length of File Contents” and “Maximum Length for Single File Content” cannot be changed in Advanced Vault Settings in M-Files Admin. M-Files shows an error message instead.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Set permissions state action not working in new M-Files Web
ID: 160039
Symptom: When a user changes the workflow state of the object in the new M-Files Web to a state that has the “Set permissions” action enabled, the specified permissions are not set for the object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Repository access check logs in unnecessarily
ID: 160003
Symptom: A repository access check unnecessarily does a login. This causes slowness in environments with many users.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Replication jobs with simple metadata merge sometimes do not work correctly
ID: 158311
Symptom: A replication job that uses simple metadata merge is stopped with this error: “Import of the object ‘<Object ID>’ from a content package failed.” This happens if these conditions are true: “Override with Files” is set to “Yes” and the document is a multi-file document in the source vault and a single-file document in the target vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Replication can stop because a conflict occurs
ID: 159693
Symptom: The import of a replication package can stop when M-Files tries to create a conflict object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Related object hierarchy disappears after vault restart
ID: 158948
Symptom: In the Advanced Vault Settings section of M-Files Admin, the saved configuration for “Client > Desktop > Listing > Related Object Hierarchy” disappears after a vault restart.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Read-only emails not saved correctly
ID: 157861
Symptom: When a user saves an email to M-Files, the M-Files Outlook category is set even though the email has the read-only attribute. As the result, the subsequent “Save As” operations fail for the read-only email.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Properties not always prefilled correctly in the new M-Files Web
ID: 159685
Symptom: Properties are not always prefilled correctly in the new M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Print and Download prevention does not work correctly in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 158784
Symptom: The Print and Download prevention feature in Compliance Kit does not prevent printing with shortcut keys in the classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Pin icon not working
ID: 160018
Symptom: When a user clicks the Pin icon on the option ribbon of the metadata card to pin or unpin an object, the operation has no effect and the Pinned tab does not get updated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OCR conversion cannot be completed for images with a high resolution
ID: 158950
Symptom: Optical character recognition cannot be done when the resolution of an image is higher than supported.
Solution: Fixed. If needed, M-Files resizes the image before processing.
Defect: More than one last modified search option shown as default search filter
ID: 160080
Symptom: Under the “Last modified” search options on the Filters tab, it is possible to set more than one default search filter. The selected default search filters are shown in bold and they are listed under Your default filters. However, only the one that is selected with the radio button is active.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files URLs do not find replicated objects
ID: 159778
Symptom: If objects are replicated from one vault to another and the original objects are deleted, M-Files URLs do not find the replicated objects.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Network Folder Connector does not correctly show folder names with a dot
ID: 158872
Symptom: M-Files Network Folder Connector does not correctly show folder names that contain a dot.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files does not always detect duplicate vault content
ID: 159967
Symptom: When the user saves content with a 3rd party application, M-Files does not always detect duplicate vault content.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Desktop can operate as if the mouse button is held down
ID: 156591
Symptom: When the user comes back to M-Files Desktop from another window, M-Files sometimes operates as if the mouse button is held down.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Admin shows user account related commands to all administrators
ID: 158376
Symptom: M-Files Admin shows the New User, Import User, and Import User Group commands to users who are not allowed to manage user accounts. However, they cannot use the commands.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration rules not always applied in classic M-Files Web
ID: 160101
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, metadata card configuration rules for custom placeholder values are applied only once for a user session. As a result, all the related property values do not get automatically filled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration rule does not set workflow state in classic M-Files Web
ID: 160102
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, the metadata card configuration rule that sets the workflow state is not applied when a new document is created.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Low disk space causes MFIndexer to crash continuously
ID: 156564
Symptom: When the server has low disk space, the Optimize Database operation can cause frequent errors related to a crashed M-Files Indexer service.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Last modified search options shown incorrectly
ID: 160136
Symptom: Under the “Last modified” search options on the Filters tab, a user sets another default search filter than “Any time”. Then the user clicks the Home tab and opens the Filters tab again. Under “Last modified”, the selected default filter is listed twice and “Any time” is missing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect timestamps in new M-Files Web
ID: 160048
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, the value of a timestamp property can be different on the metadata card than in the listing area.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect default value for the file size limit in PDF conversions
ID: 159553
Symptom: The file size limit for PDF conversions does not have the correct default value in Advanced Vault Settings. The conversion of files larger than 1,048,576 bytes causes an error. The effective maximum size is 10,485,760 bytes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Identical scope can cause federated authentication configurations to be deleted
ID: 159642
Symptom: A user creates two or more federated authentication configurations with identical scopes in M-Files Admin. When the user closes M-Files Admin and opens it again, all except one of the configurations are deleted without a warning.
Solution: Fixed. There is now a validation warning about an identical scope.
Defect: Files in a history version of a multi-file document are editable in the new M-Files Web
ID: 159039
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, files in a history version of multi-file document are editable in Office for the web. M-Files Desktop correctly tells the user that the file is only available in the read-only mode.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External sources can cause migration to Microsoft SQL to not complete
ID: 159641
Symptom: New or edited external sources that use basic authentication can cause a vault database migration from Firebird to Microsoft SQL Server to not complete.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Exported Word file not saved to M-Files correctly
ID: 159678
Symptom: When a user exports a document from Microsoft Office to M-Files in PDF/XPS format, the metadata card is not opened. The user can find the exported file in the “Other” view.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error when importing duplicate value list items
ID: 159791
Symptom: If a user imports a value list with duplicate item names and a document whose properties include one of the duplicate value list items, a “Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint” error occurs.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Editing view properties causes an error
ID: 157867
Symptom: If the user changes view settings and clicks Apply before OK in the properties dialog of a view, M-Files shows an “Invalid pointer” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Documents cannot be saved to M-Files if they are also converted to multi-file documents
ID: 158506
Symptom: A document cannot be saved to M-Files from a third-party application if it is converted to a multi-file document at the same time.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Deadlock in M-Files Desktop
ID: 160168
Symptom: In some environments, getting listing can cause deadlock in M-Files Desktop.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Data type filter for property definitions does not work in the configurations editor
ID: 159612
Symptom: In the configurations editor of M-Files Admin, the data type filter for property definitions does not work correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: CSV exports unnecessarily add single quotes
ID: 158807
Symptom: CSV exports unnecessarily add single quotes for integers and floating data type values.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Column width issue with Word documents
ID: 159798
Symptom: When a user opens a Word file, the width of the first column in a table is changed. If the user saves and opens a local copy of the file, the column width is correct.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Classic M-Files Web crash
ID: 160050
Symptom: Sometimes when a user opens a view that has virtual folders, the operation fails with the error message “502 Bad Gateway error” and one more error is written to the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Class names that contain non-English characters not searchable in M-Files Web
ID: 159776
Symptom: Class names are not found on the metadata card in M-Files Web if they contains non-English letters.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Citrix session does not log out the user
ID: 146582, 132231
Symptom: If a Citrix user closes their session, the user-specific MFStatus.exe process does not stop. Thus, the user is not logged out from M-Files. This uses resources in the Citrix server and can cause problems in environments that use concurrent M-Files licenses.
Solution: Fixed. It is possible to disable the fix with the registry setting “CitrixKeepMFStatusAfterDisconnecting”.
Defect: Changed software language has no effect on tab names in M-Files Desktop
ID: 157620
Symptom: When the user changes the software language in M-Files Desktop, the change does not have any effect on tab names. For example, the Preview and Pinned tabs are shown in the previously selected language. The language is changed after the user logs out and the logs back in to the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot replace a single-file document in certain conditions
ID: 159749
Symptom: A single-file document has a file that has no extension and an automatic title that contains a dot. When a user tries to replace the file with another file, the operation causes this error: “The property <property name> has an automatically generated value.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot exclude the Document class from training with M-Files Smart Classifier
ID: 160121
Symptom: The “Classes to be Excluded from Training” setting in the configuration for Smart Classifier Background Tasks does not accept Document as a value.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot disable automatic updates with the M-Files installer configuration
ID: 158832
Symptom: The option to disable automatic updates with the XML node “root/Common/AutomaticUpdates/CheckForUpdates” in the M-Files installer configuration does not work.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot copy document vaults in M-Files Admin
ID: 159830
Symptom: The Copy Document Vault operation in M-Files Admin causes this error: “Copying of database table “LOGIN” failed.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic filling does not work correctly with a property filter in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 158332
Symptom: In the classic M-Files Web, the value lists for two separate properties are refined with the same filter that returns more than 100 records. This causes one of the property values to be deleted during automatic filling.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Assignment properties not shown when making a copy of a document
ID: 143235
Symptom: When a document is assigned to a person, M-Files adds properties to its metadata (Assignment description, Deadline, Assigned to). When the document is copied with the “Make Copy” command, the assignment-related properties are not shown on the metadata card. The properties are added to the metadata card only after the document is checked in.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: An “Access is denied” error unnecessarily recorded during logout
ID: 159273
Symptom: Vault logouts cause “Access is denied” errors to be unnecessarily recorded to the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Restore Properties with Specific User” does not work correctly
ID: 158233
Symptom: The “Restore Properties with Specific User” setting in Advanced Vault Settings does not work correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Maximum Number of Objects per Listing” does not work in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 159711
Symptom: The Advanced Vault Settings value for “Maximum Number of Objects per Listing” is not used in in the classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Excluded Property Definitions” does not work for export packages
ID: 158213
Symptom: The “Excluded Property Definitions” setting in Advanced Vault Settings does not cause property definitions to be excluded from export packages.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Getting a delta file can cause a lot of calls to SharePoint
ID: 160013
Symptom: Getting a delta file of vault content can cause many calls to SharePoint if there is a large number of promoted objects in the vault.
Solution: Fixed. Added the MaxNumberOfObjectsForVaultContentDelta setting that enables disabling vault content deltas in environments that produce a lot of promoted objects.
Defect: The M-Files add-in for Excel causes macro to not work
ID: 160198
Symptom: The M-Files add-in for Microsoft Office causes a macro code to not work in Excel. The macro tries to prevent Excel from closing, but it does not work if the add-in is in use.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online June ’21 Update (21.6.10322.8)
Improvement: Improved error message when a vault cannot be brought online in Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-35137
Description: M-Files Admin now shows a more informative error message when a vault cannot be brought online because secondary data location is not available in Multi-Server-Mode.
Improvement: Better support for pseudo-user permissions in new M-Files Web
ID: 150711
Description: The support for pseudo-user permissions was improved for the new M-Files Web.
Improvement: Automatic check-in in M-Files Web after Office for the web editing
ID: 38979
Description: The new M-Files Web now automatically shows a check-in dialog after the user closes the Office for the web editor with the “Saved to M-Files > Save and Close” command. If the user closes the tab in some other way, the dialog is not shown.”
Improvement: Vault-level health check to Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-26543
Description: In Multi-Server Mode, it is now possible to examine vault availability with a vault-level the health check on load balancers instead of the previously used server-level mechanism.
Improvement: User interface change to resetting default search filters
ID: 155460
Description: The “Reset all filters” button was changed to an icon with a tooltip because the text did not fit the button in all languages. The new icon is visible on the “Filters” tab when the user has set default filters.
Improvement: Short and long user credential keys for EOT connection strings
ID: 158971
Description: The configuration for OLE DB External Object Type (EOT) Connector now lets you select whether to enter credential keys in the connection string as “uid” and “pwd” or “User ID” and “Password”.
Improvement: Rename pinned items
ID: 139949
Description: You can now use M-Files Desktop to rename items in the Pinned tab. This changes the name on the Pinned tab only and does not have an effect on the actual object.
Improvement: Refresh interval settings for external database connection and object types to M-Files Admin
ID: 104747
Description: Default timeout settings for full refresh and quick refresh were added under the “Connection to External Databases” settings in the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin. Also new object type level timeout settings were added under the “Object Types” subnode.
Improvement: Reference property whitelisted
ID: 159951
Description: The “Reference” (PROPERTYDEF_REFERENCE) property can now be used as a field in AutoCAD title blocks.
Improvement: Performance Improvements for M-Files Desktop
ID: 159420
Description: The performance of viewing and navigating pinned items in M-Files Desktop was improved.
Improvement: Layout fixes to the Filters tab
ID: 155157
Description: The user interface layout on the Filters tab in M-Files Desktop was improved.
Improvement: Improved network efficiency for Smart Metadata, Knowledge Graph, and Smart Classifier
ID: 159499
Description: If Smart Metadata, Knowledge Graph, or Smart Classifier is configured with an incorrect API key, it stops issuing requests to the server until the API key is changed.
Improvement: Hide view confirmation dialog
ID: V-40860
Description: When a user selects “Hide View” in M-Files Desktop, a confirmation dialog is now opened.
Improvement: Co-authoring support to Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-30696
Description: Office for the web-based co-authoring in Multi-Server Mode is now supported.
Improvement: Class specification for new assignment created through M-Files API
ID: 159109
Description: When a user creates a new assignment using M-Files API, the user can now specify the assignment class for it.
Improvement: Disable indexing file data from an external repository with shared index configuration
ID: 160478
Description: It is now possible to disable indexing file data from some external repository, and enable it from the vault and other repositories.
Defect: Unwanted login and logout events recorded in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 157319
Symptom: When Multi-Server Mode is in use, vault-level event logs are filled login and logout events.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Menu item to switch to classic web not always shown in new web
ID: 159328
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, the user menu item “Switch to Classic M-Files Web” is not always shown even though the classic web URL has been correctly configured in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Invalid search condition error when searching in view in new M-Files Web
ID: 158805
Symptom: If a view has nested grouping levels, and a view with grouping is created in between these, doing a search with the middle view selected as a filter in the new M-Files Web fails with the invalid search condition error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect vault online information in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 159789
Symptom: The “Optimize Database (Thorough)” operation is run on one of the servers in the M-Files high availability group. After the operation is completed, if the vault restart or bringing the vault online fails on another server, Online=0 is written to registry. Even if bringing the vault online succeeds, for example, on the next automatic attempt, the registry value is not changed, and the vault is not brought online after the server is restarted.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Common view issue in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 158652
Symptom: When a common view that is created with a server vault is accessed in Multi-Server Mode with the GetView method and with a client vault as another user, the operation cannot be completed. The “Not Found” error is shown instead.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 157121
Symptom: A vulnerability in M-Files Server may compromise security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Desktop
ID: 157571
Symptom: A vulnerability can compromise M-Files Desktop security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary log entries in Windows event log
ID: 159316
Symptom: When a user opens an Excel or Word document, the “Access is denied” log entry is sometimes written to the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Classifier configuration disappears from M-Files Admin
ID: 159808
Symptom: In vaults that are configured with external value list items, the Smart Classifier configuration can disappear from M-Files Admin. If this happens, the “Not Found” error is written to the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Promoted objects indexed incorrectly to combined index
ID: 159442
Symptom: A user creates unmanaged objects and then promotes and removes some of them. Some of the objects are indexed with the same ID hashes, and the indexing fails with the error message “An attempt was made to create an object and the object name already existed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview does not always work for Microsoft Excel
ID: 152619
Symptom: If another add-in is used in Outlook in addition to the M-Files add-in, it can happen that the preview for Excel files no longer works.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PDF saved to M-Files without metadata
ID: 159678
Symptom: A user has created a DOCX document in Word. When the user creates a PDF/XPS from it in Word and saves it to M-Files, the metadata card is not opened to be filled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Password reset requests can cause M-Files Server to stop working
ID: 158397
Symptom: Reading from the password reset request collection is not protected with a lock. When the collection is accessed while new requests are added or old ones are removed, the M-Files Server service can stop working.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Optimize Database (Thorough) job stuck in Azure
ID: 150993
Symptom: The weekly Optimize Database (Thorough) process can get stuck during the third step in Azure. This is caused by a call to a non-responsive external service that prevents the vault from going offline.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: OCR settings do not work correctly
ID: 157753
Symptom: The file format options for scanning and OCR can only be changed with client-side settings. However, they also change server-side behavior. If an empty value is given in Advanced Vault Settings, OCR does not work for any extensions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Object ID in Additional Conditions not working with IDOL searches
ID: 159505
Symptom: When a user does a search with the status-based additional condition “Object ID” specified, the search returns also documents that do not match this search condition.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Desktop can become unresponsive because of a folder operation
ID: 159352
Symptom: M-Files Desktop can become unresponsive because of a folder operation if 1) the folder uses the option “Show only subfolders that were recently selected by the user” and 2) the value list behind the related folder structure is connected to an external database.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files client crashes after renaming and opening a file
ID: 159369, 159435
Symptom: Sometimes when a user renames and opens a file in parallel, the operation causes a deadlock or crash in the M-Files client.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files API connections with M-Files authentication not working
ID: 159665
Symptom: M-Files API connections with M-Files authentication can fail with the error message “Your software is too old for the format of this password on the server”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Login account license cannot be changed because of a nonupgraded vault
ID: 156536
Symptom: If a vault is online but not upgraded, a change in the license settings of a login account that is used in that vault can cause an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Information Extractor records unwanted exceptions to event log
ID: 159400
Symptom: M-Files Information Extractor unnecessarily records these exceptions to the Windows event log: “COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect annotation permissions in classic M-Files Web
ID: 159281
Symptom: The permissions of an annotation object type and class are set so that all internal and external users can view and create annotations. A user uploads a PDF file to M-Files to a class, that is set to convert it to a multi-file document, and creates an annotation on the PDF file in classic M-Files Web. The operation succeeds, but the annotation gets an incorrect NACL (“Full control for all internal users”).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External repository metadata index gets stuck with dtSearch
ID: 157042
Symptom: External repository metadata index gets stuck in a loop with dtSearch.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Event in a UI extensibility application can cause M-Files Desktop to become unresponsive
ID: 158990
Symptom: When a UI extensibility application reacts to view location change event and shows a modal dialog, an automatic offline transition can cause M-Files Desktop to become unresponsive.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error message not informative
ID: 157654
Symptom: Updating object permissions based on changes to the NACL can fail with the error message “Not found”. The error message has no information about the failed object.
Solution: Fixed. Now the following error message is shown: “Updating the ACL of the object version <version> failed”.
Defect: Delta replication from on-premises to cloud causes database inconsistencies
ID: 157518
Symptom: When a delta replication package is migrated from an on-premises vault to a cloud vault, the import process can cause inconsistencies in the database. This happens when the object checkout status is included in the package.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Data type filtering for properties in M-Files Admin does not always work
ID: 158661
Symptom: In the M-Files Admin configuration editor, the property selector can sometimes show properties of the wrong data type.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Configuration for external file sources cannot be applied
ID: 159291
Symptom: When 1) gRPC is used, 2) external file source properties are filled with an imported file, and 3) a user makes any changes to the external file source configuration, the changes cannot be applied.
Solution: Fixed
Defect: Cannot refresh search results after promoting objects
ID: 159054
Symptom: A user promotes an unmanaged object and then makes a search so that the search results contain the recently promoted object. When the automatic refresh operation takes place, an error occurs, and the operation fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot migrate from Firebird to Microsoft SQL Server database
ID: 159641
Symptom: If a vault has new or edited external file sources or mail sources that use basic authentication, migration from Firebird to Microsoft SQL Server database fails with the error message “Migrating document vault “<vault name>” failed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot edit document
ID: 156199
Symptom: A user tries to edit a document to which the user has the edit permissions. If there is at the same time a queued background operation that changes the object permissions, editing the document can fail with the error message “Access denied”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Parameter is incorrect” issue when a Microsoft Word document is opened
ID: 157549
Symptom: When the user opens a Microsoft Word document with certain shapes, the error “Parameter is incorrect” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The M-Files add-in for Excel causes macro to not work
ID: 160198
Symptom: The M-Files add-in for Microsoft Office causes a macro code to not work in Excel. The macro tries to prevent Excel from closing, but it does not work if the add-in is in use.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Getting a delta file can cause a lot of calls to SharePoint
ID: 160013
Symptom: Getting a delta file of vault content can cause many calls to SharePoint if there is a large number of promoted objects in the vault.
Solution: Fixed. You can use the setting MaxNumberOfObjectsForVaultContentDelta in Advanced Vault Settings to disable vault content deltas.
Defect: Repository access check logs in unnecessarily
ID: 160003, 160025
Symptom: A repository access check unnecessarily does a login. This causes slowness in environments with many users.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online May ’21 Update Service Release 1 (21.5.10227.5)
Defect: Saving an email does not work in M-Files Desktop
ID: 159630
Symptom: The user has the M-Files Desktop version 21.5.10227.3 on a computer that does not have M-Files Server. When the user tries to save or drag and drop an email to M-Files, this error message is shown: “Class not registered.”
Solution: Fixed. This change applies to M-Files Desktop only.
M-Files Online May ’21 Update (21.5.10227.3)
Improvement: Support for barcode generation in PDF conversions
ID: V-40829
Description: Word files including barcodes can now be fully converted to PDF. Earlier, barcodes were converted as this text: “Bar code generator is not set”.
Improvement: Notifications for automatic conflict resolution enabled by default
ID: 159550
Description: The Automatic Resolution of Conflicts feature now notifies by default the users whose changes are discarded in conflict resolution.
Improvement: Microsoft Graph API based AD synchronization now the default option
ID: V-5252
Description: In Advanced Vault Settings, the default value of the “Use Microsoft Graph API” setting is now “Yes” for user group synchronization with Azure AD. Additionally, the default value of “Microsoft Graph API Base URL” is “https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0” instead of “https://graph.microsoft.com/beta”.
Improvement: Metadata suggestions are cached
ID: V-1731
Description: Metadata suggestions are cached so that if a file is analyzed a second time (without being changed), the results can be returned more quickly.
Improvement: Information Extractor gives better diagnostics
ID: V-41550
Description: You can now enable detailed logging for Information Extractor to help diagnose potential performance issues. Additionally, the Matcher dashboard was improved to show information about its internal state.
Improvement: Cookie consent in the classic M-Files Web
ID: V-38893
Description: The classic M-Files Web now shows users a GDPR-compliant cookie consent dialog.
Improvement: Support for force logout in Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-31951
Description: M-Files Server now tells other M-Files servers about the “Force Logout” operation so that the logout is forced on all M-Files Servers in the M-Files availability group.
Improvement: Replication self-service support for new M-Files Cloud
ID: F-19538
Description: Administrators can configure replication and manage replication packages for new M-Files Cloud in M-Files Admin.
Defect: Weekly thorough database optimization job can get stuck in M-Files Cloud
ID: 150993
Symptom: In M-Files Cloud, the “Optimize Database (Thorough)” job can get stuck during the third step. When this happens, no error messages are recorded either.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Seconds ignored in view sorting in new M-Files Web
ID: 159146
Symptom: When a user sorts objects in a view by a timestamp column in the new M-Files Web, seconds of the timestamp values are ignored.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Missing database user
ID: 156248
Symptom: A missing database user prevents the correct operation of the vault in new M-Files Cloud.
Solution: Fixed.
Défaut: Problème de regroupement au niveau dans le nouveau M-Files Web
ID : 159200
Symptôme : dans le nouveau M-Files Web, le regroupement des niveaux avec « Afficher les objets qui ont une valeur vide pour cette propriété » et « Afficher les objets dans un dossier séparé » n’affiche pas les objets lorsqu’une propriété personnalisée est utilisée comme filtre de niveau de regroupement.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Double-cliquez sur l’ID ou la version du document qui ne fonctionne pas dans le nouvel ID Web M-Files : 159095
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur double-clique sur l’ID ou la version du document sur l’en-tête de la fiche de métadonnées dans le nouveau M-Files Web
, la valeur cliquée n’est pas sélectionnée.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Le remplissage automatique ne peut pas être désactivé pour le nouvel ID Web M-Files : 159031
Symptôme : même si l’administrateur désactive le remplissage automatique des propriétés pour le nouveau M-Files Web
dans la section Paramètres avancés du coffre-fort de M-Files Admin, cette fonctionnalité est activée.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: L’accès au dossier traditionnel échoue en mode
multiserveur ID : 158653
Symptôme : Un dossier traditionnel est créé via l’API M-Files Server. Lorsqu’un autre utilisateur accède au dossier traditionnel à l’aide de la méthode « GetPropertyValuesOfFolder » via l’API client M-Files et que le mode multiserveur est utilisé, l’opération échoue avec l’erreur « Not found ».
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Vulnérabilité dans l’ID de M-Files Server : 156578
Symptôme : une vulnérabilité dans M-Files Server
peut compromettre la sécurité.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Les entrées du journal des actions de l’utilisateur ne s’affichent pas correctement
ID : 156284
Symptôme : les entrées du journal des actions de l’utilisateur affichent les éléments « path » et « name » de manière incorrecte si des caractères cyrilliques sont utilisés.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Les paramètres de recherche avec le trait de soulignement ne fonctionnent pas dans la version classique de M-Files Web ID : 158603
Symptôme : un utilisateur n’a pas de session active dans la version classique de M-Files Web
. Lorsque l’utilisateur effectue une recherche avec une URL qui contient des paramètres de recherche avec le caractère de soulignement (_), la recherche échoue avec le message d’erreur « Codage de partie URI non valide ». La même URL de recherche fonctionne correctement si l’utilisateur est connecté.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: L’ordre de la facette de recherche ne fonctionne
pas ID : 158888
Symptôme : même si une facette de recherche est configurée avec le paramètre sortMode (par exemple, « sortMode »: « asc ») dans M-Files Admin, les filtres ne sont pas affichés dans l’ordre défini.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: L’ouverture d’un document à partir d’une vue échoue ID : 159233
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur accède à une vue dont le niveau de regroupement est basé sur un type d’objet et tente d’ouvrir un document, l’opération échoue
avec l’erreur « Introuvable ». La même erreur se produit également lorsque, dans la vue, l’utilisateur développe un objet qui fait référence à un document et tente d’ouvrir le document à partir des relations d’objet.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Incompatibilité des valeurs de date dans le nouvel ID Web M-Files : 159081
Symptôme : dans le nouveau M-Files Web
, la valeur de la propriété date dans la zone de liste ne correspond parfois pas à la même valeur de propriété dans la fiche de métadonnées.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: M-Files s’exécute lentement à cause de l’ID d’analyse
de texte : 159092
Symptôme : lorsque Text Analytics est configuré avec de nombreuses propriétés, il peut provoquer des pics de CPU importants, ce qui ralentit l’exécution de M-Files.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: M-Files Admin ne définit parfois pas le paramètre de chaîne de connexion pour les types
d’objets externes ID : 158731
Symptôme : un utilisateur crée un type d’objet externe dans M-Files Admin. Lorsque l’utilisateur utilise ultérieurement l’API pour obtenir ObjTypeAdmin, le paramètre de type d’objet dans la chaîne de connexion peut être « -1 » au lieu de l’ID réel. Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: M-Files Admin ne vérifie pas si l’emplacement du chemin d’accès temporaire au fichier existe
ID : 156317
Symptôme : l’affichage des détails des entrées du journal des événements M-Files dans M-Files Admin génère parfois l’erreur « Répertoire non valide ».
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Macédonien non disponible pour la configuration de la carte de métadonnées ID de traduction : 159002
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur accède à la configuration de la carte de métadonnées et tente d’ajouter une traduction
pour une valeur de configuration dans la boîte de dialogue « Traduire le contenu », le macédonien ne figure pas dans la liste des langues disponibles.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Erreurs d’accès refusé liées à l’enregistreur dans l’ID du journal des événements : 156943
Symptôme : les erreurs « Accès refusé » sont écrites dans le journal
des événements Windows en raison de la journalisation de M-Files.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: Un grand nombre d’états de workflow empêche la création
de workflow ID : 156875
Symptôme : Il existe un grand nombre d’états de workflow (plus de 5000). Lorsqu’un administrateur tente de créer ou de copier un workflow M-Files Admin, l’opération échoue avec le message d’erreur « Erreur non spécifiée ».
Solution : Corrigé. Le message d’erreur a été amélioré. Maintenant, il informe que le nombre maximum d’états de flux de travail peut être augmenté (par défaut, 5000).
Defect: Infinite loop of error dialogs with multi-file documents
ID: 157390
Symptom: Sometimes when a user works with multi-file documents, the “Incorrect parameter” error dialog is opened, and the user gets an infinite loop of these error dialogs until the file explorer crashes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Importing shortcuts generates a lot of event log entries
ID: 153576
Symptom: Importing a package that contains shortcuts causes the Windows event log to be filled with entries.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL indexing does not work if predefinedIndexName contains invalid characters
ID: 158450
Symptom: Some special characters in the value of the predefinedIndexName setting in the IDOL configuration cause the vault indexing to fail. This error message is recorded to the Windows event log: “The M-Files indexer failed to index the vault: “.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Icons for notification object types shown incorrectly in Compliance Kit
ID: 158700
Symptom: After Compliance Kit installation and sample structure import, the “Notification Rule” and “Notification Log” object types have custom icons. The icons are shown incorrectly as large background images in the “Object Type Properties” dialog in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Full-text search in German does not work with some words
ID: 158891, 157461
Symptom: Full-text searches do not find German compounds if the vault primary search language is not English.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Files with a new extension are not indexed
ID: 158654
Symptom: A file with an extension that is set to not be indexed is checked in to a vault. When a user changes the extension to one that is set to be indexed, the file is still not included in indexing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Facet range limits with large numbers do not work with IDOL
ID: 158398
Symptom: Facet range limits of over 10,000 used with Micro Focus IDOL do not work.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External Repository indexing cannot be disabled with Smart Search
ID: 159088
Symptom: Smart Search indexes external repositories even when indexing them is disabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External object types cannot be created with the legacy external object type configuration
ID: 158411
Symptom: When a user creates an external object type and tries to use the legacy external object type configuration, an error is shown: “Failed to prepare the SQL statement.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Empty file saved to M-Files after M-Files or Word hangs or crashes
ID: 156253
Symptom: Sometimes when a user is editing a checked-out document, M-Files or Word can hang or crash. If this happens, an empty file is saved to M-Files.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Classic web icons not rendered when application hosted as sub-website
ID: 158709
Symptom: When the classic M-Files web is hosted as a sub-website under another website, icons are not visible in the context menus.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot save to M-Files
ID: 150515
Symptom: In some rare cases, when a user is saving an email to M-Files, the operation fails with the following error message: “cannot call methods on suggestioncontrol prior to initialization”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic updates not disabled after upgrade from M-Files 2018 to M-Files Online
ID: 157152
Symptom: M-Files 2018 is running with the “EnableUpdates” setting disabled (0). After a manual upgrade from M-Files 2018 to M-Files Online, automatic installations are not prevented. Thus, a new package gets downloaded and installed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic update installation keeps failing
ID: 158107
Symptom: After an automatic update is downloaded, M-Files tries to install it immediately, but the installation fails with a notification that the latest update could not be installed. Update is tried again automatically every 30 seconds, but it keeps failing. If the user clicks the “Retry” button, the installation is successfully finished.
Solution: Fixed. The registry setting “MainSleepingInterval” should always be set to be a higher value than the setting “ConfirmDialogAutoCloseDurationInSeconds”.
Defect: Automatic filling cannot be disabled
ID: 159059
Symptom: Even though the administrator disables automatic filling of properties for the classic M-Files Web and M-Files Mobile in the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin, the feature is enabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Additional SQL login permissions required for running nightly maintenance
ID: 158707
Symptom: Nightly maintenance has a recently added step for detecting and killing long lasting (more than 10 hours) SQL queries.
To run this step, additional “VIEW SERVER STATE” SQL Server permission is necessary for the database administrator login specified in the vault properties.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Additional full-text search languages do not work
ID: 159206
Symptom: Additional search languages set with Advanced Vault Settings in M-Files Admin are not used in searches.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Save As” error with PDFs
ID: 158354
Symptom: When the user tries to save a PDF to an M-Files vault with the “Save As” dialog, the file is not saved. Instead, the following error is shown: “The system cannot find the file specified.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Follow this object” notification rules cannot be removed for destroyed objects
ID: 157662
Symptom: A “Follow this object” notification rule cannot be removed in the Notification Settings dialog if the object has been destroyed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Create All” does not check in files one after the other in classic M-Files Web
ID: 158720
Symptom: When a user drags and drops multiple files to the classic M-Files Web, the check-in is done only once after all the objects are created. Thus, properties added to the previous object will not be available for the next object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Objects per Group not working
ID: 158797
Symptom: Search results or objects in a view are shown in one page even though the number of objects exceeds the set maximum in Display Mode > Objects per Group.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online April ’21 Update (21.4.10123.9)
Improvement: Automatic Online and Offline Transition
ID: V-25
Description: When Automatic Online and Offline Transition has been taken into use, online and offline transitions in M-Files Desktop happen automatically based on the status of the connection to M-Files Server.
Improvement: Automatic Resolution of Replication Conflicts
ID: F-26555
Description: The usability of the replication feature was improved so that users do not have to manually resolve conflicts. M-Files resolves conflicts based on the rule that the oldest change always wins.
Improvement: Cloud-enabled intelligence services do rudimentary network checks
ID: V-39040
Description: Smart Classifier, Smart Metadata, and Knowledge Graph now do rudimentary network checks during initialization. They do a ping test, DNS lookup test, and a request test to make sure that there are no network issues. The results of the tests are written to the dashboard of the service.
Improvement: OAuth support for external mail sources in Exchange Online
ID: V-27554
Description: You can now use OAuth authentication for external mail sources when you use a Microsoft Exchange Online email server. Additionally, the other authentication services were updated to use modern Microsoft APIs.
Improvement: Verify and Repair shows additional information about faulty objects
ID: 157032
Description: The Verify and Repair operation now reports a maximum of 100 faulty objects. The report shows the object ID, the object type, and the checked-out version (or the latest checked-in version) of the faulty objects.
Improvement: Multi-Server Mode license
ID: V-1507
Description: To use Multi-Server Mode, you must have a license for it. To get the license, write to licensing@m-files.com.
Improvement: New and edited objects shown in search results in Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-37687
Description: In Multi-Server Mode, new and edited objects are now shown in search results of quick search a few seconds after check-in regardless from which M-Files Server or instance the search was made.
Improvement: Personal tab for M-Files Web
ID: V-27094
Description: It is now possible to pin a view or a folder for a quick access to documents and other objects in the new M-Files Web.
Defect: Asterisk character (*) not shown for all mandatory properties in new web
ID: 155480
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, if a mandatory property has a long name, the asterisk character (*) is not shown on the metadata card after the name.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot change database credentials in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 158966
Symptom: A vault is attached to many servers and extended metadata-driven permissions are enabled. When a user tries to update the password for the basic user (SQL) in Multi-Server Mode, the operation fails with the error message “You can’t enable extended metadata-driven permissions because the vault is online on at least one other server”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Change tracking prevents bringing vaults online with contained databases
ID: 158919
Symptom: A vault cannot be brought online if the Change tracking feature is enabled and the vault uses a contained database.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Enabling Ground Link makes a vault unresponsive
ID: 159012
Symptom: After Ground Link is enabled and configured in a vault, the vault becomes unresponsive which causes errors and unavailability.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preparing search indexes fail
ID: 157308
Symptom: If an administrator takes a vault offline while search indexes are prepared, the indexing operation can fail. In this case, the administrator gets the following error message: “The system broadcast message channel is not open”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Searches not working because of invalid index names in Search configuration
ID: 158266
Symptom: There is a valid Smart Search configuration. When an administrator enters the name of the active combined index to the active metadata index, no validation error or warning is shown. Because of the invalid configuration, searches in M-Files Desktop and in the new M-Files Web stop working.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault restart necessary after editing event handlers in Multi-Server Mode
ID: 158553
Symptom: After event handlers are set, removed, or modified in a Multi-Server Mode vault, the vault must be restarted to update the information to every server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Access Denied error from external repository blocks quick indexing
ID: 158873
Symptom: The “Access Denied” error from an external repository blocks processing the objects in the quick indexing list.
Solution: Fixed. Unreachable objects are now skipped.
Defect: All further logins to vault fail after canceling Azure AD login dialog quickly
ID: 156526
Symptom: If a user closes the Azure AD login dialog at a specific time, all subsequent federated login attempts fail on all vaults.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Azure AD (OAuth 2.0) login to M-Files Web fails with VPN
ID: 158662
Symptom: In some environments with VPN, when a user tries to log in to the classic M-Files Web using Azure AD (OAuth 2.0), the login sometimes fails with the error message “interaction_required: AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Bringing the vault online fails
ID: 158774
Symptom: It is not possible to bring the vault online because terminating database sessions during the online transition fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Canceling replication import not working
ID: 158355
Symptom: Canceling an ongoing replication import takes a long time. When a user clicks the Cancel button or stops the scheduled import, the job is canceled but the actual reading of the XML package continues to the end. This makes the cancelation take the same amount of time as completing the import.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot delete a file in multi-file document
ID: 156910
Symptom: A user cannot delete a file in a multi-file document if another user has created a public link to it.
Solution: Fixed. Public links to the latest version of a file are now deleted when the file or the object is deleted.
Defect: Conversion from Excel to PDF not working
ID: 158604
Symptom: Converting an Excel file to the PDF/A-1b format can get jammed when the conversion is done as part of the workflow state transition.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party component.
Defect: Conversion to PDF not working
ID: 158604
Symptom: Converting a Word file to PDF can fail with the following error message when the conversion is done as part of the workflow state transition: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party component.
Defect: Deadlock in taskpool threads
ID: 158703
Symptom: Taskpool threads sometimes end up in deadlock. This prevents the client-process from logging out from the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Event details show unescaped XML encoding
ID: 157379
Symptom: In the M-Files event log, the event details of the “Vault settings modified” event can contain a mixture of XML and JSON instead of well-formed syntax.
Solution: Fixed. The “New settings” and “Old settings” JSON values are now shown in the event details instead of the raw event XML.
Defect: Ground Link proxy login fails because of expired evaluation license
ID: 158933
Symptom: After the evaluation license has expired (30 days), the Ground Link proxy dashboard shows the “Login Failed” error if M-Files Admin is used with an M-Files user account. This should not happen since a license is not necessary for a Ground Link proxy. With a Windows user account, login works as specified.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Importing a large package fails
ID: 158343
Symptom: When a user tries to import a large package (over 100 000 files with versions included), the import can fail with the error message “Padding is invalid”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Last updated timestamp not changed after refreshing external object type
ID: 158698
Symptom: External object type refresh with batched update (m-files.batchedupdate=true) does not change the last updated timestamp. This causes too frequent updates (API calls) to check if the data is out of date.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server crashes
ID: 158323
Symptom: M-Files Server crashes if there are several millions of background tasks and a user goes to Background Tasks in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server leaks memory
ID: 158803
Symptom: M-Files Server leaks memory when indexing external repositories.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card issue with prefillable classes
ID: 157624
Symptom: When the metadata card configuration is unreadable (for example, because of errors) and the prefillable classes feature is enabled, the metadata card cannot be opened.
Solution: Fixed. The class is now left empty if the metadata card configuration is unreadable.
Defect: Object type mismatch after migration from legacy database connection
ID: 158713
Symptom: When a user converts a legacy database connection configuration to the application connection using the M-Files OLE DB service, the operation fails with the “Object type mismatch” error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Objects sometimes deleted from IDOL index in index export
ID: 157281
Symptom: IDOL can be configured so that the setup is accompanied with a separate scheduled task to export the data from the daily index to the main index and the setting “distributedIndexPropagationThreshold” is set to a high value. With the “Simple distribution mode” feature, there is a risk that M-Files accidentally deletes index records if this kind of configuration is used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Only document classes available as subfolder
ID: 156003
Symptom: A user creates a view that shows every object in the view and adds a grouping level with “Class” as the grouping level property. When the user configures the grouping level to show only subfolders that were recently selected by the user, the user can select only document classes as a subfolder instead of every available class.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Pinned tab not working correctly
ID: 158683
Symptom: When a user first moves an object on the “Pinned” tab and then clicks the object, the check-out dialog is opened instead of showing the object on the listing area.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Quick refresh not working in new web
ID: 158690
Symptom: In the new M-Files Web, the quick refresh for external object types does not work.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Save to M-Files in Outlook fails with data type error
ID: 158356
Symptom: When a user tries to save an email to M-Files using the “Save to” option in Outlook, the operation fails if a property that is specified in the email client integration settings has been deleted.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Several PDF conversion quality problems
ID: 127535, 149297
Symptom: There are unsatisfactory PDF conversion results for certain Microsoft Office files when the conversion is done as part of the workflow state transition.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party components.
Defect: Smart Metadata shows an error when trying to save configuration
ID: 158687
Symptom: When an administrator sets up an additional property configuration with no property specified in the Smart Metadata configuration, an “Invalid pointer” error is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Suggesting property values in search options takes a long time
ID: 158665
Symptom: A user opens the search options and selects a property of the data type “Choose from list”. When the user is entering the property value, starting from the second character, it takes a long time to offer suggestions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to specify maximum number of objects in view
ID: 156635
Symptom: It is not possible to specify the maximum number of objects to be shown in a view.
Solution: Fixed. The setting “Maximum Number of Objects” added to the view query options in M-Files Admin.
Defect: “UpdateMetadataInFile” slow for large files with a huge number of functions
ID: 156949
Symptom: The “UpdateMetadataInFile” API call can take a long time (about 30 minutes) for a huge Excel file.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party component. The call now takes about 10 seconds.
M-Files Online March ’21 Update (21.3.10021.4)
This release contains a high priority security update. M-Files urges you to update your M-Files implementation to the latest version of M-Files Online.
Improvement: A new default setting for object skipping when replication imports a package
ID: 158368
Description: Items that cannot be imported are no longer skipped by default during import jobs if they were destroyed in the source vault when they were exported. Instead, they cause the import job to fail. This can prevent accidental loss of data.
The Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin now contains new job-specific settings. This way, M-Files administrators can set certain unimportable items to be skipped or set them to cause the import to fail.
Improvement: Default value can be set for the Classification scenario in M-Files Discovery
ID: V-37836
Description: You can now set a default class value for the Classification scenario in M-Files Discovery. If the application does not find a value from the document content, it uses the configured default value. This way, the class is set even if no suitable value is found from the document.
Improvement: Full name now shown in the user menu in M-Files Desktop
ID: 150175
Description: M-Files Desktop now shows the full name of the user in the user menu. If the full name is not available, M-Files shows the name of the login account like in earlier versions.
Improvement: Notifications about changed vault settings now broadcast to vault applications
ID: 156097
Description: A notification is now broadcast to vault applications when vault settings are changed.
Defect: MFWOPIService_win_x64.exe related errors written to the Windows event log
ID: 157630
Symptom: Errors related to MFWOPIService_win_x64.exe are written to the Windows event log because the WOPI service stops anonymously when the server is restarted.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Office for the web editor not showing read-only documents in new M-Files Web
ID: 158563
Symptom: When a user tries to open a document in read-only mode in new M-Files Web, the operation fails if the registry setting “EnableSharedPublicLinks” is disabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview not showing signature in new M-Files Web
ID: 158345
Symptom: In new M-Files Web, the preview does not show Onespan Sign signatures.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Server stays disconnected when ground link is reconnected in a multi-server environment
ID: 157829
Symptom: Ground Link is in use in a multi-server environment with a load balancer. Sometimes, after Ground Link is disconnected and then connected again, one of the servers stays disconnected according to the Ground Link dashboard. Additionally, the disconnected server causes the following warnings to be recorded to the event log: “Connection missing for application. Marking unavailable.” and “The cloud vault is closing an orphaned connection.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault optimization leaves a vault offline in multi-server mode
ID: 157808
Symptom: An administrator starts thorough vault optimization on two M-Files servers at roughly the same time. The operation succeeds on one server but fails on the second one. The vault on the second server remains offline and cannot be brought online.
Solution: Fixed. The vault optimization still fails on the second server, but the vault can now be brought online.
Defect: Concurrent license user not removed from the “Logged-in Users” list
ID: 153887
Symptom: When a concurrent license user logs out from M-Files, the user is not removed from the “Logged-in Users” list in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Conversion to multi-file document causes an error
ID: 158100
Symptom: When a user converts more than one single-file documents to multi-file documents and the user does not have delete access to all the single-file documents, an error occurs.
Solution: Fixed. Single-file documents are deleted only if the user has the delete access to them.
Defect: Importing files from an external source stops
ID: 155318
Symptom: Importing from an external source stops completely when the property “Name or title” is read from an XML file and the corresponding file is missing. Instead, M-Files shows the error message “Processing the contents of the external source ‘<Source>’ failed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect error shown when users are imported from Okta with an invalid private key
ID: 158461
Symptom: When users are imported to M-Files with group synchronization from Okta, and an invalid private key is used, the error details are not shown. An invalid pointer error is shown instead.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Insufficient error details when M-Files fails to update an object access control list (ACL)
ID: 158544
Symptom: If M-Files fails to update an object ACL based on a named ACL, an error is shown in the background tasks section of M-Files Admin. The error message does not, however, show the object ID and the version number of the object. This makes diagnosing and fixing the problem difficult.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Smart Metadata shows a “not found” error on the dashboard
ID: V-38765
Symptom: When an external repository is configured and indexed, M-Files Smart Metadata sometimes shows a “not found” error on the application’s dashboard. This can happen if one of the indexed files from the external repository is no longer available.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: New M-Files Web login issue with Turkish
ID: 158465
Symptom: If the backend for new M-Files Web has been set up using a Turkish installation of M-Files, login to the new web fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Spaces break some configurations in the M-Files Admin configuration editor
ID: 158300
Symptom: Space characters are interpreted incorrectly for multi-line text values in the M-Files Admin configuration editor.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The keyboard command for copying not always working on the metadata card
ID: 20373
Symptom: The keyboard command for copying (Ctrl+C) does not always work on the metadata card. This depends on how the metadata card was opened.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Validation issue with the Object Creator module of Compliance Kit
ID: 157860
Symptom: A user creates a panel group in Object Creator. When the user then tries to create a copy rule and select the panel group key for it, the operation cannot be done. Instead, a validation error is shown in the admin console. This happens because the panel group label does not appear in the selection list box.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 158756
Symptom: A vulnerability in M-Files Server may compromise security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in the classic M-Files Web
ID: 157918
Symptom: A vulnerability may compromise data security in the classic M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows event log polluted with a translation-related Compliance Kit error
ID: 157859
Symptom: M-Files Compliance Kit officially supports English and Finnish translations. If a Compliance Kit vault is used with the classic M-Files Web and a browser that uses any other language, Windows event log polluted with this error: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Forgot your password?” link not working in the mobile app
ID: 158548
Symptom: When the user taps “Forgot you password?” in the mobile application, the password reset request cannot be created and an error is shown instead. This happens if the vault uses vault-level login accounts and the user is not logged in to the vault.
Solution: Fixed. The creation of the password reset request now works correctly with vault-level login accounts as well.
M-Files Online February ’21 Update (21.2.9928.4)
Improvement: Possibility to adjust the height of SharePoint add-in
ID: V-36333
Description: In the configuration panel of the SharePoint add-in, there are now options to adjust the height of the add-in.
Improvement: Faster notification generation
ID: 158674
Description: Improved the performance of notification generation by adding more efficient capabilities for event filtering.
Improvement: Improvements to PII Analysis configuration in M-Files Discovery
ID: V-34215
Description: In the configuration for the PII Analysis scenario in M-Files Discovery, the drop-down menus for the target properties now show only properties of the allowed data type. Thus, “Target Property (Indicator)” shows Boolean properties, “Target Property (Description)” shows text (multi-line) properties, and “Target Property (Value)” shows text (multi-line) properties.
Improvement: User group synchronization plugin for Okta
ID: V-34103
Description: M-Files now supports user group synchronization from Okta. The new Okta plugin is similar to the plugin that imports user groups and users from Azure AD.
Improvement: Performance improvements for Salesforce Add-in
ID: 158448
Description: M-Files Add-in for Salesforce CRM now has better search performance for dynamic view loading.
Improvement: Vault admin can change search facet settings in M-Files Admin
ID: V-38081
Description: Users with the “Full control of the vault” rights can now change search facet settings in the Advanced Vault Settings section of M-Files Admin. Previously, only users with the “System administrator” server role had this ability.
Defect: Attaching vaults fails
ID: 155455, 155439
Symptom: With Multi-Server Mode, attaching vaults fails with the error message “Invalid object name ‘VAULTSERVERATTACHMENT’”. The error occurs if the attached vault version is not new enough.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Real numbers incorrectly handled in new M-Files Web for Dutch
ID: 158302
Symptom: In the Dutch locale, the decimal separator is incorrectly removed from real numbers when showing number values on the metadata card.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Ground Link does not work with gRPC encryption
ID: 158106
Symptom: When the gRPC encryption is enabled, Ground Link fails with the error message “Session not valid”.
Solution: Fixed
Defect: Azure AD error if UPN has a single quote (‘)
ID: 157768
Symptom: Getting the user’s full name and email address from Azure AD fails if the user account name or the user principal name (UPN) has the single quote character (‘).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Client-side email integration fails with a large number of customers
ID: 130133
Symptom: A large number of customers are managed in the Firebird database in M-Files and the “Customer” object type is configured in the email integration.
There is an email sender address with a domain part that matches more than 100 000 results in full-text search. Now, when a user tries to save an email, the operation fails with the error message “Your search request yielded too many results. Use more precise words in your search request.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Conversion to PDF not allowed in offline mode
ID: 158030
Symptom: When a document has been marked for offline availability and a user tries to convert it to PDF, the following error message is shown: “This operation is not allowed in offline mode.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Conversion to PDF not working for large files
ID: 158029
Symptom: When a user tries to convert a large file to the PDF format, the operation sometimes fails with the following error message “OLE has sent a request and waiting for reply”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Duplicate files not shown for non-document objects
ID: 157991
Symptom: When duplicate file content has been detected for an object that is not a document, the duplicate files are not shown under the “Duplicate File Content” node in the listing area.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Federated authentication plugin not working after temporary low memory condition
ID: 156394
Symptom: After a low memory situation, instantiation of a COM object out-of-process starts to fail with E_FAIL (Unspecified error).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: File incorrectly detected as duplicate
ID: 158020
Symptom: When a user saves a new file to M-Files using the “Save As” dialog in Microsoft Word, the “Duplicate File Content” dialog is shown even though the file is not a duplicate of any file in the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Défaut: La méthode GetObjectVersionAndPropertiesOfMultipleObjects ne retourne pas toutes les versions ID : 156639
Symptôme : lors de l’appel de GetObjectVersionAndPropertiesOfMultipleObjects avec plusieurs versions du même objet, la méthode ne renvoie que les deux dernières versions
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : indexJobBatchSize n’a pas d’effet avec dtSearch
ID : 158208
Symptôme : si un utilisateur administratif modifie la valeur de indexJobBatchSize liée aux métadonnées ou à l’index de données de fichier, la modification n’a pas d’effet. Étant donné qu’il n’existe aucune limite de lot effective, l’horodatage logique est validé à la fin des données uniquement, plutôt qu’une fois le lot terminé.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: L’insertion de rapports dans la section inférieure de la vue échoue
ID : 158139
Symptôme : les rapports insérés dans la section inférieure de la vue ne fonctionnent pas correctement. La section inférieure s’ouvre brièvement, puis se ferme.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: M-Files Admin se bloque après avoir défini la licence pour Smart Classifier ID : 157726
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur tente de définir une licence pour Smart Classifier
, M-Files Admin cesse de répondre.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut: M-Files Server fuit de la mémoire ID : 158281
Symptôme : M-Files Server perd de la mémoire
dans les opérations qui impliquent des listes de contrôle d’accès complexes dans les environnements avec gRPC.
Solution : Corrigé.
Defect: Multi-file documents misbehave when group labels are hidden
ID: 156756
Symptom: There is a Compliance Kit UI Configuration rule on documents for hiding group labels for related objects. Now, when the user checks out/in or does some other operations on a multi-file document, the files in that multi-file document disappear from the listing. To get them back, the user needs to refresh the listing, for example, by pressing F5.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Navigation in metadata card configuration fails
ID: 155845
Symptom: When a user navigates too deep in the configurator tree for a metadata card’s configuration rule “Behavior” > “Properties” > “Property” > “SetValue”, navigating fails with the error message “Unexpected error occurred”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Search fails with dtSearch if file data is disabled
ID: 158061
Symptom: dtSearch is used as a search engine and file data is disabled (only metadata index is enabled). When a user makes a search, the search fails with the error message “Access Denied”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart refresh applies related object rules incorrectly
ID: 158189
Symptom: Related object rule has been set. If a user enters a view and quickly expands the relationships of an object, the related objects are briefly displayed correctly, but then updated incorrectly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Structure replication import fails
ID: 157966
Symptom: An operation, such as an import of a structure replication, adding a user group, or installing a connector, may fail with the error message “validation error for column QUEUEID”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The Compliance Kit configuration “HideRelationship” works incorrectly in M-Files Classic Web
ID: 158210
Symptom: An administrative user configures the hierarchical listing to hide all documents under another document and configures another, a more specific rule that shows documents under another document. Then, M-Files Classic Web does not show the related document, while M-Files Desktop does. The more generic rule that hides all documents overrides the rule that shows specific documents.
Solution: Fixed. The behavior in now the same in both M-Files Classic Web and in M-Files Desktop. The specific property rule overrides the generic rule.
Defect: The “Open” dialog does not work when opened from the “Open from M-Files” option in PowerPoint
ID: 158038
Symptom: The “Open” dialog does not work when opened from the “Open from M-Files” option in PowerPoint, but the dialog is shown with the updating background image in the list view infinitely. Opening the “Open” dialog from the “File” menu in PowerPoint works correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Version-specific public links pointing to a multi-file document do not work
ID: 157825
Symptom: When a user deletes a file in a multi-file document, the deletion invalidates also version-specific public links that point to the document. The links fail to open a specific version of the document.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Classic Web
ID: 157096, 158043
Symptom: A vulnerability may compromise data security in M-Files Classic Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Watermarks shown in the converted PDF document
ID: 158034
Symptom: The PDF conversion done in M-Files Desktop results in a PDF with watermarks. This happens if PDF-XChange Pro 8.0.343.0 (or its drivers) is installed on the computer.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Wrong date shown for a file created from a template and converted to a multi-file document
ID: 155988, 143763, 8697
Symptom: When a user creates a file from a template and converts the file to a multi-file document, the value of the “Date Created” property of the multi-file document is the same as the creation date of the template.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot index objects more than 2 MB with IDOL and dtSearch
ID: 156816
Symptom: Although the maxFieldLengthKb, maxTotalFileDataLengthKb, and fileSizeLimitForIndexingInMegabytes settings are set to over 2 MB, an object that exceeds 2 MB is not fully indexed with IDOL and dtSearch.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Objects incorrectly shown as checked out with Smart Search
ID: 158200
Symptom: Checked-in objects are sometimes incorrectly shown as checked out by another user. This can occur in environments where Smart Search is used and refreshing indexes is slow.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online January ’21 Update (21.1.9827.4)
Improvement: Multi-Server Mode support in Ground Link
ID: F-25539
Description: The Ground Link feature now supports Multi-Server Mode.
Improvement: Discovery configuration for setting discovered PII as metadata
ID: V-34215
Description: Discovery can now be configured to set discovered personally identifiable information (PII) values as metadata. Previously, it was only possible to set an indicator (whether PII is present) or a description (what kind of PII was discovered).
Improvement: Import file data to M-Files Cloud Vault from another Azure Storage Account
ID: 157711
Description: M-Files Cloud Vault can now import file data from any Azure Storage Account.
Improvement: Smart Classifier shows information of too few classes to create a model
ID: V-36555
Description: If a model cannot be trained because there are less than two classes available for training, the Smart Classifier Background Tasks dashboard now tells this to the administrator.
Improvement: Support for identity provider proxies for SAML
ID: 157362
Description: There is a “proxy” between M-Files and an identity provider (IdP). The first found SAMLResponse is not for M-Files, but for the proxy. The proxy creates a new SAMLResponse for M-Files. Now M-Files reads correctly the SAMLResponse created by the proxy.
Improvement: New M-Files Add-in for SharePoint Online version
ID: –
Description: The new version of the M-Files Add-in for SharePoint Online maximizes the Add-in window width and makes the height adjustable. The improvements and fixes of the new version include support for the web link in metadata card. Download a new version from the Solution Catalog.
Defect: Automatically created vault-level login accounts interrupt logins in Multi-Server Mode
ID: V-35521
Symptom: Before, when an M-Files Server was in the “vault login accounts enabled” mode and an admin user attached a vault to the M-Files Server, the missing server-level login accounts were created as vault-level login accounts by default. The newly created accounts were disabled and without a license. Since the vault-level logins were created in vault database, they became visible immediately to other M-Files servers in the Multi-Server Mode environment as well. Because these vault-level login accounts have precedence over the server-level accounts, they started interrupting logins.
Solution: Fixed. Missing login accounts are not anymore created in the Attach and Restore operations.
Defect: Download issue in M-Files Add-In for ArcGIS Web Application
ID: 157685
Symptom: In M-Files Add-In for ArcGIS Web Application, the “Download file” command does nothing. In a non-embedded context, the command operates correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Admin does not show the replication progress in Multi-Server Mode even if the job is running
ID: 157850
Solution: Fixed.
Symptom: M-Files Admin stops showing the replication progress in Multi-Server Mode even if the job is still in progress.
“Defect: Checked-out Excel document cannot be closed after an M-Files update
ID: 156002
Symptom: If a user closes a checked-out Excel workbook after an M-Files Desktop update, the error message “M-Files Client is not running” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Compliance Kit performance degradation
ID: 157750
Symptom: New Compliance Kit together with the M-Files 20.5 release or newer has slower performance than the older versions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Copying a metadata configuration rule does not generate new GUIDs for sub-rules
ID: 157560
Symptom: When a user creates a copy of a metadata configuration rule, the GUIDs of the sub-rules are duplicated. This leads to unwanted effects in the behavior of the metadata configuration rule.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Deleting a property definition in a large vault can take long
ID: 158225
Symptom: When a user deletes a property definition in a large vault, the operation time is very long. This also prevents the server shutdown and further prevents taking the vault offline.
Solution: Fixed. Now it is possible to cancel the operation.
Defect: Document comparison shows files in wrong sequence
ID: 157667
Symptom: Sometimes when a user compares two documents, the documents are shown in wrong sequence. The older file is shown on the right and the newer file is shown on the left.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Duplicate document not added to multi-file document with long name
ID: 157740
Symptom: When a user tries to add a duplicate document to a multi-file document with a long name, nothing happens after the user selects “Create Anyway” in the “Duplicate File Content” dialog. The new document is not added to the multifile document.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Duplicate views shown briefly on home screen in M-Files Desktop
ID: 157803
Symptom: When a user goes to “Home” in M-Files Desktop, all views are listed twice for a short period of time. Then, “Home” is refreshed and the correct listing is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Errors from Matcher shown in event log
ID: 157315
Symptom: The following error message related to Matcher is sometimes written to the Windows event log: “This operation returned because the timeout period expired.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External repositories are configured to use CFS automatically with IDOL
ID: 157839
Symptom: If an external repository is set to use the IDOL search index, the “useCfs” setting is incorrectly set as true.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Firebird vault upgrade fails after M-Files update
ID: 157401
Symptom: When an admin user tries to upgrade a Firebird vault in M-Files Admin after an M-Files update from the version 20.9 to the version 20.10, the upgrade fails with the error “The vault is not available at the moment because its database is being upgraded on another server that the vault is attached to.” Also when the user tries to operate the upgrade on the vault, M-Files server can crash.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Long template names in the New Document dialog shown incorrectly
ID: 135680
Symptom: In the “New Document” dialog, when a user chooses a class that contains templates with long names, a part of the template names are hidden behind file type icons.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files cannot force the stopping of the background operations
ID: 152935
Symptom: A vault can get jammed because of a long operating external object type connection.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Misleading error message related to update packages
ID: 157735
Symptom: Automatics Updates has downloaded a new M-Files installation package. If the installation of the downloaded package on the client is started after the M-Files update package has been removed or disabled on the Automatic Updates server, the installation fails with the following error message: “The software could not be updated because the update server did not authorize the installation. This issue will be automatically resolved by M-Files as soon as an authorized installation package is available.”
Solution: Fixed. The error message was updated.
Defect: Multi-vault search can fail if a user logs out from a vault
ID: 148522
Symptom: A user makes a search and gets search results for multiple vaults. The user logs out from one of the vaults that had search results. Now, the user uses the same search window without refreshing it to make another search with a different search phrase. The search fails with the error message “Login required”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Properties are not updated when an Office file is checked out after an M-Files update
ID: 155492
Symptom: In some cases, after M-Files Desktop has been updated, when a user tries to check out an Office file that contains M-Files properties, the properties are not updated and no error or info message is shown to the user.
Solution: Fixed. M-Files now tells the user that they need to restart the Office application to get the M-Files Office add-in to work properly.
Defect: Refreshing the value list contents of a built-in external value list fails
ID: 156647
Symptom: When an admin user selects the “Refreshing Status” button on the value list contents of a built-in external value list in M-Files Admin, the operation fails with the error message “Not found”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: SasTokensForFileDataImport fails in cloud after configuration change
ID: 157671
Symptom: The user gets the error message “The vault setting ‘SasTokensForFileDataImport’ contains invalid value. Setting value skipped” in M-Files cloud environment every time the cloud server is re-instanced.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Saving a configuration in configurator editor in M-Files Admin requires two clicks
ID: 157949
Symptom: In M-Files Admin “Configurations”, if an input in the grid view is focused and a user clicks the “Save” button, it does not work the first time. The user must click “Save” again to save the configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Saving email from Outlook with M-Files Office Add-In does not generate timestamp metadata
ID: 157665
Symptom: When a user saves an email to M-Files from the Outlook ribbon with M-Files Office Add-In, the property type “timestamp” is not updated to the metadata.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Search works incorrectly with the “not one of” operator
ID: 157440
Symptom: When a user makes a search with Smart Search and the “not one of” operator that has more than one value, the search results also include the objects excluded by the “not one of” operator.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Text Analytics cannot suggest dates from Hungarian documents
ID: 157962
Symptom: In certain scenarios, Text Analytics does not suggest dates from Hungarian documents. An exception is shown on the Text Analytics dashboard.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The automatic aliases configuration uses the default values when the user is a vault administrator
ID: 156957
Symptom: The automatic aliases configuration uses the default values for a user that only has the “Full control of vault” administrative rights. For a user with the “System administrator” server role, the automatic aliases work as expected.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The setting “updateOnlyMFilesFieldsOnFileMetadataSync” is incorrectly set to true
ID: 157909
Symptom: The setting “updateOnlyMFilesFieldsOnFileMetadataSync” is incorrectly set to true. M-Files metadata that has condition expressions, for example an “if” condition, are not updated to Microsoft Word documents. This happens if the method “UpdateMetadataInFiles” is used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The Value List Contents dialog in M-Files Admin resizes incorrectly
ID: 157689
Symptom: When an admin user resizes the “Value List Contents” dialog in M-Files Admin, the “Document Type” sub-list in the dialog scales incorrectly and its text becomes unreadable.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The “ReplaceFile” API method does not work as expected in M-Files Web Services (MFWS)
ID: 157731
Symptom: When replacing a file with REST API, the extension of the new file does not get updated correctly. The extension is still the same as the extension of the old file. This makes the file unusable.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to access vault with a view with ID segment and reverse grouping level
ID: 152634
Symptom: If a vault contains a view configured with an ID segment and reverse grouping level, the access to the vault starts to fail with the error “Unspecified error” after some time of usage.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User can click the Apply button many times in the Ground Link configuration
ID: 157976
Symptom: In the Ground Link configuration, it is possible to click the “Apply” button more than once. Then, many “Apply” dialogs are opened. The remaining dialogs can show the error message “There is nothing to apply” if the user clicks OK in them and a previous dialog has already done the changes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User without system admin rights cannot modify Advanced Vault Settings in M-Files Admin
ID: 157779
Symptom: A user without system admin rights but with full control of the vault changes a setting under “Advanced Vault Settings2 in M-Files Admin. When the user tries to save the changes, the operation fails with the error message “The vault settings operation “SaveConfiguration” could not be completed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault application configuration nodes are missing in M-Files Admin
ID: 156112
Symptom: When an admin user tries to open vault application configuration or dashboards under the “Configurations” section in M-Files Admin, they are not visible. The admin user can see vault applications again after the vault restart.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Classic Web
ID: 157372
Symptom: M-Files Classic Web revealed sensitive information that could compromise security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 157243
Symptom: A vulnerability may compromise M-Files Server security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Number of Failures Allowed When Refreshing” validation issue
ID: 157490
Symptom: Using the default value of the following setting in M-Files Admin leads to validation error: Advanced Vault Settings > Connections to External Databases > Object Types > Object Type > Number of Failures Allowed When Refreshing.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online December ’20 Update Service Release 1 (20.12.9735.8)
Defect: Automatic update can fail
ID: 157719
Symptom: For some customers, the update fails with automatic updates.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online December ’20 Update (20.12.9735.6)
Improvement: Smart Search
ID: F-5426
Description: M-Files now supports the Smart Search search engine. Smart Search offers extremely fast search performance and highly relevant search results for users in both cloud and on-premises environments. You can use Smart Search in M-Files Web, M-Files Desktop, and the M-Files mobile apps. Smart Search currently only works with objects that are stored in M-Files, but as we continue to develop this feature, we will progressively add support for external repositories.
Improvement: New M-Files Web
ID: F-14416
Description: The completely new M-Files Web is a simpler and easier-to-use browser experience for M-Files. The intuitive and simplified user interface is optimized for daily use and will significantly cut the time it takes new users to learn how to use M-Files. We will continue to add features to the new M-Files Web in the coming months. Refer to m-files.com/latest-updates for information on how to get the new M-Files Web.
Improvement: Support for new M-Files Web in “Get hyperlink”
ID: V-35957
Description: The “Get hyperlink” functionality now supports the new M-Files Web. The links for the new M-Files Web are shown as “Web” and the links pointing to the classic M-Files Web are shown as “Classic Web”. When a user right-clicks an object, selects “Get Hyperlink…” > “Copy hyperlink to clipboard”, and pastes the link, for example, to an email, the form of the link is “<name of the object> (Desktop, Web, Mobile, Classic Web)”. Other M-Files functionalities, such as notification generation, still create links only to the classic M-Files Web.
Improvement: Performance Improvements to external repository indexing
ID: 157427
Description: Connectors no longer make unnecessary GetFolderContents API calls during external repository indexing.
Improvement: OnTabSelected supported in M-Files Web
ID: V-35549
Description: M-Files Web now supports the M-Files UI Extensibility Framework event OnTabSelected.
Improvement: M-Files Discovery stability Improvements
ID: 157795
Description: M-Files Discovery now less likely throws an exception and stops processing.
Improvement: M-Files Discovery multi-server mode Improvements
ID: V-35187
Description: Improvements were made to M-Files Discovery to make it work better in multi-server mode environment.
Improvement: Smart Metadata support for unmanaged documents in the new Web
ID: 157794
Description: Smart Metadata can now make suggestions for unmanaged documents in the new Web.
Improvement: M-Files Discovery can update metadata with discovered PII
ID: V-34215
Description: You can now configure the Discovery PII scenario to set personally identifiable information (PII) values as metadata. Previously, this scenario was only able to indicate whether PII was found or what type of PII, such as credit card, IBAN, or NIN, was found. Now it can also save the PII.
Improvement: Improved reliability for MFAppPlatform
ID: V-23440
Description: MFAppPlatform now has a monitoring mechanism that restarts the vault application platform in case of a failure. Previously, it was possible that sequential tasks were not processed for a long time, since the vault application platform could remain inoperative until some vault extension method was called again.
Improvement: Faster notification generation
ID: 157793
Description: The notification generator accesses the database now only once to retrieve users, logins, user groups, and substitute users. This speeds up notification generation.
Defect: Replication status erroneously “Not running”
ID: 156335
Symptom: In some cases, replication jobs show “Not running” as their status even though they are running in multi-server mode in the background.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect date format in M-Files Add-in for Teams and SharePoint Online
ID: 157530
Symptom: The listing area in M-Files Add-in for Teams and SharePoint Online does not show dates in the correct format for all regions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Web
ID: 154808
Symptom: Vulnerability in M-Files Web can reveal sensitive information.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows event log polluted with an error in M-Files Web
ID: 157248
Symptom: When the authentication token of the user expires in M-Files Web, the “Login required” error is written to the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows event log gets polluted with errors in multi-server mode environment
ID: 155719
Symptom: In multi-server mode environment, server availability is periodically checked. If any of the servers is inaccessible, the availability check fails with the error message “Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Window title, address bar, and bread crumb not updated after the first search
ID: 154985
Symptom: The window title, address bar, and breadcrumb path are not updated after the first search operation in M-Files Desktop.
Solution: Fixed. The term “Search results” is no longer part of the window title, address bar, and breadcrumb. This makes the situation less confusing to the user.
Defect: Upgrade from December ’19 Update to August ’20 Update is slow
ID: 157284
Symptom: M-Files version upgrade has two phases – server upgrade and vault upgrade. The server upgrade from December ’19 Update to August ’20 Update works as expected. The vault upgrade succeeds, but it can take several hours.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Taking a multi-server mode vault offline stops operations on other servers
ID: 156170
Symptom: In multi-server mode, taking a vault offline on one server causes running database operations on other servers to fail.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Classifier background tasks not working after saving configuration changes
ID: 157381
Symptom: If a user makes configuration changes after the API key has been set and masked by the configuration editor, the Smart Classifier Background Tasks application is no longer able to issue training requests. An error message is shown on the dashboard.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Short index database name causes IDOL searches to fail
ID: 157410
Symptom: When the name of the IDOL index comprises three characters or less and a user does a search with additional conditions, the search fails with the error message “Executing a search with IDOL failed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: SendGrid ends the support for username and password authentication
ID: 157447
Symptom: SendGrid ends the support for username and password authentication on January 20th, 2021. After this date, sending email notification using basic authentication and SendGrid will fail.
Solution: Fixed. Read more on the Deprecation Notifications page.
Defect: Search engine setting shows incorrect options
ID: 156084
Symptom: The “General settings” section in a connector configuration shows options “Goldfish” and “AzureSearch” for the “Search Engine” setting. These are not valid search engine settings and cannot be used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Print options in M-Files Web decreases document quality
ID: 157239
Symptom: When a user selects the “Print” option under the three dot menu in the preview pane in M-Files Web to print the document or save it as PDF, the quality of the generated document is low.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Performance issues with vault applications
ID: 157750
Symptom: After an update to a recent M-Files version, some vault applications, such as Compliance Kit, can have lower performance.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PDF files generated in M-Files Web having incorrect extension
ID: 157617
Symptom: In M-Files Web, a user opens a document that has previously been converted to the PDF format via M-Files Web. If the user saves the document using an Adobe application, it is saved with the original incorrect extension in the file name.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PDF conversion fails in M-Files Desktop
ID: 157424
Symptom: When a user tries to convert an image to the PDF format with the “Convert to PDF (adds separate file)” option that uses PDF-XChange, the conversion fails with the error message “Unspecified error”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: No access to objects in external repository
ID: 157254
Symptom: A user can successfully log in to an external repository, but does not get access to the objects in it. The user cannot, for example, promote the objects.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Misleading log messages on Smart Classifier dashboard
ID: 157380
Symptom: Some of the log messages on the Smart Classifier dashboard are slightly misleading.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Web: Automatic filling does not work as expected with a property filter
ID: 156138
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when two properties are filtered by the same property and when the filter returns more than 100 records, one of the properties is cleared during automatic filling.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Web metadata card configuration rules with “Created By” filter not working
ID: 157273
Symptom: M-Files Web does not trigger metadata card configuration rules that use the “Created By” filter rules. The rules are applied only after saving the object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server runs out of memory while exporting events
ID: 157115
Symptom: Exporting a wide range of events from the vault event log sometimes makes M-Files Server to run out of memory. This eventually causes malfunctions in the operation.
Solution: Fixed. A safeguard was added to limit the event request data size. A new option was added to Event Log in M-Files Admin to specify a smaller range of events.
Defect: M-Files Server crashes when importing a content package
ID: 157166
Symptom: When a user imports a content package and a certain sequence of database connection errors occurs, M-Files Server can crash.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files clears workflow state of document linked to external file source
ID: 157343
Symptom: When a user updates the version of a document that is linked to an external file source, M-Files clears the workflow state to “—“.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Issues in searches and importing because of a wrong “space” character used by Compliance Kit
ID: 153657
Symptom: Placeholder Editor for Compliance Kit uses non-breaking spaces instead of normal space characters after entering a placeholder. The erroneous character causes search and import operations to fail.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Invalid registry key configuration causes M-Files Server to crash
ID: 152832
Symptom: M-Files Server crashes on startup if the configured “ExternalKeyVaults” registry keys are invalid.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing takes a long time
ID: 156869
Symptom: When a vault has multi-file documents that contain hundreds of large files, indexing can take a long time.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Importing content package fails
ID: 157441
Symptom: The history version folder in the exported content package of a newly restored vault does not contain files created by the user “(M-Files Server)”. Consequently, importing the content package fails. The files are missing only when they are exported for the first time.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL searches fail in M-Files Desktop
ID: 157418
Symptom: In M-Files Desktop, IDOL searches sometimes fail with the error message “Unspecified error”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL indexing fails during transition to single pipeline
ID: 157147
Symptom: Transition to single pipeline happens after the previous indexing request has been completed with both metadata and file data. With dual pipeline, only Connector Framework Server (CFS) can be used for plain text extraction. However, M-Files 20.8 or later disables the CFS usage by default, which causes indexing to fail during the transition to single pipeline with the error message “Indexing files in the dual pipeline failed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL capability flags turn on during update
ID: 157220
Symptom: With IDOL 12.1, M-Files updates (for example from 20.2 to 20.8) turn on the IDOL capability flags. This causes search to stop working.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Goal Seek in Excel misbehaves with M-Files Office add-in
ID: 154406
Symptom: The user has the M-Files Office add-in enabled and the user does the “Goal Seek” operation in Excel. If no answer is found in the operation, the cell is overwritten with the last value that Excel tried even though the original contents of the cell should be used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Files with preceding whitespaces in file names fail to import
ID: 155804
Symptom: If the object name begins with whitespaces, the filename in the export package also has them. Windows loses the whitespaces easily. If this happens, the file cannot be found in import, because the XML file lists the file with whitespaces. Consequently, the import fails.
Solution: Fixed. Preceding whitespaces in the filenames of the replication package are now removed.
Defect: Error when changing scenario name in M-Files Discovery
ID: 157805
Symptom: In certain cases, an error message is shown when a user tries to change a scenario name in the M-Files Discovery configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Converting a Visio document to PDF uses extended amount of memory
ID: 156885
Symptom: When a user moves a Visio file to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF format” enabled, the operation sometimes consumes a huge amount of M-Files Server memory and make it unresponsive.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot drag and drop draft emails from Outlook to M-Files
ID: 157540
Symptom: When a user tries to drag and drop draft emails from Outlook to M-Files, an error message is shown and the email is not added to the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: BlackListedDomains does not remove all errors and warnings regarding the domain
ID: 155524
Symptom: The registry setting BlackListedDomains does not remove all errors and warnings regarding the domain when user groups are synchronized from different domains.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Azure Key Vault configuration in M-Files Admin not working
ID: 157194
Symptom: The Azure Key Vault settings cannot be configured via Advanced Vault Settings in M-Files Admin. If a user defines the settings under Security > External Key Vaults, the changes do not take affect.
Solution: Fixed. The “External Key Vaults” settings were removed from Advanced Vault Settings, because they are server-level settings that cannot be read from there until the vault is completely initialized.
Defect: Application task queue is destroyed before task is completed
ID: 157716
Symptom: Because of inactivity, the application task queue can be destroyed before a long-running task is completed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Ampersand character (&) in object type name shown twice
ID: 157318
Symptom: When there is an object type with the ampersand character (&) in its name, the character is shown twice in the object type name in the task area in M-Files Desktop.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Class not registered” error for VaultServerAttachment and VaultServerAttachments API objects
ID: 156295
Symptom: When a developer tries to create an instance of VaultServerAttachment or VaultServerAttachments via the M-Files API, the exception “Class not registered” occurs.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online November ’20 Update (20.11.9630.6)
Improvement: Access control to manage private views and notification rules
ID: 155339
Description: M-Files Admin and M-Files API now contain a setting to limit user permissions to create and modify private views and notification rules. This improvement does not change the default behaviour. Thus, if the new setting is not enabled, users can create private views and notification rules as before.
Improvement: Additional configuration validation logic to Smart Metadata
ID: V-34886
Description: Smart Metadata now has better capabilities to tell the administrator about configuration issues.
Improvement: CreateSharedLink method can be called from event handlers
ID: 136836
Description: You can now create shared links via event handlers and vault applications.
Improvement: Faster browsing between views in M-Files Desktop
ID: F-35264
Description: M-Files Desktop now supports faster browsing between views. In environments without any UI extensibility applications, the feature is automatically in use. In environments that have UI extensibility applications, the applications must be updated to be fast-browsing compatible for the improvement to take effect. If the vault has one or more applications that are not fast-browsing compatible, M-Files Desktop works as before, but the improvement is not taken into use.
Improvement: Indexing improvements for Network Folder Connector
ID: 157600
Description: Network Folder Connector now has better indexing performance when, for example, the Ground Link proxy is physically far from the shared folders.
Improvement: PKCE support for OAuth authentication in native clients
ID: 157611
Description: OAuth authentication in M-Files now supports Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636). You can enable it for authorization code flow with the registry setting “UsePkceWithAuthorizationCode”, which is set to “false” by default. Make sure that the IdP you use is compliant with PKCE.
Improvement: Search URL to set search conditions
ID: 149083
Description: When a user does a search using a search URL, the search conditions in the URL are set and they are shown in the user interface.
Improvement: Smart Metadata to learn from number, text, and value list properties
ID: F-28218
Description: Smart Metadata can now learn from properties that are of the data type “Number (integer)” or “Number (real)”. The administrator can also define a regular expression to allow Smart Metadata to learn from properties that are of the data type “Text”, “Choose from list”, or “Choose from list (multi-select)”. This allows Smart Metadata to behave more like Text Analytics or Matcher, but with the added intelligence of understanding the context around the suggestions.
Improvement: Support for limiting the properties shown in searches and columns in M-Files Desktop
ID: V-31226
Description: It is now possible to limit the number of properties that are shown when you make searches or modify columns in M-Files Desktop.
Improvement: Support for new event type handlers in M-Files API
ID: V-35046
Description: M-Files API now contains four new event handlers: BeforeAddUserGroupMember, AfterAddUserGroupMember, BeforeRemoveUserGroupMember, and AfterRemoveUserGroupMember.
The new event handlers take only the IDs of the added or removed member and the target group. Thus, they are more lightweight than the existing event handlers BeforeModifyUserGroup and AfterModifyUserGroup that take the whole user group definition with all members and other information.
Improvement: Support for SAP as an Identity Provider (IdP)
ID: 156612
Description: Added the new configuration “AddBasicAuthenticationToTokenRequest” to M-Files Admin. This enables OAuth authentication against SAP.
Defect: Automatic state transition after certain days does not adjust time zone
ID: 157061
Symptom: The automatic state transition “Trigger the state after x days” does not adjust time zone. Depending on the local time zone, if the previous state transition occurred near midnight, the automatic state transition can occur one day late or early.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot select a folder via breadcrumb on the “Save As” dialog
ID: 154608
Symptom: When a user first saves a file to an M-Files virtual folder and then opens the “Save As” dialog in the external program, the previously used virtual folder location is opened. If the user clicks the breadcrumb path to change the file location, nothing happens.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Configurations node fails to open in M-Files Admin
ID: 156778
Symptom: In M-Files Admin, when a user applies changes to the Compliance Kit configuration and modules have configuration errors, the following error message is displayed: “The following modules did not start properly: <list of modules>”. After the user clicks “OK” or closes the dialog, the “Configurations” node is not accessible. A refresh is necessary to get the “Configurations” node to function correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Creating multiple documents with calculated automatic values fails in M-Files Web
ID: 156992
Symptom: When a user copies documents to M-Files Web using the “Multiple Documents” option, the document creation fails if some of the properties use automated values. The following the error message is shown: “The value “<ID>” does not exist, or it is a conflict object.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Deleting a cached replica vault crashes M-Files Server
ID: 157599
Symptom: When a user deletes a cached replica vault, M-Files Server occasionally crashes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Discovery fails to modify objects
ID: 156353
Symptom: Discovery fails to modify objects. Error messages with the following text are shown on the Discovery dashboard: “Cannot check in object right now”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: dtSearch text extraction causes IDOL indexing to fail
ID: 154802
Symptom: When dtSearch text extraction is used in combined indexing, dtSearch text extraction errors (other than ignorable errors) cause IDOL indexing to fail with the error message “Indexing objects in the single pipeline failed.”
Solution: Fixed. dtSearch text extraction errors are now logged and ignored in combined indexing. When a dtSearch extraction error occurs, the file content is skipped, but indexing continues.
Defect: Error written to the Windows event log during IDOL indexing
ID: 157127
Symptom: When indexing an external repository using IDOL, the following error message is written to the Windows event log: “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Errors written to event log when Knowledge Graph is disabled
ID: 155152
Symptom: When Knowledge Graph is disabled, “Invalid Indexer ID” errors are written to the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External repository user group synchronization fails with circular nested groups
ID: 154124
Symptom: When M-Files tries to synchronize a circular nested group from Active Directory, synchronization fails with the error message “The user group <user group name> contains a cyclic dependency.” The failure prevents any further user group synchronizations. In addition, users cannot get access to the repository, because the user permissions are not evaluated correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Finding duplicates in multi-file documents is slow
ID: 156837
Symptom: A “FindFileDuplicates” API call is issued for every file that is part of a multi-file document. If there are many files in the multi-file document, this can take a long time.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Getting server-level login accounts takes a long time
ID: 157145
Symptom: Getting server-level login accounts from the database can take several minutes and cause operations in M-Files Admin to hang.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Login dialog interprets the ampersand character (&) as keyboard shortcut indicator
ID: 156961
Symptom: When there is an ampersand character (&) in the vault name, the login dialog interprets it as a keyboard shortcut indicator. As a result, the character that follows is underlined and the ampersand character is not shown in the vault name.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Discovery pauses execution too often
ID: 157443
Symptom: If M-Files Discovery encounters an error when it is processing documents, it pauses the processing to allow the administrator to review the error. This is intended behavior as a critical error may need to be resolved before the service can continue. In some cases, however, the service pauses processing because of non-critical errors.
Solution: Fixed. There are now less errors that are classified as critical and the service continues processing when it encounters a non-critical error.
Defect: Microsoft Office documents cannot be saved via “Save As”
ID: 157320
Symptom: If a user tries to add a Microsoft Office document to a vault using the “Save As” function, the operation fails with the following error message: “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (0x80070020).”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Opening a view grouped by a hidden or non-accessible property fails with unclear error message
ID: 140630
Symptom: A user cannot open a common view that uses a property as a grouping level, if the user does not have permissions to view or edit that property. The operation fails with the error message “Unknown property definition”. M-Files shows the same error message also if the property definition does not exist.
Solution: Fixed. Now, the improved error message tells the user: “You can’t get access to the property <property name>. Make sure that the property definition exists and you have access to it.”
Defect: Restored objects not found
ID: 156220
Symptom: When using combined indices in single-pipeline mode, objects that have been destroyed but later restored by replication are not found from the full text index.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Selecting a user group to import via “Enter Name” not working
ID: 155454
Symptom: After trying to synchronize user group members from a large domain, the operation fails with the error message “The search returned too many domain groups. The group list does not contain all groups.” To select the user group, the administrator enters the direct name for the user group on the User Group Properties dialog and saves the changes. However, when the dialog is opened again, the settings are not remembered and the operation still fails with the same error message as earlier.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Setting workflow and state via metadata card configuration fails
ID: 155165
Symptom: A metadata card configuration rule for setting a workflow and a state automatically, when a certain property value is chosen from list, does not function correctly. When a user selects the property value, the operation fails with the error message “Unable to get property <name> of undefined or null reference”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Users not getting notifications
ID: 157217
Symptom: After an SMTP server connection failure, users stop getting email notifications. The following error message is written to the Windows event log: “The e-mail component must be initialized before use.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: View listing not always up to date
ID: 157402
Symptom: In certain situations, some items are missing from a view or some items in the view are not up to date, even if the view itself is set to show only latest versions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 157245
Symptom: A vulnerability in M-Files Server may compromise security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Date modified” and “Date created” for traditional folders display wrong date
ID: 155261
Symptom: When a user creates a traditional folder, the “Date created” and “Date modified” properties are set to the vault creation date. Therefore, they show earlier dates than the folder creation date.
Solution: Fixed. “Date created” and “Date modified are not shown for traditional folders.
Defect: “IncludeVersionsOfThisFile” in “FindFileDuplicates” not working
ID: 156770
Symptom: Whether the “IncludeVersionsOfThisFile” parameter is true or false, the results that the “FindFileDuplicates” API method returns are the same.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online October ’20 Update (20.10.9524.7)
Improvement: Add configuration validation to Smart Metadata for preventing duplicate properties
ID: V-34459
Description: Smart Metadata now reports a validation error when a user has configured duplicate properties under the General Settings > Suggestions section.
Improvement: Automatic state transition in specified vaults
ID: 142618
Description: It is now possible to define in which vaults automatic state transitions are triggered.
Improvement: Delete operation added for objects in favorites
ID: 154886
Description: The “Delete” context menu item and a shortcut are now available also for objects in the Favorites view.
Improvement: Email notification for replication jobs
ID: V-34190
Description: Added an email notification to be sent at the end of the replication job. The notification is always sent for manual jobs. For automatic jobs, it is sent only if a failure occurs. The email address and email title for notifications can be set in the Notifications configuration under the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin.
Amélioration : Masquer la boîte de dialogue d’erreur de script si elle est désactivée à partir des options
Internet ID : 156933
Description : la boîte de dialogue d’erreur de script pour les pages de contenu de navigateur persistantes peut être désactivée via Options Internet (Navigation > avancée > Afficher une notification sur chaque erreur de script).
Amélioration : Amélioration de la probabilité de décoder les codes-barres de manière
fiable ID : 153964
Description : Inclus PDF 417, Code 129 et Code 39 dans la liste par défaut des types de codes-barres attendus. Cela améliore la probabilité de décoder les codes-barres de manière fiable lorsque le paramètre de Registre « SpecificBarcodeTypes » n’est pas correctement défini.
Amélioration : Amélioration des messages du journal des événements Windows pour l’exportation de données et les tâchesasynchrones ID : 157247
Description : M-Files Data Export écrit les messages améliorés du journal des événements Windows. Maintenant, les messages d’erreur incluent des informations d’erreur supplémentaires et l’en-tête contient le nom et l’ID du coffre-fort et l’ensemble de données utilisé.De même, les tâches asynchrones, telles que les actions de transaction, qui signalent leurs erreurs uniquement au journal des événements Windows, ont un en-tête d’erreur plus détaillé qui identifie le coffre-fort.
Amélioration : M-Files pour Adobe Sign ID : F-29347
Description : mise en œuvre du plug-in M-Files Adobe Sign et des activateurs nécessaires pour prendre en charge le service de signature électronique Adobe Sign.
Amélioration : Le complément Outlook M-Files se charge plus rapidement ID : V-31869
Description : Complément Outlook M-Files optimisé pour un chargement plusrapide.
Amélioration : Aucun attribut en lecture seule lors de la copie de fichiers archivés à partir de M-Files ID : V-29150, 126142
Description : lorsqu’un utilisateur copie un fichier archivé en dehors de M-Files(par exemple sur le bureau), le fichier possède l’attribut lecture seule. Un paramètre de Registre a été ajouté pour permettre aux fichiers copiés de ne pas avoir l’attribut en lecture seule. De cette façon, les fichiers copiés peuvent être directement ouverts en mode édition.
Amélioration : prise en charge de l’authentification OAuth pour l’ID d’application de coffre-fort : V-31541
Description : ajout de la possibilité d’authentificationcommune des applications de coffre-fort. Désormais, M-Files Server enregistre les données d’authentification d’une application de coffre-fort et les transmet à l’application de coffre-fort via Vault Application Framework.
Amélioration : Demander des paramètres de requête supplémentaires à partir du code d’autorisation OAuth ID de réponse : V-31541
Description : Ajout de la possibilité de demander des paramètres de requête supplémentaires à partir de la réponsedu code d’autorisation OAuth. Les modifications n’affectent pas le flux d’authentification habituel. Au lieu de cela, ils fournissent un moyen supplémentaire d’obtenir des informations lors de l’authentification.
Amélioration : Prise en charge de l’API M-Files pour obtenir les coffres-forts auxquels l’utilisateur a accès ID : V-26052
Description : ajout d’une nouvelle méthode « GetVaults » et d’un paramètre pour indiquer si seuls les coffres-forts auxquelsun utilisateur a accès sont renvoyés. Ajout également d’un nouveau paramètre à la méthode « IsUserKnownInVault » pour indiquer si un utilisateur peut se connecter au coffre-fort correspondant.
Amélioration : prise en charge de dtSearch pour les environnements multi-serveurs locaux ID : V-31952
Description : vous pouvez désormais utiliser le moteur de recherche dtSearch dans des environnementsmultiserveurs locaux.
Improvement: Improved session handling for M-Files API in multi-server mode
ID: V-22950
Description: Added support to store the necessary session information so that logging in again is not needed for M-Files API methods in case of a failover in multi-server mode environment.
Improvement: Support for encryption for file data at rest in multi-server mode
ID: V-34749
Description: You can now use file data at rest encryption in multi-server mode environments.
Defect: Database lock conflicts can cause session to become invalid
ID: 156701
Symptom: In multi-server mode, vault applications can synchronize their internal state with broadcast messages. Trying to write the same data to the vault database at the same time causes lock conflicts. The operations fail with the error message “Unspecified error. (The database transaction has been marked invalid.)”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Configuring multiple index partitions prevent indexers to work in multi-server mode
ID: 157156
Symptom: Configuring multiple index partitions prevent indexers to work in multi-server mode.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Custom context menu items are not always visible
ID: 157062
Symptom: The custom context menu items added by a UI Extension application do not necessarily appear in the context menu.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Having a lot of checked-out objects can cause searches to time out
ID: 156735
Symptom: When a user does an advanced search with property-based conditions defined, the search can time out if the user has a lot of objects checked out.
Solution: Fixed. Implemented a limit for the maximum amount of checked-out objects per user in the context of searching. An error message is shown if the user has too many objects checked out and there are too many search results.
Defect: A version comment history query is slow because of a bad query plan
ID: 156173
Symptom: An SQL query for version comment history runs slowly if it uses a plan that includes a Table Spool operation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Adding files not working correctly in M-Files Web
ID: 156672
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when a user tries to add a file while the user has a view opened that contains filters for properties that the user does not have access to, the error message “Not Found” is thrown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Annotation document preview is shown incorrectly in M-Files Web
ID: 156790
Symptom: When a user opens the preview for an annotation document in M-Files Web, the user sees the preview of the annotated document instead of the selected document.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot open configurations editor because of high number of state transitions
ID: 153953
Symptom: If there are more than 5000 state transitions in the vault, opening the configurations editor in M-Files Admin fails with the error message “Unable to set property ‘<name>’ of undefined or null reference”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Changing index settings creates a new index
ID: 156480
Symptom: When a user creates an IDOL index and changes the index settings, a new index is created.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Complicated words occasionally stop the language analyzer from working
ID: 157060
Symptom: Complicated words can occasionally cause a deadlock in the language analyzer. This causes that searches do not work either.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Conversion to PDF misaligns and breaks characters
ID: 156291
Symptom: When a user saves a DOCX document to M-Files and converts it to the PDF format, some characters can be be shifted or broken.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 157211
Symptom: A vulnerability may compromise M-Files Server security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Converting a Visio document to PDF not working as expected
ID: 156298
Symptom: When a user moves a Visio (VSDX) file to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF/A-1b format” enabled, certain elements in the image are shown black or white, which can make text in the elements invisible.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Duplicate files not detected when using “Save As”
ID: 156642
Symptom: When a user saves an object using the “Save As” function in an external program, such as Notepad, duplicate files are not detected.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Dynamic date value on metadata card breaks customized label
ID: 154370
Symptom: If a document has a metadata card configuration rule for customizing a label and another for a dynamic date field, the customized label breaks and single quotes (‘) are converted to “'”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Embedded metadata updated in document body but not in header
ID: 156080
Symptom: Embedded metadata is not updated in the header field in some Microsoft Word documents.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Hiding search pane also hides top menu in generated M-Files Web URL
ID: 156577
Symptom: When an M-Files Web URL has the “Searchpane=false” parameter-value pair, the top menu is hidden in addition to the search pane.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: High number of objects in external repositories can cause indexing errors
ID: 156447
Symptom: If there are at least two external repository connections and one repository has at least 100 000 objects, file data indexing can cause indexing errors “The M-Files indexer failed to index the vault” to be written to the Windows event log. It also causes high CPU load.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Importing replication packages gets stuck
ID: 156311
Symptom: Replication package import can get stuck when EBIN files are downloaded.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Left arrow key causes configuration editor to crash
ID: 155188
Symptom: When a user presses the left arrow key in configurations editor in M-Files Admin, the configuration editor crashes.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Login to cached replica vaults fails
ID: 157083
Symptom: Remote login to a cached replica vault fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Microsoft Edge shows installation instructions for unsupported Chrome extension in M-Files Web
ID: 156836
Symptom: When a user accesses M-Files Web with Microsoft Edge, the user sees instructions to install the M-Files for Chrome extension to the browser even though it requires using Google Chrome.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Not all sensitive metadata hidden in M-Files Admin
ID: 156585
Symptom: Contents of a subtype of an object type shows the full titles of the owner objects even though sensitive information is set to be hidden.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Not possible to cancel database optimization during statistics update
ID: 156169
Symptom: It is not possible to stop the “Optimize Database” job during the UPDATE STATISTICS statement execution, which can take a long time to complete.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: PowerPoint with animations cannot be converted to PDF/A-1b
ID: 154697
Symptom: When a user moves a PowerPoint presentation containing animations to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF/A-1b format” enabled, the operation fails with the error message “Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Rectangle…”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Quality of converted PDF/A document not satisfactory
ID: 152549
Symptom: When a user moves a PDF document to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF/A-1b format” enabled, the quality of the generated PDF/A document is not good. The images are not displayed correctly and certain parts are blurred.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Read-only users can clear a workflow state in M-Files Web
ID: 156754
Symptom: In M-Files Web, read-only users can clear the workflow state before the workflow states are loaded. They can also save the new object version with the empty workflow state.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Classifier background tasks not running after upgrade
ID: 155152
Symptom: After Smart Classifier upgrade, the background tasks are not running and the event log has entries with the error message “The parameter is incorrect. (Invalid indexer id)”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: SQL queries not having runtime limit
ID: 156172
Symptom: Unresponsive SQL queries can keep running for a long time because there is no runtime limit.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Text clip through images in PDF conversion
ID: 153099
Symptom: When a user moves a DOCX file to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF format” enabled, line breaks and spacing issues make text clip through images and cause additional empty pages to appear in the generated PDF file.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: UI Extensibility dashboard is empty when the tab name contains spaces in M-Files Web
ID: 156720
Symptom: In M-Files Web, the UI Extensibility dashboard is empty when the tab name contains spaces.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: UI Extensions do not recognize the “MFilesAPI” namespace for enumerations
ID: 156667
Symptom: UI Extensions do not recognize the “MFilesAPI” namespace for enumerations. The error message “‘MFilesAPI’ is undefined” is shown.
Solution: Fixed. Now you can also use the following syntaxes for accessing the M-Files API enumerations: “FilesAPI.MFBuiltInObjectType.MFBuiltInObjectTypeDocument” and “MFilesAPI.MFBuiltInObjectTypeDocument”.
Defect: Undo checkout operation fails for a deleted object
ID: 153295
Symptom: If an object is deleted while the object is checked out to a user in M-Files, the undo checkout operation fails with the error message “Undoing the checkout of the object <object name> failed: Not found.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User groups not synchronized correctly with Network Folder Connector
ID: 156634
Symptom: Network Folder Connector does not synchronize the Azure AD user groups “Everyone” and “Authenticated Users” correctly. If these built-in groups are used, the users in the groups cannot get access to folders that they should be able to access.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Web
ID: 156656
Symptom: A vulnerability may compromise data security in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Windows event log gets polluted with an error during server upgrade
ID: 156603
Symptom: The Compliance Kit application calls vault extension methods when the server is not available. In M-Files Web, this pollutes the Windows event log with the error message “Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Workflow state icons not visible
ID: 154803
Symptom: If a user does not have permissions to do a state transition or has only metadata-based permissions to do it, the user sees default state icons also when there are custom icons for the states.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: XLSX file cannot be converted to PDF/A-1b format
ID: 156164
Symptom: When a user moves an XLSX file to a workflow state that has the action “Convert to PDF/A-1b format” enabled, the operation fails with the error message “Conversion of the file “<file name>” to PDF format failed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “PerformOCROperation” fails with NULL parameter value
ID: 154173
Symptom: The “PerformOCROperation” API method fails with the error message “The remote procedure call failed” if the API was called with NULL value for “OCROptions”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Send as PDF by Email” results in misaligned characters in PDF file
ID: 156399
Symptom: When a user uses the “Send as PDF by Email” functionality for a DOCX document, the conversion misaligns characters in the generated PDF file.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Verify and Repair” does not recognize delta file problems
ID: 154203
Symptom: The “Verify and Repair” operation does not recognize certain problems in delta files. This can cause replication package creation to fail.
Solution: Fixed. “Verify and Repair” now checks if the problem exists but does not automatically fix it. Instructions for manual solution are available.
Defect: Opening metadata card fails in M-Files Web
ID: 157270
Symptom: When the registry setting “HeaderExpanded” is set for M-Files Web and a user selects an object in M-Files Web, the metadata card fails to open. It keeps on loading and the user sees the error message “Specified cast is not valid.”
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online September ’20 Update (20.9.9430.4)
Improvement: Multi-Server Mode support for Network Folder Connector
ID: V-26382
Description: Multi-Server Mode is now supported in Network Folder Connector.
Improvement: gRPC for on-premises
ID: F-24737
Description: gRPC is now enabled also for customers who have M-Files running on-premises. The feature can be configured in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: M-Files Web Analytics
ID: V-32828
Description: We have added a support to collect M-Files Web usage metrics.
Improvement: Support for the “Search within this view” option enabled by default in M-Files Web
ID: V – 32521
Description: A new setting is introduced to make the “Search within this view” option enabled by default. Users do not need to enable the option in every search.
Defect: Electronic signing of assignment fails in multi-server environment
ID: 155934
Symptom: In a multi-server environment, the electronic signing fails with the error message “Electronic signature could not be added” when attempting to mark assignments completed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Adding or editing vault-level login account password fails occasionally
ID: 156452
Symptom: Adding or editing a vault-level login account password fails occasionally with the error message “Bad Data”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Applying license to Smart Classifier results in M-Files Server freezing
ID: 156590
Symptom: When there are vault apps installed which crawl the vault (for example Knowledge Graph or Network Folder Connector), installing Smart Classifier and applying a license causes M-Files Server to become unresponsive.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Background task “NamedACLPropagation” fails for promoted document
ID: 155620
Symptom: The background task “NamedACLPropagation” fails for a promoted document with the error message “Unable to complete the background task with the type ‘NamedACLPropagation’.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Discovery is not always able to write to its log file
ID: 156498
Symptom: When configuring an M-Files Discovery instance with a name, which contains characters that are not valid in file names, Discovery cannot write to its log file. This is because Discovery is attempting to write to a file with an invalid name.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error message shown when indexing object data from an external repository
ID: 154030
Symptom: When indexing object data from a large external repository, the error message “A null reference pointer was passed to the stub.” can be shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error saving a document with hidden values in calculated value list based property
ID: 156055
Symptom: If there are hidden values in the value list based multi-select property that is automatically calculated and a user does not have the edit permissions to the property, an access denied error is shown when the user tries to change the state.
Solution: Value list based property comparison is now based on IDs, not on display texts.
Defect: File cannot be indexed when opened via Network Folder Connector and kept open in MS Excel
ID: 156465
Symptom: If a file is opened via Network Folder Connector and kept open in Microsoft Excel, the file is indexed. However, the file is not found in full-text search and the error message “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.” is written to Windows Event Log.
Solution: The error occurs because Network Folder Connector cannot copy a file to a vault temporary file location with the Network Folder Connector file access credentials. To avoid the error, a custom location for temporary files can be specified in the Network Folder Connector configuration.
Defect: File data indexing with dtSearch skips some documents
ID: 156322, 156538
Symptom: File data indexing with dtSearch skips some documents completely and the documents cannot be found in searches.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL High Availability (HA) does not perform failover if facet search fails
ID: 154153
Symptom: If the facet search fails with a connectivity error, but the normal search still succeeds, IDOL High Availability (HA) does not perform a failover.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Network connection issues sometimes leave mail sources stuck
ID: 156065
Symptom: Sometimes, when a network issue occurs, the mail source gets stuck. The mail source is not progressing and processing new emails. It cannot be stopped either. This situation also prevents the vault restart, so the only option is to restart the server, which is problematic especially in a cloud environment.
Solution: Added a break in the retry loop (when the retry count is exceeded) and now the network connection fails with an error in Event Log.
Defect: OAuth/OpenID authentication against SAP fails
ID: 156076
Symptom: OAuth/OpenID authentication against SAP fails with the error message “Only the 100-continue expectation is supported.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Opening a multi-file document under “Duplicate File Content” fails
ID: 156388
Symptom: When a user tries to open a multi-file document under the “Duplicate File Content” relationship, an error message “Folder ___ no longer exists” is displayed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Poor performance with many root level items when using hierarchical object types
ID: V-32939
Symptom: Getting the whole root level with hierarchical object types causes performance issue in the JavaScript user interface when there are over 1 000 object types on the root level.
Solution: This is solved by putting the root level fetch behind a feature flag in the server’s search function. This reduces the number of object types in the drop-down menu to a manageable level. The feature flag V32929_DoNotGetWholeRootLevelWithHierarchy is used as a precaution if the whole root level is still needed somewhere.
Defect: Remote application’s disconnection causes loss of file data’s indexing progress
ID: 156499
Symptom: A remote application’s disconnection causes loss of file data’s indexing progress with Network Folder Connector. All indexing progress that has not been committed before the disconnection is lost.
Solution: Fixed. Changed the default batch sizes of the index job for metadata to 10000 and file data to 1000.
Defect: Replication allows importing documents without valid content definitions
ID: 155371
Symptom: After importing documents without valid content definitions, the search/view is not working if the returned results include imported objects with invalid content definitions. Displaying the “View” / “Search results” fails in M-Files Desktop and M-Files Web with “Unspecified error”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Metadata makes the vault unresponsive
ID: 156737
Symptom: In certain vaults, when Smart Metadata is configured to provide many suggestions, it results in the entire vault becoming unresponsive.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Some vault apps are incorrectly generating errors in Windows Event Log
ID: 154511
Symptom: “COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used” errors are appearing in the Windows Event Log. The stack traces often come from Matcher or Smart Classifier.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Support for the “domain_hint” query parameter for OAuth is missing
ID: 150020
Symptom: Users logged in with federated authentication have to select the account to use repeatedly, even though the account should be picked automatically after the first login.
Solution: Fixed
Defect: Verify and Repair reports errors that it cannot fix
ID: 156419
Symptom: The Verify and Repair feature can detect cases where a class has a property listed but one or more objects of that class do not have that property (either user defined or NULL). Verify and Repair reports an error that for one or more object versions the property is missing, but the attempt to fix the error automatically fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Create” menu in M-Files Desktop does not show keyboard shortcuts
ID: 156333
Symptom: When a user selects the “Create” button in the top pane of M-Files Desktop, keyboard shortcuts are not visible in the menu options.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Details” pop-up on Smart Classifier dashboard not working
ID: 156912
Symptom: When Smart Classifier is trained for a class, which contains a hyphen in the class name, its “Details” pop-up window on the dashboard in M-Files Admin is not available.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online August ’20 Update Service Release 1 (20.8.9339.5)
Defect: Configurations editor in M-Files Admin crashes after an error in metadata card configuration
ID: 156413
Symptom: The configurations editor in M-Files Admin crashes after an error in adding a value list item to a metadata card configuration rule.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Changing one IDOL indexer to two or more parallel indexers causes index rebuilding
ID: 155393
Symptom: Changing one IDOL indexer to two or more parallel indexers causes rebuilding the search index.
Solution: Fixed. A warning of rebuilding the index is still shown but it can be ignored.
M-Files Online August ’20 Update (20.8.9339.3)
Improvement: Specify sender address for M-Files email notifications
ID: V-9958, 149211
Description: To avoid mail servers blocking email notifications related to assignments and check-in requests, it is now possible to specify a reply-to address for notifications via the configurations editor in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Support for AutoCAD 2021
ID: 155773
Description: Added AutoCAD 2021 support to M-Files.
Improvement: “Details” dialog on Smart Metadata dashboard now includes language information
ID: 155939
Description: The language is now specified in the “Details” dialog that can be opened from the Smart Metadata dashboard when applicable. Example: “M-Files Smart Metadata was able to find 1 Finnish document in the Proposal class…”.
Improvement: M-Files Web shows improved error message when all concurrent licenses are used
ID: 153669
Description: Previously, M-Files Web displayed the error message “Authentication Failed” on the login page when all the concurrent licenses were in use. Now, the improved error message tells the user that no more concurrent user licenses are available.
Improvement: Show account name in error message when login fails after successful authentication
ID: 156544
Description: The account name is now shown in the “Logging in failed” error message when the authentication part has succeeded. The added information helps to know which identity or account format was used in the login attempt.
Improvement: Completing assignment from metadata card prompts the comment dialog
ID: V-15501, 142532
Description: When completing an assignment from the metadata card, a comment dialog is now opened. Previously, it was opened only when completing the assignment from the task area.
Improvement: Knowledge Graph, Smart Metadata, and Smart Classifier display warning if .NET Framework not current
ID: 156545
Description: The Knowledge Graph, Smart Metadata, and Smart Classifier vault applications target at least Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 and may not work as expected if they are running on a machine which has an older version of .NET Framework installed. Now these vault applications detect the latest installed version and show a warning message on the dashboard in M-Files Admin if the latest installed version is older than 4.7.2.
Improvement: Log skipping of the Optimize Database job in multi-server mode
ID: 156543
Description: Added an information-level event that is written to the Windows event log if the server is skipping the Optimize Database job in multi-server mode.
Defect: Vault upgrade with Firebird may timeout leaving the vault in unusable state
ID: 156523
Symptom: Vault upgrade with Firebird may timeout leaving the vault in unusable state
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot import full structure to vault
ID: 155894
Symptom: If there is an invalid property or workflow alias in the vault structure to be imported, it is not possible to fully import it and troubleshooting is difficult.
Solution: Fixed. The workflow or property definition with the invalid placeholder is now included in the error message.
Defect: Cannot make a copy of assignment in M-Files Web
ID: 155851
Symptom: When a user first removes the “Monitored By” property value and then tries to create a copy of the assignment object using the “Make Copy” option, the operation fails with the error message “Object reference not set to an instance of object”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Exception thrown on Smart Metadata dashboard when models are trained for certain languages
ID: 156161
Symptom: When models are trained for certain languages, the Smart Metadata dashboard fails to load.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Extension method freezes when trying to return data with multiple new lines
ID: 155914
Symptom: An extension method freezes when trying to return data with multiple new lines.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: GetTextContentForFile includes tracked deletions from Word documents
ID: 155437
Symptom: When Track Changes is enabled in a Word document, deleted text marked with a strikethrough is shown in Smart Metadata suggestions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL facet search not working with client version 20.5 or later
ID: 155842
Symptom: The facet JSON format used by the default search filters in client version 20.5 and later is not compatible with M-Files Server versions older than 20.5. When these versions are used, selecting a search facet causes an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: IDOL index partitions have different capabilities flags
ID: 156479
Symptom: When the initial amount of IDOL index partitions is greater than one, the index partitions get different capabilities. As a result, some content is not indexed correctly and cannot be found.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Installer customization script not working with M-Files Online installers
ID: 154117
Symptom: When using a customized M-Files Online installer with vault connections preconfigured, the “Install updates automatically” option and the “Installation schedule” section are missing from the settings for automatic updates.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Knowledge Graph fails to index files with incomplete version history
ID: 156386
Symptom: If an object has a gap in its version history (for example, a version was deleted), Knowledge Graph will throw an exception when trying to index it. The Knowledge Graph dashboard shows the following error message: “Processing failed: Not found. (ID: 0)”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Discovery fails to update objects when using MSSQL as database
ID: 156353
Symptom: When M-Files is configured to use MSSQL as its database, M-Files Discovery is unable to make modifications to objects (for example, when discovering PII).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Matcher sorts suggestions incorrectly when considering partial matches
ID: 156134
Symptom: Matcher has a limited ability to do partial matching. When Matcher finds a partial match, the confidence of that suggestion is decreased proportionally to the number of differences there are between the match and the original term. The suggestions are sorted in the order of confidence and the most confident is shown first. The confidence is being calculated incorrectly when the difference is caused by missing diacritics (for example, search for “résumé” but found “resume”).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Message content imported via external mail sources does not have line breaks
ID: 155642
Symptom: When an external mail source is configured with a property of the “Text (multi-line)” data type that reads the message field from the email message, the property values do not have line breaks.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata suggestions for class not shown for unmanaged objects
ID: 155610
Symptom: When there is a property grouping on the metadata card of an unmanaged object, metadata suggestions for the class are not shown on the metadata card.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: MFAppPlatform.exe starts for all vaults
ID: 155876
Symptom: The MFAppPlatform.exe process starts in all vaults even without any installed vault applications because the default value for the “Enabled” setting in the Ground Link configuration under Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin is “Yes”.
Solution: Fixed. The default value for the “Enabled” setting is now “No”. To enable the Ground Link feature in a cloud vault, the setting must first be changed. If necessary, the previous “enabled by default” mode can be retained using a system wide registry setting “MFServer\EnableGroundLinkCloudAgent”.
Defect: On-premises co-authoring not working in M-Files Web and Desktop with proxy server setup
ID: 155635
Symptom: When a proxy server runs M-Files Server, the co-authoring option in the context menu of a document is grayed out. Additionally, when trying to initiate co-authoring in the Office for the web editor, the error message “Something went wrong…” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Potential IDOL index corruption at cloud deployment swap
ID: 155836
Symptom: IDOL index database may be upgraded to contain too wide capability settings if the database existence check fails.
Solution: Fixed. The capabilities are not upgraded in such a situation.
Defect: Restore tester still gets stuck when destroying vault
ID: 154507
Symptom: When trying to destroy a vault, a pending HTTP download task is never completed. As a result, the restore tester gets stuck and the vault cannot be destroyed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Reverse view contents not visible
ID: 153678
Symptom: Contents of a reverse view (that is, a view with reverse direction grouping level) are not visible after going out from and back to the view or after relogging in to the vault. Only refreshing the view makes the content visible again.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Selective administrative rights in vault not working in M-Files Admin
ID: 155325
Symptom: User that have some administrative rights but not the “Full control of vault” user rights cannot read configuration values from Named Value Storage In M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Metadata dashboard fails to load when class name contains an ampersand
ID: 156330
Symptom: The Smart Metadata dashboard fails to load when one of the trained models is for a class which contains an ampersand (&) in the name.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The system administrator permissions are required to change some Matcher configurations
ID: 155918
Symptom: Changing many of the Matcher configuration options incorrectly requires the system administrator permissions.
Solution: Fixed. Now also vault administrators can change the configuration values.
Defect: Today button in “Share Public Link” dialog not working in M-Files Web
ID: 155577
Symptom: The date is not selected when a user clicks the “Today” option in the calendar view of the Shared Link dialog in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to index files larger than 4095 MB
ID: 156320
Symptom: When the registry setting “FileSizeLimitForIndexingInMegabytes” is configured, files larger than 4095 MB are not indexed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Type mismatch” error with jscript9.dll Chakra JavaScript engine
ID: 155649
Symptom: “Type mismatch” error is shown if JavaScript null values are given as parameters to M-Files API calls.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error message shown on default view after session expired and relogin attempted in M-Files Web
ID: 154359
Symptom: When clicking “Refresh” in the yellow ribbon in the Office for the web editor after the session has expired, the user is taken to the login page. An additional parameter is added to the login page URL which causes the “Cannot Parse “&wdPid=xxxxxxxxx” error message to be shown on the default view of M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Content replication shows false negative to the user in erroneous import
ID: 155783
Symptom: When either content1.xml or structrure.xml file of a replication package has corrupted data, the error message “Operation failed” is shown in import, which suggests that the whole import operation failed. In reality, only the corrupted XML file is not imported.
Solution: Fixed. If some items are successfully imported before a failure, the user is informed about it with a descriptive error message.
Defect: Dynamic value in metadata card configuration fails when alias name contains “_” in M-Files Web
ID: 155672
Symptom: When the alias of a dynamic property contains an underscore character (_), the error message “The placeholder %PROPERTY_{xxxxx}% in the set value is invalid” is shown in the metadata card of an object in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Configured hierarchy rules not working in M-Files Web
ID: 155434
Symptom: M-Files Web users are able to see the related objects even though they are set to be hidden in Other Applications > Compliance Kit > UI Configuration > Related Object Rules in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document collection members shown under Documents in M-Files Web
ID: 155279
Symptom: When viewing relationships of an object in M-Files Web, some document collection members are displayed under the “Documents” node.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Electronic signature fails when changing workflow state with preconditions in M-Files Web
ID: 154888
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when a user tries to add an electronic signature to a document but required preconditions for the state transition are not met, incorrect error message “An electronic signature could not be added due to a failed login attempt.” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incomplete upload file operation in M-Files Web causes major memory consumption
ID: 156360
Symptom: When a user closes the browser window before an upload operation is completed, the process ends with an infinite loop that causes major memory consumption and prevents the users from performing any operations with M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Progress bar spins continuously while opening non-document object in M-Files Web
ID: 156246
Symptom: When properties have been hidden in the task area settings in the M-Files web configuration page and a user double-clicks a non-document object in M-Files Web, the progress bar is spinning continuously.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in third-party component used in M-Files Web
ID: 156387
Symptom: A vulnerability in third-party component used in M-Files Web may compromise data security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary events recorded in multi-server mode
ID: 155799
Symptom: In multi-server mode, unnecessary login and logout events are recorded to the vault event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary warning logged with Firebird-based Ground Link proxy in multi-server mode
ID: 156102
Symptom: In multi-server mode environment, an unnecessary warning is written to the Windows event log when Firebird-based vault is used as a Ground Link proxy.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault application crashes and does not restart
ID: 156174
Symptom: After a vault application crash, M-Files Server fails to recover the application and the vault becomes unstable for the users.
Solution: Fixed. Modified the vault application recovery mechanism to be more robust and tolerant for transient errors.
Defect: Vaults stay offline in multi-server mode even though the offline phase of optimization is passed
ID: 155821
Symptom: In multi-server mode, one server is responsible for performing the vault optimization background task. Servers that are not responsible for the task are requested to keep the vault offline for too long time.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Change tracking stops vaults from being brought online in contained databases
ID: 155805
Symptom: The Multi-Server Mode feature requires change tracking to be available. However, Microsoft SQL Server does not support the change tracking mechanism with contained databases. If change tracking is enabled for vaults using contained databases, it is not possible to bring the vaults online.
Solution: Fixed. The change tracking feature is not used for contained Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Defect: Deadlocking transactions prevent vault application startup
ID: 156045
Symptom: Vault applications do not start if transactions deadlock during their initialization and a transaction gets killed by the SQL Server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Deleting multi-file document contents misfunctions in M-Files Web
ID: 155569
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when a user selects all files under a multi-file document and tries to delete them, the error message “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Size’ of undefined” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Errors in starting vault applications during vault optimization in multi-server mode
ID: 156542
Symptom: During vault optimization, simultaneous starting of vault applications on multiple servers running in multi-server mode can cause starting to fail.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online June ’20 Update (20.6.9181.4)
Improvement: Enable further configurability of M-Files driver
ID: 154438
Description: We have added new MFClient configuration values: VDDDeviceType, VDDDeviceCharacteristics, and VDDMediaType. These allow changing the M-Files file system driver behavior easier in environments where M-Files default values are not working optimally.
Improvement: Faster file preview in M-Files Web
ID: 155550
Description: We have optimized file content downloading in M-Files Web to improve file preview performance.
Improvement: Help page for IDOL install helper scripts
ID: 155722
Description: In the IDOL installation package, the most relevant PowerShell scripts are now equipped with a proper help page.
Improvement: M-Files Server Analytics
ID: V-25279
Description: We have added a support to collect M-Files Server usage metrics.
Improvement: Recurring notifications
ID: V-15940
Description: We have added the possibility to specify that a notification rule that matches a filter sends a notification per object repeatedly and as long as the object matches the filter.
Improvement: Whitelist for Network Folder Connector file extensions
ID: 29778
Description: We have added a whitelist support in the Network Folder Connector vault application. We also added a support for semi-colon (;) separated blacklist in the existing filter conditions.
Improvement: “Update only M-Files Fields” setting in Advanced Vault Settings
ID: 29194
Description: Updating only M-Files fields in a Word document can now be controlled with a new setting in Advanced Vault Settings.
Defect: Configuration area in M-Files Admin not visible in Multi-Server Mode environment
ID: 155369
Symptom: Loading the Configurations dashboard in M-Files Admin can fail when trying to view configurations in Multi-Server Mode.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary Ground Link related message is added to the event log
ID: 155739
Symptom: A message about registering the Ground Link configuration node always appears in the event log when a vault is brought online, even if Ground Link is not enabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Renaming external repository objects may fail
ID: 155506
Symptom: Renaming external repository objects may fail and produce primary key violations to the Windows event log when using a Firebird database.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Electronic signature does not require credentials with OKTA OAuth
ID: 154358
Symptom: When signing a document using M-Files Desktop, the user is not prompted for password, instead the document is signed right away transparently, when using OKTA.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error shown when saving modified comment
ID: 155465
Symptom: The “Access rights to change the property ‘Comment’” error is shown when saving a modified comment.
Solution: Fixed. A user who is not an administrative user can now modify their own, last comment if the object is checked out to them.
Defect: Full repository crawling is discontinued when connection configuration is changed
ID: 155675
Symptom: Full repository crawling is discontinued when connection configuration is changed. The problem happens only when full repository crawling is started after the delta crawler has been invalidated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: In IDOL, the indexer gets stuck without error messages
ID: 155572
Symptom: The get request of the Blob storage was left uncompleted, thus blocking the indexing definitely.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect status is shown on external repository login in M-Files mobile applications
ID: 156009
Symptom: M-Files Mobile applications show external repository login status as “Logged in as” even when the user is not authenticated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing gets stuck when object from quick index table does not exist in external repository
ID: 155504
Symptom: File data indexing fails if at least one of the objects to be indexed is not found in the external repository.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Issues in offline behavior with iOS application
ID: 155187
Symptom: When an object marked for offline view is removed from M-Files Desktop, the M-Files mobile application is showing wrong options for the object. The user sees the options “edit object”, “discard changes”, and “stay offline” instead of the options “save as a copy”, “discard changes”, and “stay offline”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Admin opens slowly
ID: 155255
Symptom: M-Files Admin opens slowly when there are a lot of external users and user group memberships.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files fails to start all vault applications when bringing the vault online
ID: 155522
Symptom: Some vault applications fail to start sometimes when bringing the vault online.
Solution: Fixed. The automatic retry mechanism was changed after some exceptions in the vault application initialization.
Defect: M-Files installation may fail
ID: 153413
Symptom: A forced stopping of the MFDataExport service may fail during the M-Files installation. The M-Files installation is rolled back and the error message “The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion” is shown to the user.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files server stops sending ext. repository login requests if previous login request is canceled
ID: 152676
Symptom: When a user tries to load some external repository object data from a repository which is not logged in and the user does not provide credentials within a short timeout (20 s), the request fails. This also leaves the server in a state that server data push events are not sent to the client anymore for that specific repository until the user logs out from the vault or the server is restarted.
Solution: M-Files server was fixed to send login requests also after a short timeout.
Defect: M-Files Web displays wrong error message when all concurrent licenses are used
ID: 153669
Symptom: In M-Files Web, the user sees the error message “Authentication failed” when the number of concurrent licenses is exceeded.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Web performs unnecessary calls to Compliance Kit extension method
ID: 155551
Symptom: In M-Files Web, Compliance Kit (CK) extension methods are called even when Compliance Kit is not enabled in a vault and the error message “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)” is shown in the browser console.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Mandatory field indicator “*” is not visible on metadata card in M-Files Web
ID: 73259
Symptom: The M-Files Web user is not able to see the “*” sign for long, mandatory property names on the metadata card.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Permission limitation in editing properties causes problems with unmanaged objects
ID: 155231
Symptom: Promoting an object fails if the target class has associated property values that the user does not have edit rights to. The issue is also present whenever changing a class of a managed object.
Solution: Fixed. When the feature is enabled, users may add class-associated properties to the object as empty, even without edit rights. The built-in property “Is Template” may also be set to false by these users.
Defect: Plugin-based authentication fails in M-Files iOS mobile application
ID: 155629
Symptom: An M-Files iOS mobile application user gets the error message “The parameter is incorrect. (Performing plugin-based authentication is not supported because the caller did not provide the IMFDialogs interface.)” during login operation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Property definition permission limitation causes issues when changing class of unmanaged object
ID: 155231
Symptom: If a user does not have permissions to edit a property, the user cannot change the class of an unmanaged object to one which would add this property to the object metadata.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Pseudo-user NACL prevents indexing external repository connection
ID: 154656
Symptom: A named access control list (NACL) containing pseudo-users prevents indexing an external repository connection, such as a Network Folder Connector connection.
Solution: Fixed. Prevented configuring a named access control list with pseudo-users to be used with external repositories.
Defect: Replication may fail to import a view
ID: 154292
Symptom: The replication fails to import a view if the view has folder settings for a user that is not included in the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Setting “Value List Item Count Limit” to “0” prevents access to vault in M-Files Admin
ID: 155383
Symptom: Setting “Value List Item Count Limit” to “0” in the Configurations settings in M-Files Admin prevents the access to the vault in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Thorough optimization may fail
ID: 155495
Symptom: Thorough optimization may fail when the database is under constant and heavy modification.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary option shown under the Indexes settings in M-Files Admin
ID: 155519
Symptom: “Goldfish” is displayed as on option for the indexing service type under the Advanced Vault Settings > Search > Indexes settings in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Various OCR failures
ID: 134277, 150050, 152039, 155289, 155452
Symptom: Various failures in conversions to searchable PDFs with large or specific TIF image files. Also, certain logos are missing from the end result.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third-party component.
Defect: Verify and repair fails to detect and fix missing properties
ID: 155374
Symptom: The verify and repair operation does not detect and fix the missing class properties for object versions.
Solution: Fixed. A new verify and repair step was added to detect and add the missing object properties.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Server
ID: 155225
Symptom: The logged information may contain sensitive information.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in print and download prevention in M-Files Web
ID: 155838
Symptom: A vulnerability in the print and download prevention in M-Files Web may compromise data security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Duplicate detection feature is causing an error when the client and server versions are mismatched
ID: 154204
Symptom: When opening a view in M-Files Desktop, the following error is shown: “The M-Files Server application on the server is an older version and does not support this operation.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: In M-Files Discovery, changing several configuration options requires system admin rights
ID: 155792
Symptom: Many of the configuration options in M-Files Discovery could not be changed unless the user had system admin rights.
Solution: Fixed. Now only vault admin rights are required to change the configuration options.
Defect: Smart Classifier configuration becomes unresponsive after saving changes
ID: 155435
Symptom: After saving changes to the configuration of Smart Classifier, M-Files Admin can become unresponsive for up to 30-40 seconds.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online May ’20 Update (20.5.9099.4)
Improvement: M-Files Ground Link for IML
ID: F-1942
Description: With M-Files Ground Link, external repository connections can be established from M-Files Cloud Vault to on-premises systems, such as network folders.
Improvement: Multi-server mode for on-premises environments with IDOL search engine
ID: F-4063
Description: Added support to attach M-Files vaults to several application servers simultaneously to enable high availability and optimize maintenance operations. Currently, multi-server mode support covers on-premises environments with the Micro Focus IDOL search engine. Additionally, intelligence services are supported.
Improvement: IDOL indexing support for external repositories (cloud installations)
ID: F-286
Description: Added support to index large external repositories with Micro Focus IDOL in M-Files Cloud.
Improvement: Support for Mongolian language in M-Files Web
ID: F-12965
Description: M-Files Web now supports Mongolian language as a user interface and installation language.
Improvement: Default values for search filters in M-Files Desktop
ID: V-20341
Description: Added a possibility to set user-specific and vault-specific default search filters that are always on the Filters tab in M-Files Desktop. Using dynamic facets as default search filters requires the Micro Focus IDOL search engine.
Improvement: IML connection amount restricted to five per vault by default
ID: V-28553
Description: By default, IML connection amount is now restricted to five per vault. In on-premises environment, the customers can change the setting themselves in advanced vault settings in M-Files Admin. Changing the setting requires the system administrator permissions.
Improvement: Improved metadata card configuration user interface texts
ID: F-27577, 150181
Description: Improved user interface texts for the earlier released improvement “Show a property as a single-select property using metadata card configuration”.
Improvement: M-Files API GetLoginAccountOfUser method performance improvement
ID: 155324
Description: Improved the implementation of the M-Files API method GetLoginAccountOfUser so that the execution time is not dependent on the number of total users in the vault.
Improvement: M-Files Smart Metadata and M-Files Knowledge Graph
ID: 6638
Description: A new vault application, M-Files Smart Metadata, is now available. Smart Metadata uses machine learning to understand the context around existing metadata making more accurate metadata suggestions possible. It is the first vault application to be powered by the M-Files Knowledge Graph, another new vault application, which gathers additional insights about the data stored in the vault.
Improvement: Removing XML schema validation for application from M-Files Desktop
ID: V-19027
Description: Earlier, adding a new feature to appdef.xml often caused M-Files Desktop failing to start. To fix this, M-Files Desktop needed to be upgraded to a newer version or the related application needed to be temporarily disabled. XML schema validation has now been removed from the M-Files Desktop side, which allows M-Files Desktop to always start. However, the new application feature will not work before the upgrade. XML schema validation is still done on M-Files Server when administrator installs the application.
Improvement: Whitelist-based indexing with Micro Focus IDOL search engine
ID: F-25033, V-25029
Description: Added a possibility to whitelist the file extensions that should be indexed. Earlier, indexing was based only on excluding extensions (blacklisting). Using a registry setting, it is still possible to continue using blacklisting. When moving to whitelist-based indexing, reindexing may be needed.
Improvement: External connection passwords should not be shown in clear text in M-Files Admin
ID: 40734
Description: Added the possibility to hide passwords with keywords “Password”, “PWD”, and “Proxy Password” in connection strings shown in M-Files Admin.
Defect: Boolean properties not working in metadata card configuration export
ID: 154198, 154199
Symptom: When deploying metadata configuration from one vault to another via content replication and archiving, Boolean properties in filters and in the Behavior section are not correct.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Certain PDF applications leave documents checked out in M-Files
ID: 154434
Symptom: When creating a PDF document using certain PDF applications, the “Check in immediately” option is not available in the “Create Document” dialog and the document is left checked out. This happens, at least, with the CutePDF and PDF24 applications.
Solution: Fixed for CutePDF and PDF24.
Defect: Compare options in M-Files ribbon do not work in Microsoft Word
ID: 155135
Symptom: When using the “Compare with Previous Version” or “Compare with Another Version…” options in the M-Files ribbon in Microsoft Word, the “Not found” error message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Control character parsing error in the “Change State” dialog
ID: 154669
Symptom: When a user enters text including a control character, such as “\n”, to the “Comment” field in the “Change State” dialog and clicks “OK”, the control character operation (for example, adding a new line) is performed.
Solution: Fixed. Control characters are now treated as regular text.
Defect: Copying common M-Files folders not working in Microsoft Outlook
ID: 28597
Symptom: Copying an M-Files folder that has the “Common to all users” option enabled is not working correctly in Microsoft Outlook.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Copying object in a view works incorrectly
ID: 154235
Symptom: When a multi-select property is used in the filter of a view, copying an object inside this view results in incorrect metadata. The copy gets the values included in the filter regardless of the values of the source object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Copying vault fails
ID: 155143
Symptom: When using older M-Files Admin version (for example, 20.3.xxxxx.x) and new M-Files Server version (for example, 20.4.xxxxx.x), copying vault fails with the error message “The stub received bad data”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Creating object from property when object type has multiple classes fails
ID: 155121
Symptom: Creating an object from a property when the object type has multiple classes fails with the error message “Unspecified error”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Documentation missing for AccessControlEntryContainer
ID: 155116
Symptom: API documentation is missing for the M-Files API property AccessControlEntryContainer.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Empty files or templates can result in many duplicates being detected
ID: 155221
Symptom: M-Files Desktop can become unresponsive when the duplicates documents detection feature is enabled and many duplicates are detected.
Solution: Fixed by ignoring empty files and limiting the number of duplicate files shown in the listing area.
Defect: External repository delta crawler may leave some objects unindexed
ID: 155213
Symptom: External repository delta crawler may leave some objects unindexed and crawling is unnecessarily started from the beginning with an available full crawler.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Fix DownloadFileAsDataURIEx file type detection
ID: 155159
Symptom: The M-Files API method DownloadFileAsDataURIEx fails to detect file type for some files especially if there is a hash character (#) in the file name.
Solution: Fixed. Failure in preliminary MIME type check from file extension is now treated as a warning and the second phase (actual detection) is tried.
Defect: Importing a large user group may fail without error message
ID: 155326
Symptom: Importing a large user group with more than 35,000 members may fail so that an empty group is created and no error message is shown. This may lead to disabling users.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server may crash
ID: 154852
Symptom: M-Files Server may crash, when destructing DB Sessions.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server may crash
ID: 154337
Symptom: When initializing M-Files indexers, M-Files Server may, in some rare cases, crash soon after restarting M-Files server.
Solution: Fixed by updating the 3rd party component causing the crash to a newer version.
Defect: M-Files Server RPC calls fail in certain situation
ID: 155387
Symptom: “Unable to cast COM object…” type of errors in the M-Files Server RPC calls prevent the system from working correctly. The error may occur in certain heavy load situations.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Opening metadata card in Microsoft Word fails
ID: 154951
Symptom: Opening the metadata card of the document using the “Properties” option in the M-Files ribbon in Microsoft Word may fail with the error message “It is illegal to call out while inside message filter”. This happens occasionally when certain types of properties are used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Random crashes of Excel when trying to open Excel files from M-Files
ID: 149752
Symptom: When a user clicks the icon of an Excel file in M-Files Desktop, Excel may occasionally crash in 32-bit Microsoft Office environment.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Simple metadata merge replication fails with certain settings
ID: 152686
Symptom: If a simple metadata merge replication is configured with the “Override with Files” setting, the import fails with the error message “Not found”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Synchronized login accounts get disabled
ID: 155181
Symptom: The expire of the client secret of the Azure AD side application disables synchronized login accounts and causes login to M-Files to fail.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary facet search with an empty facet configuration
ID: 154169
Symptom: Full-text search may cause an unnecessary IDOL facet search with an empty facet configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Word document automatic numbering issue
ID: 153776, 153889
Symptom: Word document automatic numbering for example in the table of contents gets broken when M-Files fields in the document are updated.
Solution: Fixed. Added a new setting to update only M-Files fields instead of all fields in the document under the Advanced Vault Settings section in M-Files Admin (PDF Conversion > Word Files > Update Only M-Files Fields).
Defect: Period (.) in file name causes preview to fail in M-Files Web
ID: 155427
Symptom: Previewing a file with a period in its file name fails in M-Files Web. The “Preview is unavailable” error is shown in the preview pane.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Web
ID: 154932
Symptom: M-Files Web reveals sensitive information that may compromise security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Newly added comments are lost after changing workflow state for checked out object in M-Files Web
ID: 154720
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when a user first adds a comment on any checked out object via the metadata card and then changes the workflow state, the comment is not displayed in the “Workflow” dialog. After clicking “OK”, the comment is no longer visible in the comments history either.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Annotations created using Adobe are not visible when previewing files in M-Files Web
ID: 155224
Symptom: M-Files Web does not show annotations created by other plugins, such as Adobe, in file preview.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Log entry string is too long” error written to the Windows event log when the log information exceeds set character limit in M-Files Web
ID: 154419
Symptom: The error “Log entry string is too long” is written to the Windows event log when the log information from M-Files Web vault applications exceeds 32766 characters.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online April ’20 Update Service Release 1 (20.4.8986.5)
Defect: Downloading installation package for automatic update may fail
ID: 155618
Symptom: Installation package download of the version 20.4.8986.4 for automatic update may occasionally fail when the progress is approximately 65%. The error “The RPC Server in unavailable” is written to the Windows event log
Solution: Fixed. If there have been any download issues with the version 20.4.8986.4 and the fix for the issue 155427 is needed, the version 20.4.8986.5 should be used. Otherwise, updating to the version 20.4.8986.5 is optional.
Defect: Period (.) in file name causes preview to fail in M-Files Web
ID: 155427
Symptom: Previewing a file with a period in its file name fails in M-Files Web. The “Preview is unavailable” error is shown in the preview pane.
Solution: Fixed. This change applies only to M-Files Server.
M-Files Online April ’20 Update (20.4.8986.4)
Improvement: Support for Mongolian language
ID: F-12965
Description: M-Files Online and M-Files 2018 now support Mongolian language as a user interface and installation language.
Improvement: Notification templates moved to advanced vault settings
ID: F-28164
Description: The notification templates that were previously stored in text files under the server are now configurable from advanced vault settings. The migration of the templates happens automatically. The old legacy templates can be removed after the migration because the templates in advanced vault settings override them.
Improvement: M-Files Analytics
ID: F-5492
Description: Added support to collect M-Files Desktop usage metrics.
Improvement: Show a property as a single-select property using metadata card configuration
ID: F-27577, 150181
Description: Added metadata card configuration “MsluBehavesLikeSslu” to allow changing any built-in property behave like a single-select property.
Improvement: Improvements in Smart Classifier Background Tasks dashboard
ID: V-26492
Description: The dashboard for Smart Classifier Background Tasks now shows additional information including:
– classes that failed to train or were excluded from training
– elapsed time when training is in progress
Improvement: Import AD group by defining group name or searching for it instead of browsing
ID: 154266
Description: An AD group can now be imported by entering the group name into a text field or searching for it in the field instead of selecting it from a list.
Improvement: Show M-Files Server ID and version in the Connection Analysis window in M-Files Desktop
ID: V-26542
Description: In the Connection Analysis window in M-Files Desktop, you can now see the GUID and the version of the M-Files Server instance to which M-Files Desktop is currently connected.
Improvement: Automatic semantic aliases for structure items in M-Files Admin
ID: V-21359, 18984, 151178
Description: When creating a structure item in M-Files Admin, a semantic alias can be automatically added. The prefix of the alias can be configured via advanced vault settings. M-Files Admin shows a warning if the user attempts to save a duplicate alias.
Improvement: Improved error message when concurrent licenses are unavailable in M-Files Web
ID: 154006
Description: In M-Files Web, when there are no concurrent licenses available, there is now an additional error message visible: “No more concurrent user licenses available.”
Solution: Fixed.
Improvement: Insert properties inside text boxes with placeholders in Microsoft PowerPoint
ID: 145389
Description: M-Files properties can now be inserted in existing text boxes among any other text in Microsoft PowerPoint documents. Earlier, a separate shape for the M-Files property was created.
Defect: Updating M-Files Desktop fails to clean up the old Client Apps folder
ID: 152913
Symptom: An upgrade to a new M-Files Desktop version does not remove all client application files from the previous M-Files installation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Matcher does not work when additional property configurations are specified
ID: 154513, 154528
Symptom: The “Not found.” error appears in the Windows event log when the rebuilding process of Matcher begins.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Boolean search does not show expected results with Micro Focus IDOL
ID: 154448
Symptom: When a user tries to search with the Boolean conditions “(a AND (b OR C or D))”, the search does not preserve the inner condition and search results are incorrect.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Some software products detect M-Files virtual drive as USB drive
ID: 154064
Symptom: Some software products falsely detect M-Files virtual drive (typically M:) as a USB drive (or fail to detect it).
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Several PDF conversion problems
ID: 151389, 151103, 133867, 152856, 153693, 154206
Symptom: There are unsatisfactory PDF conversion results when the conversion is done as part of the workflow state transition.
Solution: Fixed by upgrading the related third party components.
Defect: CTRL + backspace incorrectly adds a character in quick search
ID: 12132
Symptom: When a user tries to delete a word using CTRL + backspace in the quick search, the action adds a character instead.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Saving files from Google Chrome to M-Files fails
ID: 151750
Symptom: When a user opens a PDF file in Google Chrome and tries to save it to M-Files by pressing CTRL + S, saving the file fails. After filling in the metadata card, the user gets the error message “The system cannot find the file specified.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Search using dtSearch does not work after M-Files upgrade
ID: 154233
Symptom: After an M-Files upgrade, the search does not give any results, but an error message is shown: “The parameter is incorrect.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Matcher fails to provide suggestions for some files
ID: 154514
Symptom: The “Access denied.” error appears in the Windows event log when Matcher is extracting metadata.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Installing a connector license causes the “Invalid pointer” error to Windows event log
ID: 154742
Symptom: Installing a connector license causes the “Invalid pointer” error to appear in the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault optimization fails if there is a deleted property in a view
ID: 154577
Symptom: If there is a property used in a view and the property has been deleted, vault optimization fails with the error message “Unknown property definition”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: INamedACL interface in M-Files API throws “Not implemented” exception
ID: 154696
Symptom: The INamedACL interface in M-Files API has the “AccessControlListForNamedACL” property that is not documented. Getting this property throws the “Not implemented” exception.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Structure replication does not export all values
ID: 149878
Symptom: Some of the values in the structure, for example electronic signatures, are not exported properly. When importing, the missing values are set to 0.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Indexing may fail if the external object type is not mapped
ID: 154653
Symptom: Indexing can fail if the unmanaged object type is not mapped to an M-Files object type.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: CTRL + C or the copy function does not work in the metadata card opened via UI Extensibility dashboard
ID: 20373
Symptom: When editing the metadata card via the UI Extensibility dashboard, it is not possible to copy text using either CTRL + C or the copy function from the metadata card fields.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files API
ID: 154811
Symptom: A vulnerability may compromise M-Files security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: File preview in M-Files Web does not work correctly
ID: 150417
Symptom: If a user creates a document file via M-Files Web and tries to preview it before it has been checked in, the preview does not work. After the preview has failed, it does not work for this file version even after the check-in.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Desktop
ID: 154786
Symptom: A vulnerability in M-Files Desktop may compromise data reliability.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unmanaged object data not refreshed properly
ID: 153210
Symptom: Edit rights for unmanaged objects are not refreshed if the listing is updated or force updated (Shift + F5). Read rights are refreshed correctly when the listing is updated.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unexpected functionality when saving metadata with poor connection
ID: 13337
Symptom: The error message “Not enough quota is available to process this command” is shown when a user is trying to use a cloud vault over HTTPS. The error is encountered for example when browsing to the “Recently Accessed by Me” view.
Solution: Fixed.
Défaut : échec de la liaison tardive MFilesAPI.ObjectSearchResults ID : 154909
Symptôme : La création de l’objet MFilesAPI.ObjectSearchResults
à l’aide de la liaison tardive avec Excel VBA échoue.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la réplication échoue lorsque les notifications utilisent des espaces réservés
alias ID : 153487, 153694
Symptôme : l’importation de packages de contenu échoue avec le message d’erreur « Introuvable » si les alias sont utilisés comme action d’état de workflow. Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : l’erreur « Le stub a reçu des données incorrectes » lors de la tentative de récupération des fonctionnalités
du serveur ID : 154895
Symptôme : L’erreur « Le stub a reçu des données incorrectes » s’affiche lorsque vous tentez d’extraire les capacités du serveur via l’API M-Files connectée à une version différente de M-Files Server.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : conflit de contraintes de clé étrangère dans M-Files Exportation de données de rapport avec des données d’historique échantillonnées ID : 146425
Symptôme : les erreurs de clé étrangère sont affichées dans les journaux des événements Windows et l’exportation des données échoue la plupart du temps si l’ensemble de données
contient des propriétés d’historique échantillonnées.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : les filtres par défaut ne fonctionnent pas à partir de l’ID de l’écran d’accueil
: 154889
Symptôme : les filtres de recherche par défaut ne sont pas appliqués à la recherche initiale.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : échec de l’enregistrement de fichiers d’Opera vers M-Files ID : 154579
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur ouvre un fichier PDF dans Opera et tente de l’enregistrer et de l’archiver dans M-Files, M-Files
peut essayer d’archiver le fichier temporaire téléchargé par Opera. Cela provoque l’échec de l’opération avec le message d’erreur « Le système ne peut pas trouver le fichier spécifié ».
Solution : Corrigé. «
Défaut : L’assistant de désinstallation ne se supprime pas lors du
redémarrage ID : 154952
Symptôme : la mise à jour de M-Files Desktop laisse parfois l’assistant de désinstallation (MFUnist) de l’ancienne version de M-Files en suspens dans la liste des services Windows.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la suppression d’un grand nombre de workflows entraîne une consommation
de mémoire importante ID : 153954
Symptôme : Une application qui supprime un grand nombre de workflows à l’aide de l’API M-Files prend des heures à terminer. Il utilise également beaucoup de mémoire système.
Solution : Correction de l’introduction d’une autre méthode d’API « RemoveWorkFlowsAdmin » qui prend une collection d’ID comme paramètre. L’utiliser dans le cas d’utilisation en question devrait généralement prendre moins d’une minute.
Défaut : M-Files Server peut planter lors de l’importation de workflows avec signatures électroniques ID : V-15500
Symptôme : M-Files Server peut se bloquer lors de l’importation de workflows utilisant des signatures
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : La sélection d’un élément de courrier dans le dossier public Outlook est très lente
ID : 155019
Symptôme : Lorsque le complément M-Files Office est chargé et qu’un utilisateur sélectionne un élément de courrier dans un dossier public Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook ne répond pas et la sélection prend plusieurs secondes.
Solution : Corrigé.
Defect: Process names in Server Activity Monitor do not show properly
ID: 154719
Symptom: Server Activity Monitor does not show the names of processes under the “Background processes” tab.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Parameter is incorrect” dialog shown when clicking “Preview” in “Archive Old Versions” dialog
ID: 154949
Symptom: An error message is shown when clicking “Preview” in the “Archive Old Versions” dialog in M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect error message shown for missing password in data export
ID: 155004
Symptom: Using the content replication export as a vault admin gives a wrong error message (“Access denied. You do not have the server-level access rights required for this operation”) to the user if the vault admin user forgets to give a password in the “User-specified password for encryption” field.
Solution: Fixed. Error message text improved.
Defect: SendCustomNotification shows “Not Found” error
ID: 155050
Symptom: A SendCustomNotification call made from an event handler fails and a “Not found” error is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Compare options do not work when used from Microsoft Word ribbon
ID: 155135
Symptom: The “Not Found.” error is displayed when trying to use the “Compare with Previous” or “Compare with Another Version” options in the Microsoft Word ribbon.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview URL with invalid values shows empty page in M-Files Web
ID: 154311, 154439
Symptom: In M-Files Web, an empty page is shown in the preview when a user tries to open an invalid URL pointing to the preview.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document checkout operation hangs with on-premises Office Online setup in M-Files Web
ID: 154539
Symptom: When a user checks out a document from a vault using M-Files Web, the document gets checked out, but the file transfer animation in the Task area hangs. This happens when the discovery URL is configured with internal and external netzone URLs.
Solution: Fixed. A new registry key “UseInternalUrlForWOPI” is introduced.
Defect: Aliases with metadata card configuration do not work for single-select properties in M-Files Web
ID: 154666
Symptom: When trying to make a metadata card configuration filter with a single-select property that has class values and the property is identified with an alias, the rule does not work in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Automatic filling does not work as expected when the same property is used as a filter for more than one property
ID: 153478
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when two properties are filtered by the same property, one of the properties is cleared during automatic filling.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Annotations saved in M-Files Desktop are not visible when printing a document from M-Files Web
ID: 154276
Symptom: In M-Files Web, a user cannot see the annotations in the document saved in M-Files Desktop when printing it from M-Files Web. Additionally, the “b.map” error is logged in the console window.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Prompt for automatic filling is erroneously shown for the same type of objects in M-Files Web
ID: 153479
Symptom: In M-Files Web, the prompt for automatic filling is erroneously shown when the same type of objects are related.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Web URLs do not work correctly when SAML SSO is enabled in M-Files Web
ID: 154155
Symptom: When clicking an M-Files Web URL, a user is redirected to the M-Files Web home page instead of the respective object when Windows login is used as SSO.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to create a new object in Compliance Kit enabled vault using M-Files Web when any property is hidden
ID: 154875
Symptom: A non-admin user is not able to create any documents in Compliance Kit enabled vault in M-Files Web if any property is hidden. The following error is seen: “TypeError: propertyDef is undefined”.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online March ’20 Update (20.3.8876.7)
Improvement: Set a primary file type for multi-file documents
ID: F-16004
Description: Added a possibility for administrators to set a file type to act as the primary file type for multi-file documents via the configurations editor in M-Files Admin. After setting a file type as primary for multi-file documents, the preview, icon, and default action of multi-file documents are determined according to it. Primary file types for multi-file documents are available in M-Files Desktop only.
Improvement: Duplicate documents detection
ID: F-4105
Description: When a user adds a document, M-Files now tells the user if there already are documents with the exact same content in the vault. If a document has duplicates, they can be seen in the listing area by expanding the “Duplicate File Content” node.
Improvement: Support for multiple network folder locations in one network folder connection
ID: F-13920
Description: Added a possible to configure a single M-Files Network Folder connection to include multiple folders to improve indexing performance.
Improvement: Enhance configuration for displaying the “Change State” dialog when changing workflow state
ID: 154395
Description: The Named Value configuration “ShowChangeStateUI” controls when the “Change State” dialog that allows adding comments about a workflow state transition is shown. It now has four different settings instead of earlier two:
- 0 – Disables the dialog everywhere
- 1 – Enables the dialog everywhere (default)
- 2 – Enables the traditional/legacy way: shows the dialog from the task pane but not from the metadata card
- 3 – Enables the opposite configuration: shows the dialog from the metadata card but not from the task pane
Improvement: Improved M-Files Network Folder Connector logging
ID: 154224
Description: Previously, if all user group data could not for some reason be fetched, so many errors were listed that the error message became too large to be written to the Windows event log. This caused a generic error message “The parameter is incorrect. (Log entry string is too long. A string written to the event log cannot exceed 32766 characters)” to be written to the event log.
Added a functionality that excludes some of the errors from the error message to make sure the message size does not exceed the size limit. This way, as many real errors as possible get logged in the event log message.
Improvement: Sensitive information setting to M-Files Admin
ID: 154208
Description: Enables hiding business sensitive information via a vault setting from administrators who use M-Files Admin. Sensitive information includes value list item names, object names, external repository IDs of objects, and any additional information.
Improvement: Active IDOL search cluster information to Windows event log
ID: V-23941
Description: The active IDOL search cluster can change if IDOL high availability is in use. To keep track on what search cluster is being used, M-Files Server writes the active search cluster to the Windows event log. Previously, the information was available only in IDOL action logs.
Improvement: Embedded M-Files metadata update optimization
ID: V-24333
Description: Optimized the update process of the feature “Embedded Metadata Update on Check-in”. A new advanced vault setting “Update Embedded Metadata Before Event Handlers” was added as part of the optimization.
Defect: Checkout reminder in Office applications is shown several times
ID: 129143
Symptom: When opening an Office document in read-only mode, the checkout reminder is shown repeatably on task pane or status area depending on the Office version. If a user closes the reminder, it reappears after some time.
Solution: Fixed. The checkout reminder in Office applications is shown only once.
Defect: Subject and body of emails imported from external mail source are sometimes shown incorrectly
ID: 18161, 153914
Symptom: When importing emails from external mail source, message subject is sometimes changed. For example, white spaces may be missing between words if the subject header exceeds 78 characters. Additionally, the message body property may contain HTML tags.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The “Change State” dialog opened from the metadata card shows special characters incorrectly
ID: 154157
Symptom: A workflow name containing special characters (such as &, <, and >) is shown incorrectly in the “Change State” dialog.
Solution: Fixed
Defect: Automatic values are not shown for the first object version
ID: 130686
Symptom: When a user creates the first version of an object, automatic values are not shown for properties which depend on another value list property.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Push notifications to iOS and Android devices not working
ID: 154226
Symptom: Some Azure Notification Hub configurations are requesting a client certificate even though it is not required. This causes sending push notifications to fail.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: In notification rules, the “Document or other object matches the conditions of the filter” event subscription selection is not shown correctly
ID: 153647
Symptom: Previously selected “Document or other object matches the conditions of the filter” event subscription option is not shown with latest M-Files clients.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: File Explorer still crashes
ID: 144291
Symptom: File Explorer crashes occasionally in regular M-Files usage.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Delta crawling in IML connectors gets unnecessarily aborted and restarted
ID: 153089
Symptom: When delta crawler in IML connector has only some new or modified objects but a lot (thousands) of deleted objects to return, it sometimes aborts the crawling and starts from the beginning.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Property name of existing object is shown incorrectly if the name has the character “&”
ID: 154254
Symptom: If an existing object has a property whose name contains the character “&”, the succeeding characters are not displayed.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Printing a large sheet may stall or crash Excel when M-Files Add-in enabled
ID: 153228
Symptom: When M-Files add-in enabled in Excel, printing a large Excel sheet with the option “Fit all columns on one page” may cause printing to stall or crash Excel.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot download files directly to M-Files using new Chromium-based browsers
ID: 151750
Symptom: When a user has a PDF file open in Chrome and the user uses the Ctrl + S shortcut to save the file to M-Drive via the Windows File Explorer, the file download fails and the file cannot be saved.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cutting a non-doc item not working
ID: 153431
Symptom: When a user selects a non-doc file, for example a ZIP file, and presses Ctrl + X, the operation fails with the error message “Not found. -1 (0x800408A4)”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document order is unclear in document comparison
ID: 154281
Symptom: When using the functionalities “Compare Selected Documents” or “Compare with Another File”, the left/right order of the documents being compared is not obvious.
Solution: Fixed. The comparison is showing changes from the older file to the newer file (from left to right) based on last modified timestamp of the file.
Defect: M-Files Client crashes while expanding a multi-file document and selecting a file when the file names are long
ID: 154355
Symptom: The M-Files Client process crashes in a certain situation when a file with a long path is opened.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to access the M-Files event log
ID: 152150
Symptom: After upgrading from an older M-Files version (from example, from 18.9.xxxxx.x to 19.6.xxxx.x), a user is unable to check the M-Files event log in M-Files Admin. The operation fails with the error message “The parameter is incorrect”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: CreateNewEmptySingleFileDocument API method succeeds even if title is null or empty
ID: 154246
Symptom: A single-file document can be created and checked out without name visible via M-Files Desktop.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server may crash while retrieving information of a promoted object
ID: 154392
Symptom: M-Files Server may crash while retrieving information of a promoted object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Adding tooltips for value list items slows down opening metadata card dramatically
ID: 154303
Symptom: A performance issue with metadata card configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files URL search returns all objects
ID: 154540
Symptom: When performing a search by entering an M-Files URL to the Windows Explorer address bar in M-Files Desktop, the search returns all objects in the vault.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Invalid repository connector ACL subject name
ID: 153723, 153644
Symptom: If a repository connector does not set the access control list (ACL) subject name because the subject does not have a name specified, an error occurs.
Solution: Fixed. The M-Files Server now uses the ACL subject ID also as the name if a name is not given.
Defect: Exceptions hidden when opening sessions to repository connections
ID: 154554
Symptom: When IML tries to open a session to an existing repository connection and an error occurs, it is logged as a generic exception with the error message “Unable to connect to the external repository” including information about the authentication type. The real exception message and stack are not visible which makes troubleshooting and resolving issues difficult.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Missing alias set via simple property concatenation causes export to fail
ID: 154237
Symptom: Export fails if an automatic value of an exported property is referencing to a property with an unresolvable alias.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Admin may crash when dashboard refreshes and text is selected
ID: 154595
Symptom: In the M-Files Admin configurator area, if the entire status dashboard is refreshed when some text is selected with double-click, it may crash M-Files Admin.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Converting a PDF file to searchable PDF fails
ID: 154627
Symptom: When a user selects a PDF document and tries to convert it into a searchable PDF (“Scanning and OCR” > “Convert to searchable PDF”), conversion for any language combination fails with the error message “Conversion to searchable PDF failed”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault Application Framework misbehavior with vault-specific login accounts
ID: 154481
Symptom: A newly created login account is not visible for the vault application immediately after creation which causes an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to co-author a document after 30 minutes
ID: 154692
Symptom: When a user checks out an Excel or Word document for co-authoring in M-Files Desktop, does some changes to it, and tries to edit it again after having it open for over 30 minutes, editing fails with the error message “We couldn’t lock this file for editing” or “We are sorry. Unable to lock the file”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Web interprets properties with IDs 1150 and 1151 as annotation properties
ID: 154121
Symptom: In M-Files Web, properties with IDs 1150 and 1151 are interpreted as annotations properties. If they are class properties, they are displayed as read-only during object creation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Real number values with more than two decimal prevent modifying metadata of external objects in M-Files Web
ID: 153571
Symptom: If the data fetched from an external source for property of the data type “Number (real)” has more than two decimal (for example, 1000.105) and the there is no UPDATE statement defined for the property, saving changes on the metadata card of the object fails in M-Files Web. The following error message is displayed: “This object type uses a connection to an external database. You cannot change the value of the property “Property” because the administrator has not included it in the UPDATE statement of this object type.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Real number format inconsistency between M-Files Web and M-Files Desktop
ID: 153673
Symptom: Real number values are shown differently in M-Files Desktop and M-Files Web. For example, if a user gives a value 0.379999000 in M-Files Desktop, it is shown as 0.37999899999999998 in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Show and hide annotations commands do not work as expected in M-Files Web
ID: 154318
Symptom: When a user hides the annotations of an object, visits another object, comes back to the first object and tries to show its annotations, they are not shown in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online February ’20 Update (20.2.8777.3)
Improvement: Improved support for long file names
ID: F-19272
Description: We now support previewing and opening files with long paths from M-Files and external repositories. Note that the client computer must be using Windows 10 and have the following registry key enabled (set to “1”): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > FileSystem > LongPathsEnabled. You can use Windows group policies to distribute registry settings to multiple client computers.
Improvement: Registry setting removes ID numbers from file names when exporting from a view
ID: 127485
Description: Client registry key IncludeIDsInNamesInIDView removes the ID number from the file name also when exporting files.
Improvement: Map multiple external object types to single M-Files object type
ID: 153821
Description: It is now allowed to map multiple external repository object types to a single M-Files object type.
Improvement: Prevent M-Files updates and new installations on Windows Server 2008 (R2) and Windows 7 computers
ID: V-16987
Description: Microsoft is ending their extended support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 (R2) in January 2020. The last compatible M-Files version with their OS versions is January ’20 Update. Starting from February ’20 Update, upgrades and new installations on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 (R2) computers are prevented.
Defect: Destroying vault may get stuck
ID: 153929
Symptom: Sometimes the destroying of a vault gets stuck.
Solution: Fixed by stopping all on-going file downloads before proceeding with the destroying of the vault.
Defect: The “Add Placeholder” button disappears or is not aligned when resizing the “Notification” dialog
ID: 129980
Symptom: When an M-Files Administrator selects the “Send Notification” > “Define” option and resizes the dialog opened, the “Add Placeholder” button disappears or is not aligned.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Using quotation marks and Boolean words leads to error in dtSearch
ID: 151537
Symptom: Certain search criteria cause a syntax error and there are no search results.
Solution: Fixed by updating the dtSearch third-party component to a newer version.
Defect: Searching “foo not” produces an error (syntax error in search request)
ID: 153934
Symptom: Certain search criteria cause a syntax error and there are no search results.
Solution: Fixed by updating the dtSearch third-party component to a newer version.
Defect: Invalid character in “Delete events” texts in M-Files Admin Event Log
ID: 153787
Symptom: Invalid characters (<?>) are shown instead of a hyphen in the “Delete events” text in the Event Log of M-Files Admin. Logs may, for example, show “Delete Events 2763<?>8166”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Class group property of an object not recalculated correctly
ID: 153886
Symptom: The class group property is sometimes not recalculated properly for objects. Typically, the class group property is left missing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: RemoveObjectProperty task updates the search structure incorrectly based on the checked-out version
ID: 153986
Symptom: When searching with a property, an older version of an object may be missing from the search results. This happens when changing the object class and simultaneously removing the used property from the new class.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Co-authoring does not work when PublicLinkShare feature is disabled
ID: 152839
Symptom: When the PublicLinkShare feature is disabled and a user tries to check out a document for co-authoring, the checkout fails and the error message “Access denied” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to control all necessary settings for indexing external repository
ID: 153965
Symptom: Some advanced indexer settings are not available for external repositories.
Solution: Added the indexer settings to be available in advanced repository configuration.
Defect: M-Files Discovery is not processing some files with uppercase extensions.
ID: 154007
Symptom: Documents with uppercase extensions (for example file.TXT) are being ignored by M-Files Discovery.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration filter is not triggered
ID: 153472
Symptom: Not all properties on the metadata card are automatically filled as expected.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Creator not shown on the permissions list even if they have permissions
ID: 152419
Symptom: After changing the permissions of an object to a certain named access control list, the creator is not always shown on the list of the “Permissions” dialog. This happens if the access control list includes pseudo-users and the creator.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to save metadata changes when timestamp property is added in M-Files Desktop
ID: 150837
Symptom: When a user adds the timestamp property to the metadata card and tries to save the changes, or tries to create a new object with the timestamp property, the operation fails with the error message “The Parameter is incorrect”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Desktop does not show a long filter fully in the “Properties” dialog of the view
ID: 153925
Symptom: If a user creates a view with a filter that is too long to be shown in the “Filter” section of the view’s “Properties” dialog, there is no way to see the full text, copy paste it, or even have an indication that the text continues past what is shown. This makes it difficult to see if the filter conditions are correct.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Search within this view” option is shown incorrectly within customized virtual folders
ID: 154047
Symptom: When virtual folders in a view with grouping levels are customized (the view is changed), the “Search within this view” option is shown incorrectly within the customized virtual folders.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Multiple logout–login sequences break login to a vault using Azure AD login method
ID: 153352
Symptom: A user cannot login to vault using AAD login method. The M-Files login window stays blank instead of asking the Azure AD credentials.
Solution: Fixed. If the silent login fails, the login form is shown to the user.
Defect: Certain configurations in M-Files Discovery result in an error being thrown by the configuration editor
ID: 154105
Symptom: When selecting only one of the two target properties for the PII scenario and not setting overwrite existing values to true, the configuration editor throws an error.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Object links on metadata card do not work if the reference is set dynamically via metadata card configuration
ID: 151565
Symptom: If the metadata card properties are filled in dynamically based on a custom placeholder (specified in the metadata card configuration) for a newly created document and a user clicks the blue link arrow on the metadata card, the operation fails with the error message “The parameter is incorrect”. The links start working normally, after the document is checked in.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Hyperlink does not work in M-Files Web
ID: 153777
Symptom: In M-Files Web, when a user clicks a hyperlink property with a URL containing spaces in it, the error message “Unable to find the URL” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Web shows a wrong message when all concurrent licenses are in use
ID: 153669
Symptom: When all concurrent user licenses are in use, a newly logged-in user sees the “Authentication Failed” message.
Solution: Fixed. A changed error message “No more concurrent user licenses available” is shown.
Defect: Document preview is not shown in Gantt application in M-Files Web
ID: 153946
Symptom: The Gantt application shows an empty preview in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unable to perform checkout and check-in in the Gantt application using the task pane of M-Files Web
ID: 153740
Symptom: When a user performs a checkout or check-in of an object in the Gantt application using the commands in the task pane of M-Files Web, the operation fails with the error message “Not found”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Task pane commands of the Gantt application disappear in M-Files Web
ID: 153947
Symptom: When a user checks out an object in the Gantt application using the command in the task pane of M-Files Web, other commands (for example, Check Out, Check In, and Make Copy) disappear from the task pane.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online January ’20 Update (20.1.8669.3)
Improvement: Possibility to do operations for multiple login accounts in M-Files Admin
ID: 12828
Solution: Administrators can perform “Enable”, “Disable” and “Delete” actions and change license types on multiple login accounts at the same time.
Improvement: Office Online on-premises server support for Office for the Web editing
ID: F-20789
Solution: Now Office for the web editing can also be enabled in on-premises environment.
Improvement: Displaying the “Change State” dialog consistently when changing workflow state
ID: 133514
Solution: The “Change State” dialog that allows adding comments about a workflow state transition is now shown consistently in all places where workflow state can be changed. This includes the metadata card. By default, the dialog is always shown, but it can be hidden with a Named Value configuration.
Improvement: Option to exclude hidden value list items from auto-fill
ID: 151775
Solution: Added an option to exclude value list-based properties that the user does not have permissions to view when auto-filling metadata fields (that is, they no longer appear as “(hidden)”, but are left completely unfilled instead).
Defect: Performance issues in certain vaults
ID: 153407
Symptom: The “UserVisibleACL” table causes performance issues in certain vaults in general. Consequently, users may have problems finding objects they have access to.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: All further logins to vault fail after canceling Azure AD login dialog quickly
ID: 153277
Symptom: When a user closes the Azure AD login dialog at a specific time, all subsequent federated login attempts fail on all vaults. A warning about this is reported to the Windows event log.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Preview does not work if the file data of a vault is re-encrypted with a new key
ID: 152331
Symptom: Previewing files in search results stops functioning in M-Files Desktop if the file data of a vault is re-encrypted with a new key.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration rules do not replicate correctly
ID: 153510
Symptom: Workflows in the metadata card configuration rules cannot be transferred between vaults after updating to M-Files November ’19 Update because the replication package contains only the IDs instead of aliases.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Script limit and script timeout settings default to server-level registry values
ID: 153585
Symptom: When values for script limit and script timeout settings are not set via Advanced Vault Settings in M-Files Admin, and the server running the vault has old values for these settings still stored in the registry, the server-level registry values are used.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Wrong command ID sent for UI Extensibility application when “Convert to PDF (adds separate file)” is selected
ID: 153095
Symptom: When a user selects “Sharing, E-Mail and PDF” > “Convert to PDF (adds separate file)” in the context menu of a file, a UI Extensibility application listening for user actions receives a wrong command ID.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Google Drive connector shows “Not Found” errors to vault administrator users
ID: 153254
Symptom: When a vault administrator browses a Google Drive external repository, the metadata card and preview tab of objects show “Not Found” error messages. Users without administrative rights can see them correctly.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Connection error causes external repository indexing to restart
ID: 153588
Symptom: In case there are connection issues when indexing external repository, indexing is restarted.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: API key is lost when making configuration changes to Smart Classifier
ID: 153729
Symptom: After the API key is initially configured for Smart Classifier in M-Files Admin, subsequent configuration changes replace the configured API key with “****”. As a result, the application cannot communicate with the cloud service that supports Smart Classifier.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Classifier model training fails under certain situations
ID: 153696
Symptom: In certain situations, Smart Classifier fails to create a model because it is unable to delete a temporary directory. On the dashboard, no error message is shown. Instead, the dashboard simply reports that no models are trained.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Unspecified error” shown while adding relationship from checked-out unmanaged object
ID: 153648
Symptom: While adding relationship from checked-out unmanaged object, the error message “Unspecified error” is shown instead of a proper error message.
Solution: Fixed. The error message “This operation is not available for external repository objects that do not have M-Files metadata.” is shown.
Defect: The “AutoFitAllColumns” UI Extensibility property does not work with the name column
ID: 150643
Symptom: The “AutoFitAllColumns” property does not work with the name column in UI Extensibility applications.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Document comparison requests time out
ID: 153547
Symptom: When doing a “Compare” operation for large documents, the operation fails and the “The operation timed out.” error message is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “SetCommandState” UI Extensibility method not able to hide the “Create” options
ID: 153177
Symptom: The “SetCommandState” method used in UI Extensibility application is not able to hide the “Create” commands from the context menu or the menu bar.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Discovery shows error when a target property is not set in configuration
ID: 153680
Symptom: Discovery shows the “Invalid Pointer” error message when a target property is not set in configuration.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Smart Classifier Background Tasks dashboard may show serialized class names
ID: 153818
Symptom: When a model is trained for a class that is deleted afterwards, the Smart Classifier Background Tasks dashboard may show strange and cryptic class names.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata grouping rule with external ID does not work in M-Files Web
ID: 153374
Symptom: Property grouping is not shown in M-Files Web when the metadata card configuration rule is configured with an external ID.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Open for editing” option does not work when Office for the web editing is enabled in M-Files Web
ID: 153625, 153703
Symptom: When a user creates a new document and selects the “Open for editing” option, the document is created but not opened in Office for the web editor.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User is prompted to check out previously selected document when creating a new document in M-Files Web
ID: 153623
Symptom: When a user selects a document in the listing area and after that creates a new document with the “Open for editing” check box selected, the user is prompted to check out the previously selected document.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: “Show more results” option missing in advanced search with filters in M-Files Web.
ID: 153071
Symptom: When a user performs an advanced search and has search filters selected, the user may not be able to see all the search results because the “Show more results” option is missing.
Solution: Fixed.
Défaut : La validation du champ de titre du modèle ne fonctionne pas dans M-Files Web lorsque la classe a une valeur automatique définie
ID : 152773
Symptôme : Si un utilisateur tente de créer un nouveau modèle nommé avec une valeur automatique déterminée par la classe, l’utilisateur n’est pas informé que le champ ne doit pas être vide (les modèles sont nommés sans valeurs automatiques). Au lieu de cela, un nouveau document avec un titre vide est créé.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : le filtre d’affichage ne fonctionne pas dans M-Files Web lorsque des champs de carte de métadonnées sont configurés pour remplir automatiquement
les valeurs ID : 153643
Symptôme : lors de la création d’un document doté de valeurs de remplissage automatique, il se peut que le document n’apparaisse pas dans la vue qu’il devrait.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la sélection d’un objet d’annotation orphelin provoque une erreur dans M-Files Web ID : 153639
Symptôme : M-Files Web
renvoie le message d’erreur « Introuvable » lorsqu’un utilisateur sélectionne un objet d’annotation dont l’élément parent est supprimé.
Solution : Corrigé.
Mise à jour de décembre ’19 de M-Files Online (19.12.8578.6)
Amélioration : aperçu plus rapide dans les environnements
cloud ID : 153105
Solution : aperçu Les fichiers PDF sont mis en cache dans le stockage d’objets blob pour un aperçu plus rapide.
Amélioration : Comparaison de documents PDF ou Word dans M-Files Web ID : F-12667
Solution : les utilisateurs peuvent désormais utiliser M-Files Web
pour comparer le contenu de deux documents ou de deux versions du même document. La fonctionnalité peut être trouvée en cliquant avec le bouton droit sur un document PDF ou Word dans la zone de liste ou en sélectionnant deux versions de document dans la boîte de dialogue Historique, puis en cliquant avec le bouton droit sur l’une d’entre elles.
Amélioration : Prise en charge de l’option « Rechercher dans cette vue » disponible également pour les vues de connecteurs externes dans M-Files Desktop
ID : F-13349
Solution : Lorsque vous parcourez les vues de connecteurs externes via M-Files, il est désormais possible d’effectuer une recherche à partir d’un dossier spécifique au lieu de la vue externe entière.
Amélioration : M-Files Discovery ID : F-2142
Solution : M-Files Discovery
est désormais disponible. Il peut être utilisé pour analyser un coffre-fort ou un référentiel externe et définir automatiquement des métadonnées.
Amélioration : prise en charge de la langue ukrainienne ID : F-17397
Solution : M-Files Online et M-Files 2018 prennent en charge la langue ukrainienne comme interface utilisateur et langue
Amélioration : prise en charge de la langue cyrillique serbe ID : F-17399
Solution : M-Files Online et M-Files 2018 prennent en charge la langue serbe comme interface utilisateur et langue
Défaut : M-Files ne démarre pas toujours toutes les applications du coffre-fort lors de l’attachement de l’ID du coffre-fort : 153031
Symptôme : M-Files ne démarre pas toujours toutes les applications du coffre-fort lors de l’attachement d’un coffre-fort
à un serveur.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Document Compare n’utilise pas les paramètres de proxy ID : 153161
Symptôme : la connexion Document Compare expire car la connexion n’utilise pas les paramètres
de proxy configurés sur l’ordinateur de l’utilisateur.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : M-Files Desktop se bloque pour un utilisateur externe lorsqu’un document contient beaucoup de propriétés
cachées ID : 138738
Symptôme : M-Files Desktop peut se bloquer si l’utilisateur n’a pas le droit de voir le workflow M-Files dans le document.
Solution : Corrigé.
Defect: Compare options not available for files with uppercased extensions
ID: 153813
Symptom: The “Compare Selected Files” option does not appear if one (or both) of the files being compared have uppercase characters in the file extension, for example “.DOCX”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Outlook Add-In crashes
ID: 153077
Symptom: Microsoft Outlook crashes occasionally at startup because of the M-Files Office Add-In. M-Files Office Add-In gets then automatically disabled.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Server may crash when detaching a vault
ID: 153029
Symptom: M-Files Server may crash when detaching a vault from the server.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card configuration saving not possible after property data type is changed
ID: 153219
Symptom: When a user has changed the data type of a property used in a rule filter in the metadata card configuration from value list based single-select property to value list based multi-select property, the configuration can no longer be saved.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault administrator can change system administrator level setting
ID: 153299
Symptom: A vault administrator can save a system administrator level setting if the setting is defined as a non-public property in the configuration schema class.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Incorrect focus in M-Files Desktop after executing two or more searches
ID: 153013
Symptom: When doing consecutive searches in M-Files Desktop, the cursor focus gets lost and needs to be brought back using the mouse.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Using named access control lists for repository content leads to slowness
ID: 152776
Symptom: When a user navigates to repository folders, the listing area loads slowly if named access control lists (NACLs) are used for the repository content.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Special characters in file names cause errors with Network Folder Connector
ID: 143910
Symptom: When a user tries to access a file with special characters in its file name using Network Folder Connector, the file cannot be accessed and the error message “Not found.” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Desktop may crash after opening a vault
ID: 151930
Symptom: The error message “It is illegal to call out while inside message filter” is shown when opening a new M-Files Desktop instance. The error message may be displayed multiple times which will eventually cause M-Files Desktop to crash.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Data Export may go to an eternal loop when there are more than 500 items
ID: 153338
Symptom: Performing a data export for a hierarchical value list with more than 500 items may run forever, until canceled by the user.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vault administrator is unable to change any settings
ID: 153117
Symptom: Trying to save any change in settings fails with the error message “Your login account needs to have the “System administrator” server role for changing the value of the “search.indexes[].name” setting.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Background operations do not log error situations with adequate information
ID: 153394
Symptom: Background operations show only the “not found” error message if things do not go as intended.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files installation fails with an error message
ID: 62594
Symptom: If a user does not have access rights to the required keyset files, the error message “Object already exists” is shown.
Solution: Fixed. Showing a more descriptive error message. The user needs to be given the needed access rights to be able to install M-Files.
Defect: Locally cached encrypted file may get corrupted
ID: 153464
Symptom: When M-Files Desktop has the data encryption feature enabled for cached files, the file content may get corrupted if files are left checked out over multiple logout/login cycles.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Picture taken with a mobile phone rotates in the M-Files preview
ID: 153318
Symptom: If a picture is taken using a mobile phone in vertical position and the picture is then transferred to M-Files Desktop without PDF conversion, it rotates 90 degrees counterclockwise in the preview window.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Installation of UI Extension application fails occasionally
ID: 153273
Symptom: When installing a UI Extensibility application, the user occasionally gets the error message “Structure of the application is invalid. Access denied.” and the installation fails.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Disabling the search for inflected forms does not work
ID: 152984
Symptom: The search option Look for different inflected forms of the words in Quick Search in the Additional Conditions dialog is always enabled in the M-Files Home view. In other words, the configuration “DefaultStemmingEnabled” is ignored.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User is not informed that a macro cannot be stored in the Excel file
ID: 152883
Symptom: When saving an Excel file (.xlsx) with a macro to M-Files, a user does not get a warning that the macro cannot be stored in the file. The Excel file gets saved to M-Files in the .xlsx format without the macro.
Solution: Fixed. If the Excel file contains macros and it is not in a format which allows saving macros then it is saved in another format which allows it. An .xlsx file is saved as an .xslm file and an .xlts file is saved as an .xltm file.
Defect: Valid values may appear as unresolved in metadata card configuration
ID: 152717
Symptom: When navigating deep in the configuration tree, a valid property value appears as “Unresolved”.
Solution: Fixed. It is now prevented to navigate too deep in the tree.
Defect: Unmanaged object disappears from the listing area after saving in the M-Files iOS application
ID: 143726
Symptom: In the M-Files iOS mobile application, an unmanaged object disappears from the listing area when saving the changes of the object. When refreshed, the object is then displayed again.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Annotation options not shown in M-Files Web
ID: 153146
Symptom: Annotation options are not shown in M-Files Web when the user has enabled the right pane with the shortcut keys CTRL + arrow right.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unnecessary event logs recorded on session expiry in M-Files Web
ID: 152705
Symptom: The error “HttpUnhandledException” gets unnecessarily added to the Windows event log after the user session expired in Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: In M-Files Web, unnecessary event logs recorded when supplying incorrect M-Files Links as URL
ID: 152923
Symptom: The error “HyperlinkException” gets unnecessarily added to the Windows event log when the mandatory parameters are not specified in the URL.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Freehand annotation is not saved properly in M-Files Web
ID: 152230
Symptom: A user is unable to see freehand annotation in the preview pane in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Grouping header texts are aligned incorrectly in M-Files Web
ID: 152911
Symptom: The grouping header is center aligned instead of left aligned in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Vulnerability in M-Files Web
ID: 153402
Symptom: A vulnerability may compromise M-Files security.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Metadata card is not closed automatically after changing the permissions for an older version of an object in M-Files Web
ID: 153020
Symptom: In M-Files Web, metadata card stays on the screen after changing the permissions of an older version of an object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: User cannot change the state from the metadata card
ID: 152745
Symptom: In M-Files Web, a user with the read permission gets the error message “Access denied” when trying to change the workflow state via the metadata card.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Processing icon is shown when a user with read-only license tries to create a new annotation in M-Files Web
ID: 153136
Symptom: In M-Files Web, a processing icon is shown when a user with read-only license tries to create a new annotation.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: M-Files Web opens the latest document version from the relationship hierarchy, instead of a specific version
ID: 153308
Symptom: A user defines a relationship to a specific document version and creates new versions. When a user opens the document from the relationship hierarchy in M-Files Web, the user sees the content of the latest version, instead of a specific version linked.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Video marker funtionality not working in M-Files Web
ID: 152523
Symptom: A user is unable to see markers added to video. Markers are not getting saved in M-Files Web.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Error message shown twice for a deleted object in M-Files Web
ID: 153311
Symptom: A user gets the error message “Object has been removed” twice when performing a checkout on a deleted object.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: The Show option in the context menu is not working in M-Files Web
ID: 153281
Symptom: A report is not opened when clicking the Show option in the context menu of an object. The user sees the error message “The path of the item ‘<ObjectName>’ is not valid”.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Built-in properties used for annotations can be edited in M-Files Web
ID: 153253
Symptom: In M-Files Web, a user is able edit built-in properties used for annotations. When the user tries to preview the annotation after editing, the exception “Not Found” is shown.
Solution: Fixed.
M-Files Online November ’19 Update (19.11.8489.2)
Improvement: Asynchronous mass modifications of automatic and other ACLs
ID: F-5807, V- 2389, V- 2390
Description: Improved the user interface and system responsiveness by handling mass modifications of access control lists (ACLs) asynchronously on the background.
Improvement: Print and Download Prevention in M-Files Web
ID: V-15823
Description: Specific users can now be prevented from opening, downloading, and printing documents in M-Files Web.
Improvement: Multiple languages for the object title
ID: F-750
Description: In addition to having the “Name or title” property, M-Files now supports also additional properties for translated names or titles.
Improvement: Default name suggestion for an exported application
ID: 152966
Description: A default name is suggested for an application when it is exported from M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Add property placeholder as an alias
ID: V-18982
Description: Aliases can be used to add property placeholders in M-Files Admin.
Improvement: Placeholder selection from all list view column items
ID: 153098
Description: In the Add Placeholder dialog in M-Files Admin, placeholder can be selected from the list by clicking any column field.
Improvement: Update external database if an event handler modifies property values
ID: V-1613
Description: When an event handler modifies any property value that is marked to be updated while refreshing respective external object type, modifications are sent back to external database.
Improvement: Update to the configuration of hierarchical properties
ID: V-19359
Description: The hierarchical properties configuration now gets updated without the need to restart the vault.
Improvement: Configurability support for embedding fonts added to Word to PDF conversion
ID: 151809
Description: In some environments, embedding full fonts may cause excessive load to M-Files Server. This can be avoided by configuring how fonts are embedded within Word to PDF conversion.
Improvement: Better relationships opening performance
ID: 152796
Description: File name comparison logic in relationship opening is optimized to show the relationships of an object faster.
Defect: HTTP proxy setting value is incorrect
ID: 153038
Symptom: The “Specify HTTP proxy settings” check box is unchecked when editing a vault connection with proxy. The check box should intuitively be checked if a proxy has been defined.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Various OCR failures
ID: 151525, 150050
Symptom: Conversions from TIF files to searchable PDFs fail for large images or when the language is British English.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Unclear error message shown when trying to compare an empty file
ID: 152881
Symptom: Document Compare shows the error message “400 Bad Request” when trying to compare an empty file.
Solution: Fixed. An improved error message indicating that it is not possible to compare with an empty file is displayed.
Defect: User prompted with a security warning when downloading differences from the Document Compare dialog
ID: 152920
Symptom: User is prompted with a security warning when downloading differences from the Document Compare dialog. When the user accepts the security warning, the page refreshes, which can cause the left/right order of the documents to reset.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Searching from value lists works incorrectly
ID: 152476
Symptom: Searching from a value list in metadata card matches the middle part of the items instead of the start of the items. This leads to wrong results when searching from a value list.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Copying document in a vault fails if the vault has materialized views
ID: 153151
Symptom: If the vault has materialized views, copying a document in a vault fails with the error message: “The operation failed. Unspecified error.”
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Log writing related to the update process is not working after an automatic update
ID: 152718
Symptom: Log writing related to the update process is not working after an automatic update. This concerns log writing that is enabled via registry settings.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Navigating to a network folder may fail
ID: 152789
Symptom: When using Network Folder Connector with personal authentication and when any of the locations is inaccessible, an attempt to navigate to a network folder prompts credentials five times before failing.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Cannot reset password in Mobile
ID: 152806
Symptom: Resetting a password does not work in M-Files mobile applications when vault login accounts are in use.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Errors written to Windows Event Log in automatic state transition
ID: 152668
Symptom: Repeated “The object is locked. Try again later.” message errors are written to Windows Event Log when automatic state transition happens.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: Search is slow if the user is not logged in to the external repository
ID: 152788
Symptom: If the user is not logged in to the external repository and performs a search, the search is slower than when the user is logged in to the external repository.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External ODBC database connections do not save values properly
ID: 151576
Symptom: M-Files is not able to show incorrectly saved values.
Solution: Fixed.
Defect: External database ODBC connection may leak memory in database operations
ID: 152555
Symptom: There is an increased memory consumption in M-Files Server because the external database ODBC connection leaks memory in database operations.
Solution: Fixed.
Défaut : erreur non informative affichée après l’affichage d’une erreur réelle ID : 153101
Symptôme : lorsqu’un utilisateur sans droits d’accès tente d’effectuer une exportation unique dans Content Replication and Archiving dans M-Files Admin, un message d’erreur inutile « Erreur non spécifiée » s’affiche après l’erreur d’accès
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : l’utilisation de la recherche dans les vues intégrées à l’aide du filtre View bloque M-Files ID : 152746
Symptôme : Lorsqu’un utilisateur effectue une recherche dans les vues intégrées avec un filtre pour rechercher uniquement dans la vue, M-Files
se bloque.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : La recherche rapide vide donne des résultats différents lorsqu’une facette est sélectionnée
ID : 152659
Symptôme : Avec le moteur de recherche IDOL, la recherche rapide vide avec une facette définie donne des résultats différents des résultats de recherche rapide vides sans facette.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : un message d’erreur s’affiche lors de la création de l’ID du document : 153118
Symptôme : lors de la création d’un nouveau document
, le message d’erreur « Impossible d’accéder à l’objet car il a été désactivé » s’affiche lorsqu’un champ de classe vidé a le focus et que la carte de métadonnées est fermée.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la carte de métadonnées n’est pas affichée pour l’objet dans le dossier virtuel après la modification des métadonnées de l’objet et l’actualisation de l’ID de vue
: 152766
Symptôme : la carte de métadonnées n’est pas affichée à la première tentative pour un objet dans le dossier virtuel après avoir modifié les métadonnées d’un autre objet dans la vue et actualisé la vue. Au lieu de cela, la boîte de dialogue Propriétés de Windows s’affiche. Les propriétés du dossier virtuel n’affichent pas les métadonnées la première fois après la modification des métadonnées et l’actualisation de la vue, mais les propriétés Windows telles que la boîte de dialogue.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : l’importation de la réplication échoue si le nom de l’objet ne contient que des onglets
ID : 152508
Symptôme : l’importation de la réplication échoue si la propriété Name ou title d’un objet contient uniquement des caractères de tabulation.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Vulnérabilité dans M-Files Desktop ID : 152685
Symptôme : une vulnérabilité dans M-Files Desktop
peut compromettre la sécurité.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la résolution de la propriété title d’un nouvel objet basée sur un nom de fichier numérique entraîne l’erreur ID : 152844
Symptôme : le glissement d’un fichier dont le nom peut être interprété comme un entier vers M-Files Desktop entraîne une erreur due à une conversion incorrecte en valeur de liste de valeurs à utiliser comme titre d’objet
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Paramètres confus dans l’ID de configuration de M-Files Interactive Sensor : 152633
Symptôme : Dans la configuration d’Interactive Sensor, il existe des paramètres d’intervalle de temps pour la vérification des modifications et la réanalyse complète, même si ces options de configuration
ne sont pas applicables au mode interactif.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Tous les fichiers du document multi-fichiers ne sont pas indexés ID : 149853
Symptôme : Avec le moteur de recherche IDOL, certains fichiers dans un document multi-fichiers peuvent être exclus
de l’index, ce qui peut entraîner des résultats de recherche incomplets.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : l’incohérence du type de langue dans l’index interrompt les recherches lorsque la langue autre que LSINDEX est utilisée ID : 153075
Symptôme : Avec le moteur de recherche IDOL, l’incohérence du type de langue dans l’index interrompt les recherches lorsqu’une langue non LSINDEX est utilisée
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : Nom d’utilisateur incorrect dans le Dernier modifié par ID de propriété : 152723
Symptôme : lorsqu’un document est consigné après une session de co-création dans Office pour le web, la propriété
Dernière modification par est M-Files Server au lieu de l’utilisateur qui a archivé le document.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : M-Files Server se bloque ID : 152611
Symptôme : M-Files Server se bloque
en raison d’une configuration Azure AD mal formée.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la récupération du contenu d’un dossier volumineux prend beaucoup de temps ID : 152776
Symptôme : la récupération du contenu d’un dossier volumineux prend beaucoup de temps
, lorsque des listes de contrôle d’accès nommées (NACL) sont utilisées pour les autorisations.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : le paramètre pour masquer l’élément de menu « Ajouter un document à partir du scanner » ne fonctionne pas dans M-Files Desktop
ID : 152904
Symptôme : le paramètre de registre EnableClientScanning n’a aucun effet sur le masquage de l’élément de menu contextuel « Ajouter un document à partir du scanner ».
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : M-Files ne démarre pas toujours toutes les applications du coffre-fort lors de l’attachement du coffre-fort ID :153031
Symptôme : le coffre-fort attaché ne fonctionne pas correctement lorsque toutes les applications du coffre-fort
ne sont pas démarrées.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la tâche en arrière-plan AddObjectProperty génère une erreur
SQL ID : 152553
Symptôme : la tâche en arrière-plan AddObjectProperty échoue et les erreurs répétées de message « Impossible de préparer l’instruction SQL » sont écrites dans le journal des événements Windows.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : La carte de métadonnées se bloque lorsque l’utilisateur appartient à une multitude de groupes d’utilisateurs ID : 151670
Symptôme : La carte de métadonnées se bloque lorsque l’utilisateur appartient à un très grand nombre de groupes
d’utilisateurs (16 000+).
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : problème de décalage UTC avec la valeur dynamique %TODAY% dans la configuration de la carte de métadonnées ID : 152818
Symptôme : la valeur dynamique %TODAY% définie pour un champ de date dynamique dans la configuration
de la carte de métadonnées prend en compte l’UTC. Cela peut entraîner l’affichage d’une date incorrecte (jour suivant) dans le champ de date de la carte de métadonnées.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : la co-création n’est pas prise en charge pour les fichiers XLSM (.xlsm) dans M-Files Web ID : 152879
Symptôme : « Extraire pour la co-création » dans le menu contextuel de M-Files Web
n’est pas disponible pour les fichiers XLSM.
Solution : Corrigé.
Défaut : M-Files Web se bloque après la mise à jour du serveur cloud ID : 132604
Symptôme : M-Files Web est inaccessible aux utilisateurs après la mise à jour
du serveur cloud.
Solution : Corrigé.